26 research outputs found

    Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 15 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar di Kota Malang

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    Windra Rizkiyana1 & Wahyu Widodo21 Mahasiswa & 2Staf Pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Bandung No.1 MalangEmail: [email protected] education, still found a gender gap regarding both aspects of the expansion of educationalaccess and equity, quality and relevance of education and management. The purpose of this studywere: (1) describe the substance Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming; (2) describethe implementation of Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming in Elementary Educationin Malang; (3) Analyze the obstacles encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 onGender Mainstreaming in Elementary Education in Malang. This type of research is a descriptiveanalysis, using a qualitative approach that is supported by a quantitative approach. And the techniquesof data acolllection through by interviews and the documents. Study sites are in Malang EducationDepartment. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative theorysupported by Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP), Content Analysis and Root Analysis. Implementationof Permendagri No 15 of 2008 about gender mainstreaming in basic education levels in Malang hasnot been optimal. These proved by the remains of gender inequality or gap that occurs in all threeaspects, that access and educational equity, quality and relevance of education, as well as accountabilityand governance. Constraints encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on gendermainstreaming in elementary education in Malang include: (a) Outreach activities that are specificallyabout the PUG in primary education has not been done; (b) The budget is not specifically formainstreaming activities; (c) newly formed working group PUG.Key word: Permendagri No. 15 of 2008, gender mainstreaming, basic educatio

    Differential Effects of Tissue-Specific Deletion of BOSS on Feeding Behaviors and Energy Metabolism

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    <div><p>Food intake and energy metabolism are tightly controlled to maintain stable energy homeostasis and healthy states. Thus, animals detect their stored energy levels, and based on this, they determine appropriate food intake and meal size. <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> putative G protein-coupled receptor, Bride of sevenless (BOSS) is a highly evolutionarily conserved protein that responds to extracellular glucose levels in order to regulate energy homeostasis. To address how BOSS regulates energy homeostasis, we characterized a <i>boss</i> mutant by assessing its food intake and stored energy levels. <i>Boss</i> mutants exhibited increased food intake but decreased stored triacylglyceride levels. Using boss-GAL4 drivers, we found that <i>boss</i> is expressed in select tissues that are involved in nutrient sensing and food intake, in a subset of neurons in brain and chemosensory organs, in fat body, and in endocrine cells in gut (enteroendocrine cells). Flies with tissue-specific <i>boss</i> knockdowns in these tissues had abnormal stored energy levels and abnormal food intake. These results suggest that BOSS in either neurons or peripheral nutrient-sensing tissues affects energy homeostasis in ways that relate to the sensing of nutrients and regulation of food intake.</p></div

    Gut lipase activity declines with aging in <i>boss</i> mutant flies.

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    <p>(A) Oil-Red-O staining of neutral lipids in the guts of young (10-days) and old (30-days) control and <i>boss</i> mutant female flies. Anterior midgut region stores lipid (arrowhead). (B) Expression of gut lipases (lipA/margo, CG6295, and dlip4) in the intestines of young (day 10) flies, as assessed by qRT-PCR (n = 3, 5 guts per replicate). (C) <i>boss</i> mutant flies are resistant to orlistat treatment. Young adult male <i>boss</i> mutant flies and control flies were fed a diet with or without orlistat (2.0 μM) for 5 days. Afterward TAG levels were determined (n = 5, 10 flies per replicate) and normalized for total protein. Levels are presented as normalized to levels for wild-type flies. Data are mean relative ratios ± SEM, and differences are significant by t-test (*P<0.05).</p

    Loss of BOSS Causes Shortened Lifespan with Mitochondrial Dysfunction in <i>Drosophila</i>

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    <div><p>Aging is a universal process that causes deterioration in biological functions of an organism over its lifetime. There are many risk factors that are thought to contribute to aging rate, with disruption of metabolic homeostasis being one of the main factors that accelerates aging. Previously, we identified a new function for the putative G-protein-coupled receptor, Bride of sevenless (BOSS), in energy metabolism. Since maintaining metabolic homeostasis is a critical factor in aging, we investigated whether BOSS plays a role in the aging process. Here, we show that BOSS affects lifespan regulation. <i>boss</i> null mutants exhibit shortened lifespans, and their locomotor performance and gut lipase activity—two age-sensitive markers—are diminished and similar to those of aged control flies. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is also elevated in <i>boss</i> null mutants, and their ROS defense system is impaired. The accumulation of protein adducts (advanced lipoxidation end products [ALEs] and advanced glycation end products [AGEs]) caused by oxidative stress are elevated in <i>boss</i> mutant flies. Furthermore, <i>boss</i> mutant flies are sensitive to oxidative stress challenges, leading to shortened lives under oxidative stress conditions. Expression of superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), which is located in mitochondria and normally regulates ROS removal, was decreased in <i>boss</i> mutant flies. Systemic overexpression of SOD2 rescued <i>boss</i> mutant phenotypes. Finally, we observed that mitochondrial mass was greater in <i>boss</i> mutant flies. These results suggest that BOSS affects lifespan by modulating the expression of a set of genes related to oxidative stress resistance and mitochondrial homeostasis.</p></div

    hsp22 expression is not induced in <i>boss</i> mutant flies.

