10,819 research outputs found

    Path Integral Over Black Hole Fluctuations

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    Evaluating a functional integral exactly over a subset of metrics that represent the quantum fluctuations of the horizon of a black hole, we obtain a Schroedinger equation in null coordinate time for the key component of the metric. The equation yields a current that preserves probability if we use the most natural choice of functional measure. This establishes the existence of blurred horizons and a thermal atmosphere. It has been argued previously that the existence of a thermal atmosphere is a direct concomitant of the thermal radiation of black holes when the temperature of the hole is greater than that of its larger environment, which we take as zero.Comment: 5 pages, added a couple of clarification

    A Survey of Metal Lines at High-redshift (I) : SDSS Absorption Line Studies - The Methodology and First Search Results for OVI

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    We report the results of a systematic search for signatures of metal lines in quasar spectra of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 3(DR3), focusing on finding intervening absorbers via detection of their OVI doublet. Here we present the search algorithm, and criteria for distinguishing candidates from spurious Lyman α\alpha{} forest lines. In addition, we compare our findings with simulations of the Lyman α\alpha{} forest in order to estimate the detectability of OVI doublets over various redshift intervals. We have obtained a sample of 1756 OVI doublet candidates with rest-frame equivalent width > 0.05 \AA{} in 855 AGN spectra (out of 3702 objects with redshifts in the accessible range for OVI detection). This sample is further subdivided into 3 groups according to the likelihood of being real and the potential for follow-up observation of the candidate. The group with the cleanest and most secure candidates is comprised of 145 candidates. 69 of these reside at a velocity separation > 5000 km/s from the QSO, and can therefore be classified tentatively as intervening absorbers. Most of these absorbers have not been picked up by earlier, automated QSO absorption line detection algorithms. This sample increases the number of known OVI absorbers at redshifts beyond z$_{abs} > 2.7 substantially.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AJ. This is a substantially altered version, including an appendix with details on the validity of the search algorithm on one pixel rather than binning. Also note that M. Pieri was added as autho

    Decoherence induced CPT violation and entangled neutral mesons

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    We discuss two classes of semi-microscopic theoretical models of stochastic space-time foam in quantum gravity and the associated effects on entangled states of neutral mesons, signalling an intrinsic breakdown of CPT invariance. One class of models deals with a specific model of foam, initially constructed in the context of non-critical (Liouville) string theory, but viewed here in the more general context of effective quantum-gravity models. The relevant Hamiltonian perturbation, describing the interaction of the meson with the foam medium, consists of off-diagonal stochastic metric fluctuations, connecting distinct mass eigenstates (or the appropriate generalisation thereof in the case of K-mesons), and it is proportional to the relevant momentum transfer (along the direction of motion of the meson pair). There are two kinds of CPT-violating effects in this case, which can be experimentally disentangled: one (termed ``omega-effect'') is associated with the failure of the indistinguishability between the neutral meson and its antiparticle, and affects certain symmetry properties of the initial state of the two-meson system; the second effect is generated by the time evolution of the system in the medium of the space-time foam, and can result in time-dependent contributions of the $omega-effect type in the time profile of the two meson state. Estimates of both effects are given, which show that, at least in certain models, such effects are not far from the sensitivity of experimental facilities available currently or in the near future. The other class of quantum gravity models involves a medium of gravitational fluctuations which behaves like a ``thermal bath''. In this model both of the above-mentioned intrinsic CPT violation effects are not valid.Comment: 16 pages revtex, no figure

    Gauge-invariant variables in general-relativistic perturbations: globalization and zero-mode problem

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    An outline of a proof of the local decomposition of linear metric perturbations into gauge-invariant and gauge-variant parts on an arbitrary background spacetime is briefly explained. We explicitly construct the gauge-invariant and gauge-variant parts of the linear metric perturbations based on some assumptions. We also point out the zero-mode problem is an essential problem to globalize of this decomposition of linear metric perturbations. The resolution of this zero-mode problem implies the possibility of the development of the higher-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory on an arbitrary background spacetime in a global sense.Comment: (v1) 16 pages, no figure; (v2) 9 pages, no figure. Compactified for "2012 Awards for Essays on Gravitation" promoted by Gravity Research Foundation. References are deleted. no ingredients is changed. This version received Honorable Mention for 201

    Action and Energy of the Gravitational Field

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    We present a detailed examination of the variational principle for metric general relativity as applied to a ``quasilocal'' spacetime region \M (that is, a region that is both spatially and temporally bounded). Our analysis relies on the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity, and thereby assumes a foliation of \M into spacelike hypersurfaces Σ\Sigma. We allow for near complete generality in the choice of foliation. Using a field--theoretic generalization of Hamilton--Jacobi theory, we define the quasilocal stress-energy-momentum of the gravitational field by varying the action with respect to the metric on the boundary \partial\M. The gravitational stress-energy-momentum is defined for a two--surface BB spanned by a spacelike hypersurface in spacetime. We examine the behavior of the gravitational stress-energy-momentum under boosts of the spanning hypersurface. The boost relations are derived from the geometrical and invariance properties of the gravitational action and Hamiltonian. Finally, we present several new examples of quasilocal energy--momentum, including a novel discussion of quasilocal energy--momentum in the large-sphere limit towards spatial infinity.Comment: To be published in Annals of Physics. This final version includes two new sections, one giving examples of quasilocal energy and the other containing a discussion of energy at spatial infinity. References have been added to papers by Bose and Dadhich, Anco and Tun

    Canonical Quasilocal Energy and Small Spheres

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    Consider the definition E of quasilocal energy stemming from the Hamilton-Jacobi method as applied to the canonical form of the gravitational action. We examine E in the standard "small-sphere limit," first considered by Horowitz and Schmidt in their examination of Hawking's quasilocal mass. By the term "small sphere" we mean a cut S(r), level in an affine radius r, of the lightcone belonging to a generic spacetime point. As a power series in r, we compute the energy E of the gravitational and matter fields on a spacelike hypersurface spanning S(r). Much of our analysis concerns conceptual and technical issues associated with assigning the zero-point of the energy. For the small-sphere limit, we argue that the correct zero-point is obtained via a "lightcone reference," which stems from a certain isometric embedding of S(r) into a genuine lightcone of Minkowski spacetime. Choosing this zero-point, we find agreement with Hawking's quasilocal mass expression, up to and including the first non-trivial order in the affine radius. The vacuum limit relates the quasilocal energy directly to the Bel-Robinson tensor.Comment: revtex, 22 p, uses amssymb option (can be removed

    Dynamical evolution of unstable self-gravitating scalar solitons

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    Recently, static and spherically symmetric configurations of globally regular self-gravitating scalar solitons were found. These configurations are unstable with respect to radial linear perturbations. In this paper we study the dynamical evolution of such configurations and show that, depending on the sign of the initial perturbation, the solitons either collapse to a Schwarzschild black hole or else ``explode'' into an outward moving domain wall.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.