53 research outputs found

    Ambisyllabicity versus Foot in English Segmental Phonology

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    There have been controversies in English Phonology that center around the raison d'é e of ambisyllabicity in accounting for English phonological processes. The goal of this thesis is to argue that ambisyllabicity provides a more rigorous account of English phonological phenomena. Specifically, it is shown in this thesis that ambisyllabicity-based approach explains flapping glottalisation, I-velatisation, and palatalisation more accurately than foot-based approach. This thesis claims that the existence of ambisyllabicity is well justified while foot-boundaries are not well defined in foot-based approach. In sum, this thesis reveals that foot-based approach cannot substitute ambisyIIabicity-based approach. The notion of ambisyllabicity is necessary because ambisyllabicity-based approach has the explanatory adequacy. This thesis illustrates how ambisyllabicity is incorporated into Optimality Theory.Supported by the Grant for the Reform of University Education under the BK21 Project of SNU

    Declaration of medical writing assistance in international peer-reviewed publications

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    Medical researchers have an ethical and scientific obligation to publish, but between one third and two thirds of research may remain unpublished. A major reason for nonpublication is lack of time, which may lead researchers to seek medical writing assistance. Guidelines from journal editors and medical writers encourage authors to acknowledge medical writers. We quantified the proportion of articles from international, peer-reviewed, high-ranking journals that reported medical writing assistance

    Effect of grafting on growth and incidence of phytophthora blight and bacterial wilt of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of grafting using commercial rootstocks and breeding lines on growth and resistance to both Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici) and bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), and to evaluate the breeding lines as candidates rootstocks for grafted peppers. Capsicum annuum 'Nokkwang' (scion) was grafted onto five commercial rootstocks ('Kataguruma', 'Konesianhot', 'Koregon PR-380', 'PR-power', and 'Tantan') and nine breeding lines ('PR 901', 'PR 919', 'PR 920', 'PR 921', 'PR 922', 'PR 927', 'PR 928', 'PR 929', and 'PR 930'). Graft-take percentage was over 80% in all the grafted seedlings except those grafted onto 'PR 901' (75%). The number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, and dry weight of shoot of grafted seedlings were greater than those of non-grafted seedlings. Mineral contents in the shoots of grafted seedlings were significantly different, depending on rootstock genotypes. Marketable yield ranged from 1.35 to 1.96 kg per plant depending on rootstock genotypes, and was highest in peppers grafted onto 'PR 901' (1.95 kg) and non-grafted peppers (1.96 kg), and lowest in those grafted onto 'PR 928' (1.35 kg). Gross yield was highest in peppers grafted onto 'Konesianhot' (2.64 kg). Among nine breeding lines, three rootstocks ('PR 920', 'PR 921', and 'PR 922') were selected as candidate rootstocks for the grafted pepper based on graft-take, growth, yield, fruit quality, and resistance to diseases. Three major pepper cultivars ('Nokkwang', 'Saengsaeng Matkkwari', and 'Shinhong') were grafted onto those three breeding lines and 'Tantan' (control). Peppers grafted onto breeding lines of 'PR 920', 'PR 921', and 'PR 922' showed greater resistance to both Phytophthora blight and bacterial wilt without the decrease in yield and fruit quality. Accordingly, they were considered to be used as rootstocks resistant to both Phytophthora blight and bacterial wilt for pepper production.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2012-01/102/0000027607/1SEQ:1PERF_CD:SNU2012-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000027607ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A075898DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:2012-2-heb-접목-내병성-장윤아.pdfDEPT_NM:식물생산과학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:NCONFIRM:

    Effects of Light Quality and Intensity on the Carbon Dioxide Exchange Rate, Growth, and Morphogenesis of Grafted Pepper Transplants during Healing and Acclimatization

