664 research outputs found

    One day one deal - first in first served: Exploring an unusual B2C ecommerce model

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    This case study describes the thinking and motivation behind the creation of an atypical e-commerce business model, and the aspirations of the entrepreneurs behind this creation. Unlike most B2C e-commerce providers, a small New Zealand company called Firstin, specialising in technology, does not give its customers the opportunity to fulfil a specific need. Each day, with no forewarning of what is to be sold, it offers just one or two products at a price that is usually lower than any other local providers can offer. At the end of that day, or if the product is sold out earlier, the offer lapses, and customers must wait until the next day for a new and different bargain. The business model depends upon the availability of a range of attractively priced technology products, and a large body of loyal watchers with the ability to make opportunistic purchase decisions if a particular offering meets a need at an attractive price. In the middle of its second year in business in the small New Zealand market, this organization is evolving, but retains the key features of its unusual business model

    Convulsive status epilepticus: prolonged childhood seizures and their consequences

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    Convulsive Status Epilepticus (CSE) is the most common medical neurological emergency in children. Prolonged seizures are associated with brain injury in both animal models and humans and there is concern about longer term outcomes. A qualitative difference between prolonged and shorter seizures is apparent, but information about the longer term prognosis of CSE remains scarce. Retrospective studies have linked the commonest form of childhood CSE, prolonged febrile seizures (PFS), and temporal lobe epilepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis (TLE-MTS). This study aimed to prospectively follow a population-representative cohort of children following CSE and look for signs of evolving MTS or other brain injury. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to visualise underlying brain abnormalities and identify early signs of injury. To investigate the longitudinal evolution of any injury, MRI investigations were repeated at 6 and 12 months post-CSE and the child’s clinical status monitored throughout. 31.2% of children had an abnormal MRI scan post-CSE. Most of these abnormalities pre-dated the episode of CSE and no clinically significant abnormalities were found in children with PFS. Mean hippocampal volumes were only reduced in the group of children with symptomatic CSE; however 20-30% of all children showed loss of hippocampal volume during the year following CSE. This could represent a precursor to TLE-MTS. Further abnormalities were shown on diffusion tensor imaging in children with PFS. Hippocampal mean diffusivity did not show the usual age dependency and widespread reductions in fractional anisotropy were seen across major white matter tracts. These reductions were apparent at 1 and 6 months post-PFS, but resolved by 1 year. These findings form important evidence that children with non-PFS CSE are also at risk of long-term hippocampal damage and that children with PFS appear to have extensive extra-hippocampal abnormalities. These will be further explored in the body of this thesis

    Structural Characteristics of Carbon Nanofibers for On-chip Interconnect Applications

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    In this letter, we compare the structures of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of Ni-catalyzed and Pd-catalyzed carbon nanofibers (CNFs) synthesized for on-chip interconnect applications with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The Ni-catalyzed CNF has a conventional fiberlike structure and many graphitic layers that are almost parallel to the substrate at the CNF base. In contrast, the Pd-catalyzed CNF has a multiwall nanotubelike structure on the sidewall spanning the entire CNF. The microstructure observed in the Pd-catalyzed fibers at the CNF-metal interface has the potential to lower contact resistance significantly, as our electrical measurements using current-sensing atomic force microscopy indicate. A structural model is presented based on STEM image analysis

    Propiedades fisicoquímicas de snacks extrusionados de patatas y batatas con aceite de palma roja

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    Extruded potato (P) and sweet potato (SP) products with red palm oil (RPO) were prepared under different conditions. Superior product characteristics such as sensory score, expansion ratio, and water solubility index, among others, were obtained at high extrusion temperature (150-155 °C) and low water feed rate to the extruder (50.4-50.8 mL/min). The optimal products, P1 and SP1, had high micronutrients as their total contents of β-carotene, squalene, tocopherols, and tocotrienols were 883.2, 304.4, 262.4, and 397.0 mg/kg of oil, respectively. The average peroxide value was 4.3 meq O2/kg oil, p-anisidine value 3.3, and induction period (100 °C) 11.4 h. Moreover, RPO extruded with P showed a better extrusion behavior but lower micronutrient retention and oxidative stability than that extruded with SP. Thus, the finding herein is important for investigating extrusion conditions, increasing variety, improving nutritional quality, assessing applicability and predicting the shelf-life of RPO-P/SP-extruded food.Se prepararon snacks extrusionados de patatas (P) y batatas (B) con aceite de palma roja (APR) en diferentes condiciones. Se obtuvieron unas características superiores de los productos, como puntuación sensorial, relación de expansión, índice soluble en agua, entre otros, a alta temperatura de extrusión (150-155 °C) y baja velocidad de alimentación de agua al extrusionador (50,4-50,8 mL/min). Los productos óptimos, P1 y SP1, contenían altos micronutrientes ya que su contenido total de β-caroteno, escualeno, tocoferoles y tocotrienoles fue de 883,2; 304,4; 262,4 y 397,0 mg/kg de aceite, respectivamente. El índice de peróxido promedio fue de 4,3 meq O2/kg de aceite, el valor de p-anisidina de 3,3 y el período de inducción a 100 °C de 11,4 h. Además, el APR utilizado para la extrusión de P mostró un mejor comportamiento de extrusión, pero menor retención de micronutrientes y estabilidad oxidativa que el extrusionado con SP. Por lo tanto, los datos aquí obtenidos son importantes para profundizar en las condiciones de extrusión, aumentar la variedad, mejorar la calidad nutricional, evaluar la aplicabilidad y predecir la vida útil de los alimentos extrusionados con APR-P / B

