25 research outputs found

    Indikasi Kerusakan Dingin pada Mentimun Jepang (Cucumis Sativus L.) Berdasarkan Perubahan Ion Leakage dan PH

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    In this study, the chilling induced in Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) stored at chilled temperature and the changes in its quality during storage period were examined. Change in ion leakage and pH were used as indicator of chilling injury symptopms. The sample of cucumber were stored at 5ÂșC (chilling) and 25ÂșC (non chilling). Percentage of ion leakage for cucumber stored at 5ÂșC was higher than that at 25 ÂșC at storage time of 3, 6 and 9 days. The increase in the rate of ion leakage at 5ÂșC indicates the chilling induced of cell membrane. The increasing tendency of pH was observed for cucumber stored at 5ÂșC with the value at storage time of 9 days were higher than that at 25ÂșC. The increase in pH could be thought as the change in acid content which indicate the occurrence of chilling injury. Changes in ion leakage and pH indicate the change in membrane permeability which related to chilling injury

    Indikasi kerusakan dingin pada mentimun Jepang (Cucumis sativus L.) berdasarkan perubahan ion leakage dan pH

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    AbstractIn this study, the chilling induced in Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) stored at chilled temperature and the changes in its quality during storage period were examined. Change in ion leakage and pH were used as indicator of chilling injury symptopms. The sample of cucumber were stored at 5ÂșC (chilling) and 25ÂșC (non chilling). Percentage of ion leakage for cucumber stored at 5ÂșC was higher than that at 25 ÂșC at storage time of 3, 6 and 9 days. The increase in the rate of ion leakage at 5ÂșC indicates the chilling induced of cell membrane. The increasing tendency of pH was observed for cucumber stored at 5ÂșC with the value at storage time of 9 days were higher than that at 25ÂșC. The increase in pH could be thought as the change in acid content which indicate the occurrence of chilling injury. Changes in ion leakage and pH indicate the change in membrane permeability which related to chilling injury. Keywords: chilling injury, ion leakage, pH, Japanese cucumber, low temperature storage Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis terjadinya gejala chilling injury pada mentimun Jepang (Cucumis sativus L.) yang disimpan pada suhu rendah. Perubahan ion leakage dan pH digunakan sebagai indikator terjadinya chilling injury. Sampel mentimun disimpan pada suhu 5ÂșC (suhu rendah) dan  and 25ÂșC (suhu ruang). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa persentase dari ion leakage untuk mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 5ÂșC lebih tinggi dibanding pada suhu 25 ÂșC pada periode penyimpanan 3, 6 dan 9 hari. Kenaikan laju ion leakage pada mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 5ÂșC menunjukkan adanya pengaruh suhu rendah terhadap membran sel. Kecenderungan kenaikan pH terlihat pada mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu  5ÂșC dengan nilai lebih besar pada hari penyimpanan ke 9 dibandingkan dengan mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 25ÂșC. Kenaikan pada pH menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan kandungan asam yang mengindikasikan terjadinya gejala chilling injury. Perubahan ion leakage dan pH menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan permeabilitas membran yang berkorelasi terhadap gejala chilling injury. Kata kunci: chilling injury, ion leakage, pH, mentimun Jepang, penyimpanan suhu rendahDiterima: 11 Oktober 2011; Disetujui: 20 Februari 2012

    Separation Process of Nonpolar Gas Hydrate in Food Solution under High Pressure Apparatus

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    Separation process of nonpolar gas hydrate formation in liquid food was experimentally studied under high pressure container. Xenon (Xe) gas was selected as hydrate forming gas and coffee solution was used as a sample of liquid food. The high-pressure stainless steel container having the inner diameter of 60 mm and the volume of 700 mL with a U-shaped stirrer was designed to carry out this experiment. A temperature of 9.0 ∘ C and Xe partial pressure of 0.9 MPa were set as a given condition. The experiment was designed to examine the effect of steel screen size, formation rate, temperature condition, and amount of Xe gas dissolving in the solution on the separation process which was indicated by concentration efficiency. Screen size of 200 and 280 mesh resulted in higher concentration efficiency than that of 100 mesh. The higher stirring rate caused the higher formation rate of Xe hydrate and created the smaller Xe hydrate crystals. At the condition giving the same solubility in water, temperature of 14.8 ∘ C resulted in lower concentration efficiency than 9.0 ∘ C. The increase in the amount of Xe gas dissolving in coffee solution caused the concentration efficiency to decrease; however, the concentration ratio between the final and initial concentration of the solution increased