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    This study evaluated the influence of light quality and intensity during healing and acclimatization on the CO2 exchange rate, growth, and morphogenesis of grafted pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) transplants, using a system for the continuous measurement of the CO2 exchange rate. C. annuum L. 'Nokkwang' and 'Tantan' were used as scions and rootstocks, respectively. Before grafting, the transplants were grown for four weeks in a growth chamber with artificial light, where the temperature was set at 25/18 degrees C #light/dark period# and the light period was 14 hours.d#-1#. The grafted pepper transplants were then healed and acclimatized under different light quality conditions using fluorescent lamps #control# and red, blue, and red + blue light-emitting diodes #LEDs#. All the transplants were irradiated for 12 hours per day, for six days, at a photosynthetic photon flux #PPF# of 50, 100, or 180 mu mol.m#-2#.s#-1#. The higher PPF levels increased the CO2 exchange rate during the healing and acclimatization. A smaller increase in the CO2 exchange rates was observed in the transplants under red LEDs. At a PPF of 180 mu mol.m#-2#.s#-1#, the CO2 exchange rate of the transplants irradiated with red LEDs was lowest and it was 37% lower than those irradiated with fluorescent lamps. The CO2 exchange rates of transplants irradiated with blue LEDs was the highest and 20% higher than those irradiated under fluorescent lamps. The graft take was not affected by the light quality. The grafted pepper transplants irradiated with red LEDs had a lower SPAD value, leaf dry weight, and dry matter content. The transplants irradiated with blue LEDs had longer shoot length and heavier stem fresh weight than those irradiated with the other treatments. Leaves irradiated with the red LED had the smallest leaf area and showed leaf epinasty. In addition, the palisade and spongy cells of the pepper leaves were dysplastic and exhibited hyperplasia. Grafted pepper transplants treated with red + blue LEDs showed similar growth and morphology to those transplants irradiated with fluorescent lamps. These results suggest that high-quality grafted pepper transplants can be obtained by healing and acclimatization under a combination of blue and red lights at a high PPF level.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000027607/2SEQ:2PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000027607ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A075898DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:.237FILENAME:2013-2-kjhst-고추접목묘-활착중광질광도_광합성-장윤아.pdfDEPT_NM:식물생산과학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:NCONFIRM:

    Advancing passive sampling for monitoring organic contaminants in the aquatic environment

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    Passive sampling has appeared as a promising monitoring technique for organic pollutants in aquatic environments. Passive sampling provides a measure of the bioavailable dissolved concentrations, lower detection limits than grab sampling, allows in situ sampling as well as the possibility of interfacing with mixture toxicity testing. However, to date, this approach has not been fully adopted within regular monitoring programmes, and has limited acceptance outside the scientific community. The research presented in this thesis aims to provide a better understanding of passive sampling techniques for targeting a wide range of organic contaminants for reliable and efficient water monitoring. To accomplish this objective, this thesis covers the development of a novel equilibrium passive sampling device targeting both polar and non-polar contaminants, laboratory calibrations of kinetic and equilibrium passive samplers and field trials in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the receiving river in southern Germany. Firstly, the partitioning behaviour of a range of environmentally relevant organic contaminants to one of the more widely applied passive sampling receiving phases, Oasis HLB®, was studied as a function of environmental parameters. Secondly, a new mixed polymer passive sampler (MPS) was made by embedding Oasis HLB® in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix in order to enhance the sampler affinity towards the full range of polar and non-polar organic contaminants and to avoid membrane sorption artefacts. This monophasic MPS proved to be advantageous in terms of convenient handling and the possibility of isotropic exchange for the eventual application of the performance reference compounds (PRC) approach for in situ calibration. The sampling performance of the MPS was characterized in a laboratory calibration experiment, and compared to an established kinetic passive sampler, polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS). The POCIS is a widely used kinetic passive sampler, consisting of the same receiving sorbent as the MPS (i.e., Oasis HLB®) but equipped with diffusion-limiting polyethersulfone (PES) membranes. In a laboratory calibration experiment, the equilibrium partition coefficients and sampling rates of a wide range of organic contaminants to both the MPS and POCIS were determined under static and stirred conditions. For the tested analytes (log KOW of -0.03 to 6.26), the POCIS was the more efficient sampler since the relative affinity of the MPS was generally lower. However, the MPS had higher sampling rates for most compounds compared to the POCIS which implies that it can be applied as an equilibrium sampler for providing a “snapshot” of environmental levels. In contrast, the POCIS is a kinetic sampler and provides an integrative measure of environmental levels. Furthermore, equilibrium partitioning to each component of the POCIS (i.e., the Oasis HLB® and PES membranes) was determined. Apolar interactions were found to be the main driving force for sorption to the Oasis HLB®. The extent of sorption to the PES membrane of the POCIS was also determined, allowing a quantitative evaluation of the lag effect. This was found to be particularly relevant for non-polar contaminants. Thirdly, the MPS and POCIS were deployed along the river Saar, river Mosel and the outflow of a WWTP in Germany over five weeks (May-June 2015). The bioavailable dissolved concentrations of 27 organic contaminants, including 8 priority substances of the EU Water Framework Directive, were determined and used to compare the performance of each passive sampler in the field. To advance the applicability of passive sampling within regulatory monitoring programmes, a simple mathematical model was adapted to estimate the total water concentrations of the contaminants from the passive sampling measurements for comparison to environmental quality standard levels. Overall, this thesis describes the characteristics and performance of an equilibrium and a kinetic passive sampling device with regards to the accumulation behaviour of a wide range of relevant aquatic pollutants as along with their overall practicality in the field. This information can contribute to enhancing the reliability of the passive sampling approach for monitoring trace levels of environmental contaminants in aquatic environments as well as the implementation of the produced data within the regulatory context

