27 research outputs found

    IgA-enhancing effects of membrane vesicles derived from Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei NBRC15893

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    Immunoglobulin (Ig) A in the mucus of the intestinal tract plays an important role in preventing the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and regulating the composition of the gut microbiota. Several strains of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are known to promote intestinal IgA production. Bacteria are also known to naturally release spherical membrane vesicles (MVs) that are involved in various biological functions such as quorum sensing, pathogenesis, and host immunomodulation. However, the production of MVs by LAB and their effects on host immunity remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the MV production by Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei NBRC15893 isolated from kimoto, the traditional seed mash used for brewing sake. MVs were separated from the culture broth of L. sakei NBRC15893 through filtration and density gradient ultracentrifugation and were observed by transmission electron microscopy. The MVs showed a spherical morphology, with a diameter of 30–400 nm, and contained proteins and nucleic acids. In addition, both the LAB cells and purified MVs promoted IgA production by murine Peyer’s patch cells. This MV- and cell-induced IgA production was suppressed by neutralization of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, which recognizes cell wall components of gram-positive bacteria, using an anti-TLR2 antibody. Collectively, our results indicate that MVs released from L. sakei NBRC15893 enhance IgA production by activating host TLR2 signaling through its cell wall components. Thus, it is important to consider novel interactions between gut microbiota and hosts via MVs, and MVs derived from probiotic bacteria could have promising applications as safe adjuvants.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI grant (Nos. 16K18302 and 18K04857 [to S.Y.Y]; 15H05790, 16H01373, 17H04134, and 26293111 [to J.K.]

    Comparison of glucose monitoring between Freestyle Libre Pro and iPro2 in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Aims/Introduction: Flash and continuous glucose monitoring systems are becomingprevalent in clinical practice. We directly compared a flash glucose monitoring system(FreeStyle Libre Pro [FSL-Pro]) with a continuous glucose monitoring system (iPro2) inpatients with diabetes mellitus.Materials and Methods: Glucose concentrations were simultaneously measured usingthe FSL-Pro, iPro2 and self-monitoring blood glucose in 10 patients with diabetes mellitus,and agreement among them was assessed.Results: Parkes error grid analysis showed that the 92.9 and 7.1% of glucose valuesmeasured using the FSL-Pro fell into areas A and B, respectively, and that 96.3, 2.8 and0.9% of those determined using iPro2 fell into areas A, B and C, respectively. The medianabsolute relative differences compared with self-monitoring blood glucose were 8.1%(3.9–12.7%) and 5.0% (2.6–9.1%) for the FSL-Pro and iPro2, respectively. Analysis of 5,555paired values showed a close correlation between FSL-Pro and iPro2 glucose values(q = 0.96, P < 0.01). Notably, 65.3% of all glucose values were lower for the FSL-Pro thanthe iPro2. Median glucose values also decreased by 3.3% for the FSL-Pro compared withthe iPro2 (177.0 [133.0–228.0] vs 183.0 [145.0–230.0] mg/dL, P < 0.01). The difference inglucose values between the two systems was more pronounced in hypoglycemia. Themedian absolute relative difference between FSL-Pro and iPro2 during hypoglycemia wasmuch larger than that during euglycemia and hyperglycemia.Conclusions: Both the FSL-Pro and iPro2 systems are clinically acceptable, but glucosevalues tended to be lower when measured using the FSL-Pro than the iPro2. Agreementwas not close between these systems during hypoglycemia

    Enhancement of 1,4-Dihydroxy-2-Naphthoic Acid Production by Propionibacterium freudenreichii ET-3 Fed-Batch Culture▿

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    The production of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (DHNA) was investigated using a fed-batch culture of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ET-3. DHNA is a precursor of menaquinone (MK) and is transformed to MK by combination with an isoprenoid unit. We found that ET-3 stopped MK production and increased DHNA production in an anaerobic fed-batch culture by maintaining the lactose concentration at approximately zero. The maximum DHNA concentration observed in the anaerobic fed-batch culture was markedly higher than the maximum DHNA concentration observed in an anaerobic batch culture. Moreover, MK or DHNA production was affected by the lactose feeding rate; this suggests that lactose metabolism participates in the syntheses of these products. On the other hand, accumulation of propionate was found to inhibit DHNA production in the fed-batch culture. Based on the fact that ET-3 increases DHNA production in an aerobic culture by consuming propionate, we carried out a cultivation experiment in which an anaerobic fed-batch culture was switched to an anaerobic batch culture and found that the DHNA production was increased to a greater extent than the DHNA production in an anaerobic fed-batch culture. These results suggest that DHNA production by ET-3 is markedly influenced by carbon source limitation and the oxygen supply

    ブルーベリー ノ グルタミン ゴウセイ コウソ カッセイ ト カヨウセイ タンパク ノ SDS-ポリアクリルアミドゲル デンキ エイドウ

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    Glutamine synthetase activities in leaves and roots of blueberry were determined in relation to ammonium assimilation. SBS-PAGE analysis of soluble protein was also carried out. There was a little difference between in vitro and in vivo GS activities in blueberry leaves, while apple leaf GS activity was higher in in vitro than in in vivo. In vivo GS activities in leaves of blueberry and satsuma mandarin were higher in tris-HC 1 buffer than in phosphate buffer. In vivo GS activity was higher at near pH7. In vivo and in vitro GS activities in leaves and roots of blueberry were lower than those of apple. In vivo and in vitro GS activities in leaves and roots of apple were increased by addition of ATP, while those of blueberry tended to be decreased. In vivo GS activity in blueberry leaves was decreased by addition of glutamic acid from 0 to 25 mM. Leaf and root proteins analyzed by SDS-PAGE were less in blueberry than in apple. These trees had more bands in leaves than in roots. Protein bands of blueberry and apple leaves were influenced by N forms supplied