    Modeling and Dynamic performance of Energy Storage -Rotary Series Elastic Actuator for Lumbar Support Exoskeleton

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    The assistive exoskeletons are rapidly being developed to collaborate with humans, and the demand for the safety of human-robot interaction has become more crucial. Series elastic actuators (SEAs) have recently been developed in various fields for a variety of possible advantages, such as providing a safe human-robot interaction, reducing the impacts’ effects, and increasing energy efficiency. However, achieving the good dynamic performances of SEAs is still challenging, especially fulfilling the high bandwidth with good compliance. In this rapidly growing research field, the actuation system involving the storage device combined with the rotary series elastic actuator (ES-RSEA) is being investigated to exploit the biomechanical energy while maintaining compliance features. In this article, the modeling and control design of the energy storage rotary series elastic actuator (ES-RSEA) for the lumbar support exoskeleton is proposed, and its dynamic performances are analyzed. The ES-RSEA was designed based on storing the kinetic energy during the lifting tasks and generating assistive torque while maintaining excellent compliant characteristics. The dynamic performances and characteristics of ES-RSEA are presented in terms of force sensitivity, level of compliance, transmission ratio, and bandwidth. Simulation studies indicate that the actuator can provide excellent dynamic performance through its high bandwidth (12.44 Hz) and high force sensitivity. At the same time, it shows excellent compliance and good torque transmissibility in the low-frequency range. A PID controller can achieve high torque tracking performance and good dynamic response with a root-mean-square (RMS) error of 0.1 N.m. This article demonstrates the excellent performance and characteristics of ES-RSEA to guarantee compliance and high response to prevent injury of undesired human movements

    Performance Measure Of Industrial Robotics In Lean Enterprise: A Case Study In Semiconductor Industry

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    Industrial robotics replaced human workers in almost all fields due to their abilities to multitask, flexibility and configurability in any position they involved in. However, implementing industrial robotics is challenging due to their high cost, expert handling, and complexity. The object of this study is to determine the performance measurement using the QCDAC method or (quality, cost, delivery, accountability and continual improvement) then categorized according to lean principles and then identifying seven main areas that the industrial robotics contributes in the semi-conductor company. The performance identification and ranking is done by using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology to identify the most affected performance of the model and to clarify the industrial robotics performance in these areas in which the industrial robotics fit and compatible with the lean enterprise. Human- robot interaction considered to guarantee the workers' safety working alongside industrial robotics. The result of the ISM method shows the performance measure that affects the industrial robotics to support lean enterprise in terms of quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency

    Dynamical and stationary critical behavior of the Ising ferromagnet in a thermal gradient

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    In this paper we present and discuss results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations of the two-dimensional Ising ferromagnet in contact with a heat bath that intrinsically has a thermal gradient. The extremes of the magnet are at temperatures T1<Tc<T2T_1<T_c<T_2, where TcT_c is the Onsager critical temperature. In this way one can observe a phase transition between an ordered phase (TTcTT_c) by means of a single simulation. By starting the simulations with fully disordered initial configurations with magnetization m≡0m\equiv 0 corresponding to T=∞T=\infty, which are then suddenly annealed to a preset thermal gradient, we study the short-time critical dynamic behavior of the system. Also, by setting a small initial magnetization m=m0m=m_0, we study the critical initial increase of the order parameter. Furthermore, by starting the simulations from fully ordered configurations, which correspond to the ground state at T=0 and are subsequently quenched to a preset gradient, we study the critical relaxation dynamics of the system. Additionally, we perform stationary measurements (t→∞t\rightarrow\infty) that are discussed in terms of the standard finite-size scaling theory. We conclude that our numerical simulation results of the Ising magnet in a thermal gradient, which are rationalized in terms of both dynamic and standard scaling arguments, are fully consistent with well established results obtained under equilibrium conditions