    Surface Modification of Fluoropolymer Using Open-Air Plasma Treatment at Atmospheric Pressure with Ar, ArO2, and ArH2 for Application in HighAdhesion Metal Wiring Patterns

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    We performed open-air plasma treatment of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) at atmospheric pressure to increase the adhesion strength between PTFE and an Ag metal film formed from Ag ink. Coloration of the PTFE surface occurred during 600 s treatment with Ar plasma. The Ag/PTFE adhesion strength was 0.06 N/mm. To resolve the problem of coloration and to improve the adhesion strength, O2 or H2 gas was added. During treatment with Ar+O2 plasma with O2 content of 0.33% for 600 s, no coloration occurred but the adhesion strength decreased to zero. During treatment with Ar+H2 plasma for 600 s, coloration did not occur. Moreover, the adhesion strength increased to 0.25-0.55 N/mm. These results showed that H2 addition was effective for preventing coloration and improving adhesion strength during long-period plasma treatment. Furthermore, the uniformity of surface treatment with Ar+H2 plasma was higher than that for Ar plasma

    Chlorides behavior in raw fly ash washing experiments.

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    Chloride in fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) is one of the obstructive substances in recycling fly ash as building materials. As a result, we have to understand the behavior of chlorides in recycling process, such as washing. In this study, we used X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to study the chloride behavior in washed residue of raw fly ash (RFA). We found that a combination of XRD and XANES, which is to use XRD to identify the situation of some compounds first and then process XANES data, was an effective way to explain the chlorides behavior in washing process. Approximately 15% of the chlorine in RFA was in the form of NaCl, 10% was in the form of KCl, 51% was CaCl(2), and the remainder was in the form of Friedel's salt. In washing experiments not only the mole percentage but also the amount of soluble chlorides including NaCl, KCl and CaCl(2) decreases quickly with the increase of liquid to solid (L/S) ratio or washing frequency. However, those of insoluble chlorides decrease slower. Moreover, Friedel's salt and its related compound (11CaO.7Al(2)O(3).CaCl(2)) were reliable standards for the insoluble chlorides in RFA, which are strongly related to CaCl(2). Washing of RFA promoted the release of insoluble chlorides, most of which were in the form of CaCl(2)

    Separation Process of Nonpolar Gas Hydrate in Food Solution under High Pressure Apparatus

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    Separation process of nonpolar gas hydrate formation in liquid food was experimentally studied under high pressure container. Xenon (Xe) gas was selected as hydrate forming gas and coffee solution was used as a sample of liquid food. The high-pressure stainless steel container having the inner diameter of 60 mm and the volume of 700 mL with a U-shaped stirrer was designed to carry out this experiment. A temperature of 9.0°C and Xe partial pressure of 0.9 MPa were set as a given condition. The experiment was designed to examine the effect of steel screen size, formation rate, temperature condition, and amount of Xe gas dissolving in the solution on the separation process which was indicated by concentration efficiency. Screen size of 200 and 280 mesh resulted in higher concentration efficiency than that of 100 mesh. The higher stirring rate caused the higher formation rate of Xe hydrate and created the smaller Xe hydrate crystals. At the condition giving the same solubility in water, temperature of 14.8°C resulted in lower concentration efficiency than 9.0°C. The increase in the amount of Xe gas dissolving in coffee solution caused the concentration efficiency to decrease; however, the concentration ratio between the final and initial concentration of the solution increased

    Chloride Chemical Form in Various Types of Fly Ash

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