803 research outputs found

    qq-Virasoro/W Algebra at Root of Unity and Parafermions

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    We demonstrate that the parafermions appear in the rr-th root of unity limit of qq-Virasoro/WnW_n algebra. The proper value of the central charge of the coset model sl^(n)rsl^(n)mnsl^(n)mn+r \frac{\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_r \oplus \widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_{m-n}}{\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_{m-n+r}} is given from the parafermion construction of the block in the limit.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, minor corrections mad

    Doživljanje biopolitike: osebna zgodba

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    I examine the tension between biopolitics and necropolitics through three themes that I have perceived and that are related to my life in Japan. First, I examine the transformation of hospitals and medical care, particularly for the elderly, through my experience of sharing the end of my mother’s life. Modern medicine has made great achievements in treating diseases that used to be fatal, but it has become institutionalized in the context of Big Pharma interests, with no insight into the natural ageing and death of human beings. Second, I discuss how the ecological worldview on parasitism and symbiosis has been distorted by industrial logic, drawing on the work of my esteemed friend and parasitologist Professor Koichiro Fujita, who passed away in 2021. Finally, with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic, I would argue that it is not a sudden phenomenon triggered by a new virus, but in a sense a disaster that has been prepared for decades and must be seen as a war using bioengineering and epidemiology as weapons, rather than tanks and bombs.Avtor razišče napetost med biopolitiko in nekropolitiko skozi tri teme, ki jih je zaznal in so povezane z njegovim življenjem na Japonskem. Najprej preuči preoblikovanje bolnišnic in zdravstvene oskrbe, zlasti za starejše, in sicer na podlagi svoje izkušnje v času materinega umiranja. Sodobna medicina je dosegla velike uspehe pri zdravljenju bolezni, ki so bile nekoč usodne, vendar se je institucionalizirala v kontekstu interesov velikih farmacevtskih podjetij, brez vpogleda v naravno staranje in smrt človeka. Dalje avtor razpravlja o tem, kako je industrijska logika izkrivila ekološki svetovni nazor o parazitizmu in simbiozi, pri čemer se opira na delo svojega spoštovanega prijatelja in parazitologa, profesorja Koichira Fujite, ki je preminil leta 2021. Nazadnje, v zvezi s pandemijo covida-19 avtor trdi, da njen nenaden izbruh ni rezultat nekega novega virusa, temveč katastrofa, ki se je pripravljala desetletja in jo je treba obravnavati kot vojno, ki za orožje uporablja bioinženiring in epidemiologijo, ne pa tankov in bomb

    Localized Distributions of Quasi Two-Dimensional Electronic States near Defects Artificially Created at Graphite Surfaces in Magnetic Fields

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    We measured the local density of states of a quasi two-dimensional electron system (2DES) near defects, artificially created by Ar-ion sputtering, on surfaces of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) with scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) in high magnetic fields. At valley energies of the Landau level spectrum, we found two typical localized distributions of the 2DES depending on the defects. These are new types of distributions which are not observed in the previous STS work at the HOPG surface near a point defect [Y. Niimi \textit{et al}., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 97}, 236804 (2006).]. With increasing energy, we observed gradual transformation from the localized distributions to the extended ones as expected for the integer quantum Hall state. We show that the defect potential depth is responsible for the two localized distributions from comparison with theoretical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Real-Space Imaging of Alternate Localization and Extension of Quasi Two-Dimensional Electronic States at Graphite Surfaces in Magnetic Fields

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    We measured the local density of states (LDOS) of a quasi two-dimensional (2D) electron system near point defects on a surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. Differential tunnel conductance images taken at very low temperatures and in high magnetic fields show a clear contrast between localized and extended spatial distributions of the LDOS at the valley and peak energies of the Landau level spectrum, respectively. The localized electronic state has a single circular distribution around the defects with a radius comparable to the magnetic length. The localized LDOS is in good agreement with a spatial distribution of a calculated wave function for a single electron in 2D in a Coulomb potential in magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Universally Leptophilic Dark Matter From Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetry

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    The positron anomaly recently reported by the cosmic-ray measurements can be explained by the decaying dark matter scenario, where it decays mainly into leptons with the lifetime of O(10^26) second. When the dark matter is a fermionic particle, the lifetime of this order is known to be obtained by a dimension 6 operator suppressed by the unification scale 10^16 GeV, while such decay operators do not necessarily involve only leptons. In addition, the scenario would be spoiled if there exist lower-dimensional operators inducing the dark matter decay. We show in this letter that a single non-Abelian discrete symmetry such as A_4 is possible to prohibit all such harmful (non-leptonically coupled and lower-dimensional) operators. Moreover, the dark matter decays into charged leptons in a flavor-blind fashion due to the non-Abelian flavor symmetry, which results in perfect agreements not only with the PAMELA data but also with the latest Fermi-LAT data reported very recently. We also discuss some relevance between the discrete symmetry and neutrino physics.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 1 figur

    Medicine and philosophy with supreme humanity and achievement by great physicians, Schweitzer, Osler and Hinohara

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    From a medical and human perspective, there are three great physicians, which are Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Sir William Osler and Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara. As common aspects, they had the Christianity circumstances and the experiences with learning art, natural science and medicine. They estimated that medicine has to include the aspects of science and art in certain proportionality. Compared differences between science and art would be as follows: disease vs illness, case vs patient, cure vs care, evidence-based vs narrative-based. Hinohara developed music therapy that combines science and art. This article is expected to become some reference in the future