4 research outputs found

    A generative deep learning for exploring layout variation on visual poster design

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    Layout variation is an essential concept in design and allows designers to create a sense of depth and complexity in their work. However, manually creating layout variations can be time-consuming and limit a designer's creativity. The use of generative art as a tool for creating visual poster designs that emphasize layout variety is explored in this study. Deep learning through generative art offers a solution by using an algorithm to generate layout variations automatically. This paper uses the VQGAN and CLIP approach to describe a generative art system, which renders images via a text prompt and produces a series of variations based on the zoom parameter 0.95 and shifts the y-axis 5 pixels. Our experiment shows that one frame can be generated roughly in 10.108±0.226 seconds, significantly faster than the conventional method for creating layouts on poster design. The model achieved a good quality image, scoring 4.248 using an inception score evaluation. The layout variations can be used as a basis for poster design visuals, allowing designers to explore different visual representations of layouts. This paper demonstrates the potential of generative art to explore layout variation in visual design, offering designers a new approach to creating dynamic and engaging visual designs

    An approach to the diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation using deep learning models

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    Background: In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), lumbar disc herniation (LDH) detection is challenging due to the various shapes, sizes, angles, and regions associated with bulges, protrusions, extrusions, and sequestrations. Lumbar abnormalities in MRI can be detected automatically by using deep learning methods. As deep learning models gain recognition, they may assist in diagnosing LDH with MRI images and provide initial interpretation in clinical settings. YOU ONLY LOOK ONCE (YOLO) model series are often used to train deep learning algorithms for real-time biomedical image detection and prediction. This study aims to confirm which YOLO models (YOLOv5, YOLOv6, and YOLOv7) perform well in detecting LDH in different regions of the lumbar intervertebral disc.Materials and methods: The methodology involves several steps, including converting DICOM images to JPEG, reviewing and selecting MRI slices for labeling and augmentation using ROBOFLOW, and constructing YOLOv5x, YOLOv6, and YOLOv7 models based on the dataset. The training dataset was combined with the radiologist’s labeling and annotation, and then the deep learning models were trained using the training/validation dataset.Results: Our result showed that the 550-dataset with augmentation (AUG) or without augmentation (non-AUG) in YOLOv5x generates satisfactory training performance in LDH detection. The AUG dataset overall performance provides slightly higher accuracy than the non-AUG. YOLOv5x showed the highest performance with 89.30% mAP compared to YOLOv6, and YOLOv7. Also, YOLOv5x in non-AUG dataset showed the balance LDH region detections in L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 with above 90%. And this illustrates the competitiveness of using non-AUG dataset to detect LDH.Conclusion: Using YOLOv5x and the 550 augmented dataset, LDH can be detected with promising both in non-AUG and AUG dataset. By utilizing the most appropriate YOLO model, clinicians have a greater chance of diagnosing LDH early and preventing adverse effects for their patients

    Alih Fungsi Pada Candi Tinggi Muaro Jambi Dari Wisata Biasa Agar Dapat Di Jadikan Sebagai Wisata Religi.

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    Candi merupakan peninggalan kerajaan, yang saat ini ditemukannya candi diperkirakan dapat dikategorikan sebagai wisata. Wisata adalah suatu kegiatan yang bersifat senang-senang yang ditandai dengan mengeluarkan uang atau melakukan kegiatan yang bersifat konsumtif. Area wisata yang dapat dijadikan destinasi setidaknya memiliki potensi wisata yang baik sehingga mampu menjadi daya tarik wisatawan. Salah satu wisata yang mampu menarik wisatawan ialah wisata religi.Wisata religi terbagi menjadi beberapa aliran, salah satu aliran wisata religi yang ingin penulis angkat adalah aliran Buddhism. Wisata religi yang beraliran budhism ada di area wisata seperti Candi Tinggi Muaro Jambi sebagai objek yang akan penulis angkat. Potensi yang dimiliki oleh Candi Tinggi Muaro Jambi diperkirakan mampu untuk dijadikan sebagai wisata religi. Alih fungsi pada Candi Tinggi Muaro Jambi dari wisata biasa agar dapat dikembangkan menjadi wisata religi serta faktor apa yang berubah, apa yang tetap, apa yang hilang dan apa yang baru yang berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi yang akan dilakukan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif,pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Setelah data diperoleh kemudian data di analisis.Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menjabarkan perbandingan antara objek saat wisata biasa serta objek saat diadakan ritual, setelah ditemukan jawaba dari rumusan masalah yang telah penulis susun, maka penulis dapat menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut dalam mengalihfungsikan candi tinggi Muaro Jambi dari wisata biasa agar dapat dijadikan sebagai wisata religi serta menginformasikan faktor apa yang berubah, apa yang tetap, apa yang hilang dan apa yang baru terhadap alih fungsi candi tinggi agar dapat dijadikan sebagai wisata religi

    The effect of different inflated air insole in the foot plantar pressure

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    Exercise promotes health in people with diabetes. Weight-bearing activities increase the risk of foot ulcers. Air-pressure shoes may relieve high plantar pressure. Nevertheless, no study has investigated whether air-pressure shoes affect the plantar foot. A repeated measures study design, with five healthy subjects were tested with three inner air pressures (80, 160, and 240 mmHg) and 20 minutes of walking to examine their effects on peak plantar pressure (PPP). PPP after walking was measured from the forefoot in the big toe (T1), first metatarsal head (M1), and second metatarsal head (M2). We used a one-way ANOVA to analyze the results. We found that after walking for 20 min, inner air pressure significantly affected plantar pressure in the M1 and M2 (P = 0.008 and 0.006, respectively). Regarding the inner air pressure effect, there was a significant difference in the M1 head between 80 and 240 mmHg (274.2 ± 35.6 kPa vs. 689.4 ± 106.3 kPa, P = 0.002) at 20 minutes of walking duration. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the M2 head between 80 mmHg and 240 mmHg (250.6 ± 30.1 kPa vs. 572.4 ± 87.3 kPa, P = 0.002) and 160 and 240 mmHg (396.6 ± 35.3.7 kPa vs. 572.4 ± 87.3 kPa, P = 0.050). This finding is significant because the higher inner air pressure shoes can increase plantar pressure compared to 80 mmHg inner air pressure. This study suggests that individuals who are at high risk of developing foot ulcers should wear shoes with an inner air insole (80 mmHg)