    ピートモス シヨウ チッソ ケイタイ オヨビ ドジョウ pH ガ ラビットアイ ブルーベリー ノ セイイク ト ヨウブン キュウシュウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    The effects of peat-moss application, nitrogen form (NH4 -N and N03-N) and soil pH on the growth and nutrient uptake of \u27Homebell\u27 rabbiteye blueberry (vaccinium ashei Reade) were investigated. Peat-moss and NH4-N applications resulted in the best blueberry growth at pH 4. NH4-N promoted leaf development better than N03-N. The plants grown at pH 6 with N03-N developed leaf chlorosis or leaf scorch. With peat-moss application, the N, P and K contents of leaves, twigs and roots increased at pH 4, both with NH4-N and N03-N. The Ca contents of leaves, twigs and roots were higher at pH 6 than at pH 4, and increased with peat-moss application. The Mg content of roots increased with peat-moss application. The Mn content of leaves was higher at pH 4 than at pH 6. With peat-moss application, the Mn contents of leaves and twigs increased at pH 4 and that of roots decreased at pH 6. The Al content of leaves was higher at pH 4 than at pH 6. With peat-moss application, the A1 and Fe contents of leaves, twigs and roots decreased. Peat-moss may play an important role in blueberry growth in highly acidic soil in terms of preventing the disorders caused by N03-N or soil pH above the optimum range

    ラビットアイ ブルーベリー ノ セイイク オヨビ N P K Ca Mg Fe Mn Al ノ キュウシュウ ニ オヨボス ドジョウ pH ノ エイキョウ

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    ブルーベリーは北米原産,ツツジ科(Ericaceae)スノキ属(Vaccinium)に分類される樹高1~3mほどの落葉果樹である.果実は甘酸っぱく,生食あるいはジャム,ジュースなどの加工品として利用されている.近年,果実に豊富に含まれるアントシアニンや食物繊維などの成分が生活習慣病の予防に効果があるといわれ,機能性食品としても注目されている(伊藤,2001).我が国では栽培種のブルーベリーとして,ハイブッシュブルーベリー(ハイブッシュ)とラビットアイブルーベリー(ラビットアイ)が主要なものである.いずれも好酸性植物であり,好適土壌pHはハイブッシュが4.3~48,ラビットアイは4.3~55とされている(Eck,1988;片倉・横溝,1995b;玉田,1997).好適pHが低いことから栽培上の問題点も多く,好適土壌pHよりも高くなると葉にクロロシスの発生や生育障害を生じ,生産量は著しく低下することが知られている(杉山ら,1989;片倉,1997).ブルーベリーの導入にあたり園地土壌のpHを適正に維持管理することは,良好な生育を得るために必要不可欠である(玉田・池ヶ谷,2001).ブルーベリー栽培では,土壌pHは生育を左右する重要な要因の一つである.またブルーベリーでは,施肥が原因で生じる生育障害も発生しやすく,特に窒素肥料として硝酸態窒素(NO_N)を施肥するとアンモニア態窒素(NH_N)に比べて著しく生育が劣ることも知られている(Sugiyama・Hanawa,1992;片倉・横溝,1995a).この好アンモニア性にも土壌中有機態窒素の無機化によって生じる両形態窒素量との関連から土壌pHが関わっていると考えられる.一般に,ブルーベリーの鉢栽培においては,ピートモス単独や鹿沼土あるいは赤玉土にピートモスを混合して使われることが多い.しかし,このような用土でのブルーベリーの栄養生理についてはよく分かっていない.そこで本研究では,広く園芸用土として使われている赤玉土を主体に使用し,土壌pHがラビットアイの生育およびN,P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Alの樹体各部位への吸収に及ぼす影響について検討するとともに,ラビットアイの好酸性の機構解明の手掛かりを得ようとしたものである.Effects of soil(Akadama-tsuchi) pH 3.6, 4.3, 5.3, 6.0 and 6.6 on the growth and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Al uptake in \u27Homebell\u27 rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) were studied. Leaf, twig and root weights increased most at pH 4.3. The plants developed marginal leaf scorch at pH 3.6 and leaf chlorosis at pH 6.0 and 6.6. Leaf N and P content increased at pH 3.6 and 4.3. Twig N, P and root P content increased at pH 3.6. Leaf K content increased gradually with lowering soil pH. Leaf and root Ca content increased with incresing soil pH. Leaf Mg content increased at pH 5.3 and 6.0. Large amounts of Fe and Al were accumulated into roots. Root Fe content increased only at pH 3.6, while root Al content increased gradually with lowering soil pH, resulting in an increase of leaf Al content at pH 3.6. Leaf and twig Mn content increased most at pH 4.3 and root Mn content decreased at pH 6.0 and 6.6. High acidic soil did not increase the translocation of Al and Fe from roots to tops. This phenomenon may be an acidphile or tolerance mechanism of blueberry plants for high acidic soil