    A Circular Economy Framework based on Organic Wastes Upcycling for Biodiesel Production from Hermetia illucens

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    The present waste management practices have adverse environmental impacts at the same time costly. Approximately, 80 % of the Malaysian municipal wastes including organic wastes are usual disposed into landfills. Hence, transformation organic wastes not only providing economic and environmental benefits but has given waste a value. This study focused on synthesis of biodiesel from H. illucens pre-pupae fed with fruit waste and food waste. The objective was to evaluate interactions between the variables including catalyst loading, reaction time versus fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) yield (wt %), temperature and methanol to sample mass ratio. The response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the bioconversion optimization process. Optimal biodiesel yield based on fruit waste achieved was 96.15 % at 51ºC; 8.3:1 methanol: mass ratio; 253 min and 15.1 % catalyst. Furthermore, the optimal yield obtained from the second set of optimization using lipids of pre-pupae derived from food waste was achieved at 94.63 %.  The optimum conditions for reaction temperature was 71°C, with methanol to mass ratio of 6.8:1, at reaction time of 254 min and catalyst loading of 7.0 v/v%. The properties of FAME produced were in accordance with EN 14214 and ASTM 6751 biodiesel standards

    Subcortical nuclei volumes are associated with cognition in children post-convulsive status epilepticus: Results at nine years follow-up

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between subcortical nuclei volume and cognition in children with post-convulsive status epilepticus (CSE). METHODS: Structural T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (Siemens Avanto, 1.5 T) and neuropsychological assessments (full-scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) and Global Memory Scores (GMS)) were collected from subjects at a mean 8.5 years post-CSE (prolonged febrile seizures (PFS), n = 30; symptomatic/known, n = 28; and other, n = 12) and from age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC). Subjects with CSE were stratified into those with lower cognitive ability (LCA) (CSE+, n = 22) and those without (CSE-, n = 48). Quantitative volumetric analysis using Functional MRI of the Brain Software Library (FSL) (Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford) provided segmented MRI brain volumes. Univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to compare subcortical nuclei volumes across subgroups. Multivariable linear regression was performed for each subcortical structure and for total subcortical volume (SCV) to identify significant predictors of LCA (FSIQ <85) while adjusting for etiology, age, socioeconomic status, sex, CSE duration, and intracranial volume (ICV); Bonferroni correction was applied for the analysis of individual subcortical nuclei. RESULTS: Seventy subjects (11.8 ± 3.4 standard deviation (SD) years; 34 males) and 72 controls (12.1 ± 3.0SD years; 29 males) underwent analysis. Significantly smaller volumes of the left thalamus, left caudate, right caudate, and SCV were found in subjects with CSE+ compared with HC, after adjustment for intracranial, gray matter (GM), or cortical/cerebellar volume. When compared with subjects with CSE-, subjects with CSE+ also had smaller volumes of the left thalamus, left pallidum, right pallidum, and SCV. Individual subcortical nuclei were not associated, but SCV was associated with FSIQ (p = 0.005) and GMS (p = 0.014). Intracranial volume and etiology were similarly predictive. CONCLUSIONS: Nine years post-CSE, SCV is significantly lower in children who have LCA compared with those that do not. However, in this cohort, we are unable to determine whether the relationship is independent of ICV or etiology. Future, larger scale studies may help tease this out

    The role of wearable devices and objective gait analysis for the assessment and monitoring of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: Systematic review

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of wearable devices for objective gait measurement of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) patients, with a focus on relevant gait metrics. Methods: Systematic searches were conducted of five electronic databases to identify studies that assessed gait metrics by wearable or portable technology. Data was collected according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement guidelines. Results: Four articles were identified for inclusion in this review. The objectives, methodology and quality of the studies varied. No single gait metric was investigated in all four studies, making comparison difficult. The most relevant metrics reported included gait cycle, gait velocity, step length and cadence, which were reported in two studies. Two studies explored gait symmetry. Differences between LSS patients and normal healthy subjects are demonstrable using wearable technology. Conclusions: The measurements of gait cycle, cadence, step length, gait velocity, and number of steps with wearable devices can be used in the gait measurement of LSS patients for initial assessment, and objective outcomes following interventions. However, data and analysis are limited, and further studies are necessary to comment on reliability
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