2,253 research outputs found

    Port Capacity Evaluation Formula for General Cargo

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    AbstractThe objective of this research is to study the evaluation method of berth capacity for general cargo in port. Specially, this study discussed the evaluation formula for general cargo berth capacity. It described the traditional evaluation method and new evaluation method with a sample case using real data of the general cargo berth. The results of the study revealed some problems for traditional evaluation method of general cargo handling capacity. Traditional calculation method does not reflect real situation for the general cargo berth capacity. Also, it does not reflect individual circumstances in terms of input parameter like berth occupancy rate, an annual working day and daily working hour. Finally, this study recommended the applicable and effective formula to reflect real situation on ports which can give direction for developing evaluation of formula for general cargo port capacity

    Isolation of p-hydroxycinnamaldehyde as an antibacterial substance from the saw fly, Acantholyda parki S.

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    AbstractWe purified an antibacterial substance from larvae of the saw fly, Acantholyda parki S., and identified its molecular structure as p-hydroxycinnamaldehyde. We then synthesized it by reduction of p-hydroxycinnamic acid. The antibacterial activity of the synthetic p-hydroxycinnamaldehyde was equal to that of the authentic substance. This molecule was found to have a broad antibacterial spectrum against not only Gram-negative, but also Gram-positive bacteria. Furthermore, it showed antifungal activity against Candida albicans. We suggest that this substance may play a role in the defense system of this insect. This is the first report of p-hydroxycinnamaldehyde of animal origin

    Half-Skyrmions, Tensor Forces and Symmetry Energy in Cold Dense Matter

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    In a previous article, the 4D half-skyrmion (or 5D dyonic salt) structure of dense baryonic matter described in crystalline configuration in the large NcN_c limit was shown to impact nontrivially on how anti-kaons behave in compressed nuclear matter with a possible implication on an "ice-9" phenomenon of deeply bound kaonic matter and condensed kaons in compact stars. We extend the analysis to make a further prediction on the scaling properties of hadrons that have a surprising effect on the nuclear tensor forces, the symmetry energy and hence on the phase structure at high density. We treat this problem relying on certain topological structure of chiral solitons. Combined with what can be deduced from hidden local symmetry for hadrons in dense medium and the "soft" dilatonic degree of freedom associated with the trace anomaly of QCD, we uncover a novel structure of chiral symmetry in the "supersoft" symmetry energy that can influence the structure of neutron stars.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; contents unchanged but expanded for a journa

    Baryonic Matter in the Hidden Local Symmetry Induced from Holographic QCD Models

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    Baryonic matter is studied in the Skyrme model by taking into account the roles of π,\pi, ρ\rho, and ω\omega mesons through the hidden local symmetry up to O(p4)\mathcal{O}(p^4) terms including the homogeneous Wess-Zumino (hWZ) terms. Using the master formulas for the low energy constants derived from holographic QCD models the skyrmion matter properties can be quantitatively calculated with the input values of the pion decay constant fπf_\pi and the vector meson mass mρm_\rho^{}. We find that the hWZ terms are responsible for the repulsive interactions of the ω\omega meson. In addition, the self-consistently included O(p4)\mathcal{O}(p^4) terms with the hWZ terms is found to increase the half skyrmion phase transition point above the normal nucleon density.Comment: Contribution to SCGT12 "KMI-GCOE Workshop on Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in the LHC Perspective", 4-7 Dec. 2012, Nagoya Universit

    An Annular Array MPT for Enhanced Generation of Omnidirectional SH Waves in a Plate

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    If guided wave transducers are fabricated in an annular array type, the excitation and measurement of target guided wave modes could be considerably enhanced (see, e.g., [1]). Accordingly, various annular array transducers have been developed, including those generating omnidirectional Lamb waves in a plate. Here, we newly consider an annular array type MPT (magnetostrictive patch transducer) to generate enhanced SH (shear-horizontal) waves in a plate. This annular array MPT is based on our earlier development of an omnidirectional SH wave MPT [2]. For wave field analysis by the annular array SH wave MPT, the strain response in a plate due to wave excitation by the MPT is calculated by using the Green’s function approach [3]. Using the analysis, an optimal configuration of the annular array MPT which can maximize the transducer output at the given frequency is determined. For the validation of numerical predictions, a series of experiments with varying frequencies were carried out and the numerical results were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results

    Toward Green Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Using Recycled Sulfuric Acid via Couette-Taylor Flow

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    Developing eco-friendly and cost-effective processes for the synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) is essential for its widespread industrial applications. In this work, we propose a green synthesis technique for GO production using recycled sulfuric acid and filter-processed oxidized natural graphite obtained from a Couette-Taylor flow reactor. The viscosity of reactant mixtures processed from Couette-Taylor flow was considerably lower (???200 cP at 25 ??C) than that of those from Hummers' method, which enabled the simple filtration process. The filtered sulfuric acid can be recycled and reused for the repetitive GO synthesis with negligible differences in the as-synthesized GO qualities. This removal of sulfuric acid has great potential in lowering the overall GO production cost as the amount of water required during the fabrication process, which takes a great portion of the total production cost, can be dramatically reduced after such acid filtration. The proposed eco-friendly GO fabrication process is expected to promote the commercial application of graphene materials into industry shortly

    Hidden Local Symmetry and Infinite Tower of Vector Mesons for Baryons

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    In an effort to access dense baryonic matter relevant for compact stars in a unified framework that handles both single baryon and multibaryon systems on the same footing, we first address a holographic dual action for a single baryon focusing on the role of the infinite tower of vector mesons deconstructed from five dimensions. To leading order in 't Hooft coupling λ=NcgYM2\lambda=N_c g_{\rm YM}^2, one has the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) Skyrmion that results when the warping of the bulk background and the Chern-Simons term in the Sakai-Sugimoto D4/D8-D8ˉ{\bar{\rm D8}} model are ignored. The infinite tower was found by Sutcliffe to induce flow to a conformal theory, i.e., the BPS. We compare this structure to that of the SS model consisting of a 5D Yang-Mills action in warped space and the Chern-Simons term in which higher vector mesons are integrated out while preserving hidden local symmetry and valid to O(λ0)O(\lambda^0) and O(p4)O(p^4) in the chiral counting. We point out the surprisingly important role of the ω\omega meson that figures in the Chern-Simons term that encodes chiral anomaly in the baryon structure and that may be closely tied to short-range repulsion in nuclear interactions.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev.