134 research outputs found


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    Monocular deprivation produces depression and potentiation of visual responses evoked in visual cortical neurons by stimulation of deprived and nondeprived eyes, respectively, during the critical period of ocular dominance plasticity. Our previous studies suggested that T-type Ca²⁺ channel-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP), induced by 2 Hz stimulation, mediates the potentiation of visual responses. However, it was proposed that the experience-dependent response potentiation is mediated by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα)-dependent homeostatic synaptic scaling but not by Hebbian synaptic plasticity, because the potentiation was absent in TNFα knockout (TNFα-KO) mice. In this study, we investigated whether TNFα is required for LTP induced by 2 Hz stimulation using visual cortical slices prepared from critical period mice and rats. The production of LTP was prevented by pharmacological blockade of TNFα in rats and mice. LTP production was also prevented by an inhibitor of TNFα-converting enzyme that converts membrane-bound TNFα to soluble TNFα. In TNFα-KO mice, LTP did not occur and was rescued by exogenous soluble TNFα. Soluble TNFα was required for LTP production only during a restricted time window soon after 2 Hz stimulation. These results strengthen the view that T-type Ca²⁺ channel-dependent LTP contributes to the potentiation of nondeprived eye responses following monocular deprivation.博士(医学)・乙第1401号・平成29年6月28日Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved

    Microperimetry and multimodal imaging in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

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    Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a degenerative macular disease. The study determined the topographical concordance in the areal extent of PCV, defined by indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), and the corresponding outcomes from spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and microperimetry, in 25 individuals (25 eyes) who had undergone 3 months of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment. The differential light sensitivity within 10° eccentricity was evaluated by Pattern Deviation probability analysis. The concordances and proportional areal extents of the abnormality for ICGA, SD-OCT and microperimetry were compared. The concordance in the areal extent between all three modalities was 59%. The median concordance between ICGA and microperimetry was 60%; between ICGA and SD-OCT, 70%; and between SD-OCT and microperimetry, 72%. SD-OCT and microperimetry each identified a greater areal extent (>20%) compared to ICGA in 13 and 19 eyes, respectively. A greater areal extent (>20%) was present in 9 eyes for microperimetry compared to SD-OCT and in 5 eyes for SD-OCT compared to microperimetry. SD-OCT and microperimetry each identified a greater area of abnormality than ICGA which supports the clinical utility of SD-OCT. Strong concordance was present between SD-OCT and microperimetry; however, microperimetry identified additional areas of functional abnormality

    Grid photocoagulation combined with intravitreal bevacizumab for recurrent macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion

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    Purpose: To report the efficacy of grid photocoagulation combined with intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) for macular edema recurring after previous IVBs associated with retinal vein occlusion (RVO).  Methods: This retrospective study consisted of 19 eyes with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and nine eyes with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), which were treated with grid photocoagulation combined with IVB for recurrent macular edema after previous IVBs. The mean duration of total follow-up was 29.3 ± 5.8 months.  Results: After this combination therapy, foveal thickness was reduced, significant with slight improvement in visual acuity (VA). At 1 month after treatment, although 25 of the 28 eyes showed complete resolution of the cystoid space, the macular edema recurred to some extent in 19 eyes. Compared with initial values, final foveal thickness was reduced significantly in both BRVO and CRVO groups (P < 0.001), but improvement in VA was significant only for eyes with BRVO (P = 0.012). The total number of IVB was 2.8 ± 0.7 for eyes with either BRVO or CRVO.  Conclusion: Grid photocoagulation combined with IVB has a substantial effect on reducing recurrent macular edema associated with RVO, but the effect on visual acuity is limited