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    <p>(A) Expression of <i>hsp22</i> mRNA was measured in 7-, 21-and 35-days-old control and <i>boss</i> mutant flies by using qRT-PCR (n = 3, 10 flies per replicate). Data are means ± SEM (t-test, *P<0.05). (B) DsRed fluorescence was observed in control and <i>boss</i> mutant flies bearing the Hsp22-DsRed reporter. DsRed fluorescence progressively increased during aging in control but not in <i>boss</i> mutant flies. (C) Flies bearing the Hsp22-DsRed reporter were transferred to a diet containing 0.5% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 24 h, and then DsRed fluorescence was observed. Under this oxidative stressful condition, <i>boss</i> mutant flies still failed to exhibit increased <i>hsp22</i> expression, suggesting dysfunctional mitochondria and oxidative stress dysregulation.</p

    <i>Boss</i> mutant flies are hyperphagic.

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    <p>(A) Food consumption measured by the CAFE assay (n = 10, 10 flies per replicate). (B) Food consumption measured by Blue-dye ingestion assay. The ingestion of dye was quantified after feeding male flies for 1h in the light cycle, and then by measuring the absorbance of ingested dye (n = 10, 10 flies per replicate). Data are represented as mean ±SEM (*P<0.05).</p

    BOSS is expressed in nutrient-sensing tissues.

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    <p>Expression of <i>boss</i> in larval and adult flies was visualized by expression of 10xUAS-mCD8.GFP and UAS-mCherry<sup>NLS</sup> using a <i>boss-GAL4</i> driver. (A-C) Expression in larval (A) and adult (B) sensory organs. (C) Adult foreleg. (D) Larval CNS. (E) Adult brain. (F) Adult thoracic ganglion. To identify the locations of <i>boss</i>-expressing cells, UAS-mCherry<sup>NLS</sup> (magenta) was coexpressed with 10xUAS-mCD8.GFP [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0133083#pone.0133083.ref009" target="_blank">9</a>] in the brain and sensory organs. The CNS was also labeled with antibody nc82 (blue), a marker that labels synapses. Larval (G) and adult (H) midgut. The gut was counterstained with DAPI (blue) and a marker for enteroendocrine cells, prospero (magenta). Arrowheads show the prospero-positive GFP-expressing cells. See also <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0133083#pone.0133083.s002" target="_blank">S2 Fig</a>. Larval (I) and adult (J) fat body. The fat body was counterstained with DAPI (blue), a cell nucleus marker. Scale bars; 500 μm in A, 30 μm in B, 200 μm in C and E, 100 μm in G, H and J, 80 μm in D, 50 μm in H.</p

    Mitochondrial mass is increased in <i>boss</i> mutant flies.

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    <p>(A) Quantification of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in control and <i>boss</i> mutant flies as determined by qPCR (n = 3, 5 flies per replicate). mtDNA of both young (7-days) and old (35-days) <i>boss</i> mutant flies was greater than in control flies. Data are means ± SEM (t-test, *P<0.05). (B) The amount of mitochondria was determined using Western blotting and anti-ATP5A antibody. ATP5 levels were increased in <i>boss</i> mutant flies, suggesting that the total mass of mitochondria increased. Values at bottom of columns are quantitation of ATP5A densitometry analysis (ATP5A/tubulin ratio). (C) ATP production levels were measured in young (7-days) and old (35-days) flies (n = 3, 5 flies per replicate). Data are means ± SEM (t-test, *P<0.05). (D) Expression of <i>pgc1</i> mRNA was measured in young (7-days) and old (35 days) flies by qRT-PCR (n = 3, 10 flies per replicate). <i>pgc-1</i> mRNA levels were significantly decreased in young <i>boss</i> mutant flies, indicating indicates mitochondrial biogenesis is reduced. Data are means ± SEM (t-test, *P<0.05). (E) Representative confocal images showing indirect flight muscles stained with phalloidin (magenta) and anti-ATP5 antibody (green). One representative optical section is shown from each phenotype. Scale bar, 50μm. Comparison of the mitochondrial size of both young (7-days) and old (35-days) of control and <i>boss</i> mutant flies are shown to the right. Data are means ± SEM (t-test, *P<0.05).</p

    Effect of tissue-specific expression of boss RNAi on food intake.

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    <p>Flies expressing boss RNAi in neurons from the elav-GAL4 (A), enteroendocrine cells from proepero-GAL4 (B), and fat body from FB-GAL4 (C) were used for blue-dye ingestion assay. The ingestion of dye was quantified after feeding male flies for 1 h, and thereafter by measuring the absorbance of ingested dye. Two transgene insertions were used: boss-RNAi #1 and #2 (n = 10, 10 flies per replicate). Assays were performed under two conditions [no starvation (upper row) and 24h starvation (lower row)]. Data are represented as mean ±SEM (*P<0.05).</p

    Effect of tissue-specific expression of boss RNAi on lipid and glycogen levels.

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    <p>TAG (upper row) and glycogen (lower row) levels were normalized to protein levels and expressed as ratios to the control. The flies’ genotypes are the same as those flies used in the blue-dye ingestion assay.</p