128 research outputs found

    Direct evidence for pitavastatin induced chromatin structure change in the KLF4 gene in endothelial cells.

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    Statins exert atheroprotective effects through the induction of specific transcriptional factors in multiple organs. In endothelial cells, statin-dependent atheroprotective gene up-regulation is mediated by Kruppel-like factor (KLF) family transcription factors. To dissect the mechanism of gene regulation, we sought to determine molecular targets by performing microarray analyses of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) treated with pitavastatin, and KLF4 was determined to be the most highly induced gene. In addition, it was revealed that the atheroprotective genes induced with pitavastatin, such as nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3) and thrombomodulin (THBD), were suppressed by KLF4 knockdown. Myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family activation is reported to be involved in pitavastatin-dependent KLF4 induction. We focused on MEF2C among the MEF2 family members and identified a novel functional MEF2C binding site 148 kb upstream of the KLF4 gene by chromatin immunoprecipitation along with deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) followed by luciferase assay. By applying whole genome and quantitative chromatin conformation analysis {chromatin interaction analysis with paired end tag sequencing (ChIA-PET), and real time chromosome conformation capture (3C) assay}, we observed that the MEF2C-bound enhancer and transcription start site (TSS) of KLF4 came into closer spatial proximity by pitavastatin treatment. 3D-Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) imaging supported the conformational change in individual cells. Taken together, dynamic chromatin conformation change was shown to mediate pitavastatin-responsive gene induction in endothelial cells

    Distress in patients undergoing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treatment and their caregivers, and nursing support: An investigation into a case treated using tracheostomy invasive positive pressure ventilation

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    在宅人工呼吸療法へ移行した筋萎縮性側索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ; ALS) 療養者と主介護者の苦悩と対処法を明らかにすること, さらに苦悩の中で生きる主介護者にみられた健康要因をアントノフスキーのストレス対応能力概念SOC (Sense of Coherence:首尾一貫感覚) を構成する3つの要素(把握可能感, 処理可能感, 有意味感) の視点より検討し看護支援についての示唆を得ることを目的とした.ALS 療養者の苦悩には, 在宅で人工呼吸療法を続けることの不安, 目で表現していることをしっかり受け止めてくれない他者の存在と自分の存在価値への疑問, そして主介護者に対しては介護の負担をかけてしまう苦しみがあった. 従って, 在宅で人工呼吸療法を安心して続けられるための技術的支援, 療養者が家族や医療者から必要とされ存在価値を感じられるような看護支援, 介護者を支える看護支援が重要である.介護者の苦悩の中で最も強いものは延命選択への揺らぎであり, 療養者が生きる気力を失うことであった. 対処行動としては, 情報を識別しながら状況を理解し, 現状を受け止め諦めて他者の協力を得ていた. そして, この行動を支えているものは, 意味のある挑戦的な働きかけをし, 目標を持って生きるという人生の態度であり, ストレス対応能力概念SOC の中の有意味感に相当するものであった. 従って, 介護者に対する看護支援としては, SOC を構成する3つの要素のうち, 有意味感を特に重視して支援することが重要と考えられた.The purpose of this study is to clarify the distress in patients undergoing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) treatment that shifted to mechanical ventilation at home as well as a method of solving this, and furthermore, to investigate the health factors observed in main caregivers living in distress from the point of view of the 3 elements (sense of comprehensibility ; sense of manageability ; sense of meaningfulness) making up the concept of the ability to cope with stress (SOC : Sense of Coherence) by AronAntonovsky to develop implications for nursing support. The distress in patients undergoing ALS treatment with an artificial respirator attached include : anxiety of continuing artificial respiration at home ; questions regarding the presence of others who do not seriously understand what is being expressed by the eyes and the meaning of the existence of the patient themselves ; and suffering from wanting the daughter, who is the main caregiver, to live life without feeling the pressure of care-giving, but not being able to achieve this. Accordingly, a variety of technical support is required in order for a patient to continue artificial respiration at home with ease. Moreover, nursing support that makes the patient feel that they are important to family members and medical workers and allows them to feel the meaning of their own existence, which may also support caregivers, is very important. Distress in caregivers includes : progression of the condition ; burden from care beyond expectations ; communication uncertainty and the dilemma of not being able to give priority to the children etc. However, the strongest distress is the struggle to choose to stay alive, which leads to caregivers sometimes losing their will to live. Regarding the actions of caregivers to cope, they understood the situation by distinguishing information and obtaining support from others by taking in the present condition. Their attitude towards life in working on meaningful challenges and living with an objective supports this action and is comparable to having a sense of meaning in terms of the concept of the ability to cope with stress, SOC. Accordingly, acting upon the 3 elements making up SOC is important as the nursing support towards caregivers ; however, it was believed that support must be given with serious consideration into the sense of meaningfulness