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    Previously, we found that acetic acid had effects on lipid metabolism in skeletal muscles and has functions that work against obesity and obesity-linked type 2 diabetes through the activation of AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK). During exercise, AMPK is activated in skeletal muscle according to exercise intensity and it increases fatty acid oxidation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interactive effects of chronic intake of acetic acid and exercise training on lipid metabolism and endurance performance. Six-week-old SD rats were randomly assigned to four groups: water-injected (rest-water), acetic acid-injected (rest-ace), exercise-trained after injection of water (water-ex), and exercise-trained after injection of acetic acid (ace-ex) for 4 weeks. Body weight (BW) in rest-ace and ace-ex groups was significantly lower than rest-water group. Exercise-training groups showed an increase of exercise capacity, by the addition of intake of acetic acid, lipid oxidation was promoted during exercise tolerance test. Skeletal muscle of rats treated with acetic acid and exercise training led to higher expressions of cytochrome c (cycs), and tended to stimulate expressions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor coactivator 1-α (PGC1-α ) and MHC1 genes than those of rest-water group. Those results indicate that treatments both of exercise training and intake of acetic acid contribute to enhancement of lipid metabolism and improvement of exercise capacity.これまで我々は、酢酸の摂取が骨格筋内のAMP活性化プロテインキナーゼ(AMPK)の活性化を介して脂質代謝と肥満、肥満に関連した2型糖尿病の予防に効果があることを示唆してきた。AMPKは運動によって骨格筋で活性化し、脂肪酸酸化を促進する。この研究は、4週間の継続的な酢酸摂取と運動トレーニングが運動中の脂肪代謝と運動耐久性に及ぼす影響について調べることを目的とした。 6週齢のSD系雄ラットを安静期に水を摂取するrest-water群、酢酸を摂取するrest-ace群、運動前に水を摂取するwater-ex群、運動前に酢酸を摂取するace-ex群に無作為に分け実験を行った。酢酸を継続的に摂取すると水摂取に比較して腹腔内脂肪量の減少と体重増加の抑制がみられた。また継続的な酢酸摂取および運動トレーニングにより、耐久性運動下でのグルコース利用の抑制および脂肪酸酸化の促進が見られた。酢酸摂取および運動トレーニング群の腓腹筋では、MHCIおよびcytochrome c等の遅筋線維マーカー遺伝子が増加していた。継続的な酢酸摂取と運動トレーニングにより、脂肪代謝と運動耐久性の向上が示唆された


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    This paper aims to list and analyze the problems with learning attitudes and skills demonstrated by students at Toyohashi University of Technology. It is hoped that the results from this study will help form the basis for reform of the academic system and curriculum. The participants in this study were students taking my course, Japanese Letters and Characters and its Writing System, which was taught from 8:30 to 9:45 in the morning on Wednesday of autumn term (September to November) in the 2003 academic year. The method of data collection for this study included general class observations and an examinination of comments that were written by the participants at the end of each class session. The attitudes and the skills which students should learn are as follows: 1. Things that they should have learned in primary and secondary education. a. Be on time. b. Stay in your seat during class. c. Keep silent in class. d. Concentrate in class. e. Do not sleep in class. f. Do not do assignments for other couses in class. 2. Things that they should learn as conventions of tertiary education, a. Do not complete assignments with a pencil. b. Format your assignments as specified. c. Complete your assignments using a written style; i. e. "da/dearu tai". d. Do not forget to write your year, major, student ID, name and other data as specified. e. Hand in your assignments by the specified deadline. 3. Things that they should learn as part of lifelong education. a. Understand that expanding knowledge liberates onerself from prejudices. b. Learn by yourself outside class. c. Do not register for too many subjects so that you are able to spend enough time for preparation and review of classes. d. Bring your dictionaries with you at all times. The academic system should also change in order to improve our education. The introduction of the following two systems would be a remedy for many current problems. 1. Limit the number of subjects or credits that can be registered for in a term or year. 2. State in the Academic Guidebook that three types of courses require different hours of outside study. 3. Record failures on the grade sheet and count them for the grade point average

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    Pachychoroid neovasculopathy and age-related macular degeneration.

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    Pachychoroid neovasculopathy is a recently proposed clinical entity of choroidal neovascularization (CNV). As it often masquerades as neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), it is currently controversial whether pachychoroid neovasculopathy should be distinguished from neovascular AMD. This is because its characteristics have yet to be well described. To estimate the relative prevalence of pachychoroid neovasculopathy in comparison with neovascular AMD and to investigate the phenotypic/genetic differences of the two diseases, we evaluated 200 consecutive Japanese patients who agreed to participate in the genetic study and diagnosed with pachychoroid neovasculopathy or neovascular AMD. Pachychoroid neovasculopathy was observed in 39 individuals (19. 5%), which corresponds to one fourth of neovascular AMD. Patients with pachychoroid neovasculopathy were significantly younger (p = 5. 1 × 10[−5]) and showed a greater subfoveal choroidal thickness (p = 3. 4 × 10[−14]). Their genetic susceptibility to AMD was significantly lower than that of neovascular AMD; ARMS2 rs10490924 (p = 0. 029), CFH rs800292 (p = 0. 013) and genetic risk score calculated from 11 AMD susceptibility genes (p = 3.8 × 10[−3]). Current results implicate that the etiologies of the two conditions must be different. Thus, it will be necessary to distinguish these two conditions in future studie