    Materialized Wishes: Long Banner Paintings from the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang

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    This paper explores the religious function and meaning of long banner paintings from Cave 17 of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, in conjunction with material culture in Northwestern China in the ninth and tenth centuries CE. The so-called forty-nine-chi banners have peculiar traits such as extremely long lengths, an optional triangular headpiece, and a paired or single strip of textile on which a series of standing bodhisattvas are painted. The author focuses on the large number of textiles used for such banners and questions how the extraordinary length and material used contributed to fulfilling the donor’s wishes. By examining both the banners’ physical characteristics, such as the type of textiles, pigments, and configurations, and the theological background based on the Buddhist and Daoist scriptures about longevity, repentance, and healing, the author suggests that the long banners are a materialized form of longevity and prosperity by physically lengthening the banner with multiple bolts of silk. This paper further argues that depicting multiple bodhisattvas in a pictorial form on a long strip of textile was regarded equally as a powerful means for obtaining good health, prolonging life, eliminating sins, and thus being reborn in the Pure Land

    The Superiority Violation for Multiple Wh-Interrogatives in the Optimality Theory Framework on the Synthetic Constraints

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    In English multiple wh-interrogatives are particularly blocked as they violates the superiority condition (e.g., *What has seen who?) and remain an active issue of debate. There have been various analysis on the superiority violation (hereafter, SUV). For instance, Kuno and Robinson (1972) initially identified multiple wh-interrogatives. They used the syntactic approach on analysing SUV of wh-interrogatives. The higher wh- should c-command the lower wh-. (e.g., *What will who buy?) Next, the triple wh-, which first appeared on Chomsky (1973), results a problem according to the syntactic approach (e.g., John wonders what who say when.). Additionally, Pesetsky (1984) develops the D(discourse)-linking and the non-D-linking as the semantic approach to illustrate triple wh-interrogatives (e.g., What did which woman buy?). Futhermore, Dayal (2005) studied multiple wh-interrogatives as the phonological approach (e.g., Has who seem what?). Despite a lot of discussion have been done, previous papers are not sufficient for describing SUV. The upshot of this study is to investigate how well multiple wh-interrogatives as one of syntactic phenomenon can be controlled by an integrative alternative, the synthetic approach which utilize syntactic (e.g., Q-free, *Q-cross), semantic (e.g, *New), and phonological constraints (e.g., Rhythm) in OT framework and to refer rhythm patterns

    A Multi-Disciplinary Study on the European Union and the Pacific Region Relations: Discursive Representations of Identity and Power

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    This doctoral research is a multi-disciplinary study which draws from discourse theory, linguistics and European Union studies. It aims to explore the meaning, and linguistic representations of the European Union (EU) in the context of its relations with the Pacific Region, while taking into account contributing ideological and political factors. This study contributes to several academic fields, and specifically to the practice of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and to the continuum of study on the linguistics-politics interface. CDA research observes the structure and function of signifiers. Discourse analysis provides means to critically observe elements of social and political power, identities and issues through both contextual and linguistic features of discourse. It offers a unique approach to analysing international relations with the application of tools that can decipher meaning and ideologies in discursive structures. This approach stems for the post-structural outlook that linguistic features reflect ideologies and power relations that condition interpretation of political and social issues. Through a critical observation, the role and influence of the EU in the Pacific region is examined and evaluated. A wider grouping of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries is relevant to the discussion of the EU’s development action and French territories are also taken into account as they are located in the Pacific region and have aspirations to become more integrated to the Pacific community. This study reveals how the EU is defined and how the EU influences the developing world. It also reveals how the Pacific countries are responding to the EU’s interests and values such as regional integration and trade liberalisation. The discourse formation of EU-Pacific relations articulates and reinforces ideologies of identity and power behind the entirety of EU-Pacific relations. The nature of EU identity and role in relation to an ‘Other’ is thus explored in this thesis