38 research outputs found

    mtDNA and Hemodynamics in Mood Disorders

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    Background: Given a lack of markers, diagnoses of bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) rely on clinical assessment of symptoms. However, the depressive mood states of BD and depressive symptoms of MDD are often difficult to distinguish, which leads to misdiagnoses, which in turn leads to inadequate treatment. Previous studies have shown that the hemodynamic responses of the left frontopolar cortex measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) differ between BD and MDD; these hemodynamic responses are associated with altered mitochondrial metabolism; and mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn), an index of mitochondrial dysfunction, tends to decrease in BD and increase in MDD patients. In this study, we confirmed that mtDNAcn trends in opposite directions in BD and MDD. We then determined whether mtDNAcn could enhance the utility of NIRS as a diagnostic marker to distinguish between BD and MDD. Methods: We determined mtDNAcn in peripheral blood samples from 58 healthy controls, 79 patients with BD, and 44 patients with MDD. Regional hemodynamic responses during a verbal fluency task (VFT) in 24 BD patients and 44 MDD patients, matched by age and depression severity, were monitored using NIRS. Results: Measurements of mtDNAcn were lower in BD patients and higher in MDD patients than in controls. The left frontopolar region exhibited the most significant differences in mean VFT-related oxy-Hb changes between the BD and MDD groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis with variables including age, sex, hemodynamic response of the left frontopolar region, and mtDNAcn showed high accuracy for distinguishing BD from MDD (area under the curve = 0.917; 95% confidence interval = 0.849–0.985). For the BD group, we observed a positive correlation between hemodynamic responses in the left frontopolar region and mtDNAcn, while for the MDD group, we observed a negative correlation. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the association between hemodynamic response and mitochondrial dysfunction in BD or MDD plays an important role in differentiating the pathophysiological mechanisms of BD from those of MDD

    Clinical features of 125 patients with sarcoidosis: Okayama University Hospital review of a recent 10-year period.

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    Clinical features were studied in 125 patients with sarcoidosis (72 females and 53 males) diagnosed at Okayama University Hospital during a recent 10-year period. The age distribution had two peaks in patients in their 20s and the 50s. Over half of the patients were detected at health screening check and were asymptomatic, while the remaining were symptomatic. Twelve patients were in stage 0, 41 were in stage I, 54 were in stage II, 16 were in stage III, and 2 were in stage IV according to the chest x-ray findings. Serum angiotensin converting enzyme levels and serum lysozyme levels were elevated in 60% and 76% of the patients, respectively. The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid showed lymphocytosis, especially of helper T-cells. The clinical features of sarcoidosis appear to depend on the duration of the disease.</p

    CNVs in Three Psychiatric Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the similarities and differences in the roles of genic and regulatory copy number variations (CNVs) in bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia (SCZ), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). METHODS: Based on high-resolution CNV data from 8708 Japanese samples, we performed to our knowledge the largest cross-disorder analysis of genic and regulatory CNVs in BD, SCZ, and ASD. RESULTS: In genic CNVs, we found an increased burden of smaller (500 kb) exonic CNVs in SCZ/ASD. Pathogenic CNVs linked to neurodevelopmental disorders were significantly associated with the risk for each disorder, but BD and SCZ/ASD differed in terms of the effect size (smaller in BD) and subtype distribution of CNVs linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. We identified 3 synaptic genes (DLG2, PCDH15, and ASTN2) as risk factors for BD. Whereas gene set analysis showed that BD-associated pathways were restricted to chromatin biology, SCZ and ASD involved more extensive and similar pathways. Nevertheless, a correlation analysis of gene set results indicated weak but significant pathway similarities between BD and SCZ or ASD (r = 0.25–0.31). In SCZ and ASD, but not BD, CNVs were significantly enriched in enhancers and promoters in brain tissue. CONCLUSIONS: BD and SCZ/ASD differ in terms of CNV burden, characteristics of CNVs linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, and regulatory CNVs. On the other hand, they have shared molecular mechanisms, including chromatin biology. The BD risk genes identified here could provide insight into the pathogenesis of BD

    Aerosol assisted fabrication of two dimensional ZnO island arrays and honeycomb patterns with identical lattice structures

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    Two dimensional island arrays and honeycomb patterns consisting of ZnO nanocrystal clusters were fabricated on predefined TiO2 seed patterns prepared by vacuum free, aerosol assisted wet-chemical synthesis. The TiO2 seed patterns were prepared by applying an aerosol of a water soluble titanium complex on hexagonally close-packed polystyrene bead arrays for different lengths of time. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that a dot array grows into a honeycomb shape as increasing amounts of the precursor were deposited. ZnO nucleation on substrates with a dot array and honeycomb patterns resulted in the formation of two discrete patterns with contrasting fill fractions of the materials

    Repetition of Prediabetes Enhances the Risk of Developing Diabetes

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    We attempted to clarify the severity of the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the individuals who repeatedly fulfill the criteria for prediabetes in both fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The subjects were 2347 individuals who underwent annual health checkup at our hospital. They were classified as normal glucose tolerance or prediabetes as their yearly status of glucose tolerance for three years; furthermore, the individuals classified as prediabetes were subclassified into 3 groups. Among them, we focused the individuals who fulfilled the criteria for prediabetes in both FPG and HbA1c, and this group was named as PD3. Similarly, all subjects were categorized into 4 groups by the frequency of the status of PD3 during three years. Moreover, all subjects were categorized into 8 patterns when PD3 status was positive. Then, we surveyed the development of diabetes for 5 years, and the incidence rates (IRs) and the age- and sex-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were obtained. A total of 188 subjects developed diabetes. The individuals in the group of PD3 showed the highest IR of DM (33.6%). The values of ORs were 11.5, 20.0, and 63.5 when the frequencies of PD3 were one, two, and three, respectively. In the group whose frequency of PD3 was two, the individuals who had repeated the status of PD3 twice then moved to the status other than PD3 showed smaller risk of DM than the others in the same group. In conclusion, individuals who fulfill the criteria for prediabetes in both FPG and HbA1c were at a high risk of developing DM, and the risk was enhanced by repeating this status. On the other hand, changing the status from PD3 to others might reduce the risk of DM