264 research outputs found

    Neural Dynamics of Olfactory Perception: Low- and High-Frequency Modulations of Local Field Potential Spectra in Mice Revealed by an Oddball Stimulus

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    Recent brain connectome studies have evidenced distinct and overlapping brain regions involved in processing olfactory perception. However, neural correlates of hypo- or anosmia in olfactory disorder patients are poorly known. Furthermore, the bottom-up and top-down processing of olfactory perception have not been well-documented, resulting in difficulty in locating the disease foci of olfactory disorder patients. The primary aim of this study is to characterize the bottom-up process of the neural dynamics across peripheral and central brain regions in anesthetized mice. We particularly focused on the neural oscillations of local field potential (LFP) in olfactory epithelium (OE), olfactory blub (OB), prefrontal cortex (PFC), and hippocampus (HC) during an olfactory oddball paradigm in urethane anesthetized mice. Odorant presentations evoked neural oscillations across slow and fast frequency bands including delta (1–4 Hz), theta (6–10 Hz), beta (15–30 Hz), low gamma (30–50 Hz), and high gamma (70–100 Hz) in both peripheral and central nervous systems, and the increases were more prominent in the infrequently presented odorant. During 5 s odorant exposures, the oscillatory responses in power were persistent in OE, OB, and PFC, whereas neural oscillations of HC increased only for short time at stimulus onset. These oscillatory responses in power were insignificant in both peripheral and central regions of the ZnSO4-treated anosmia model. These results suggest that olfactory stimulation induce LFP oscillations both in the peripheral and central nervous systems and suggest the possibility of linkage of LFP oscillations in the brain to the oscillations in the peripheral olfactory system

    Primary Pulmonary Plasmacytoma Presenting as Multiple Lung Nodules

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    Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a plasma cell tumor arising outside the bone marrow and usually occurs as a solitary tumor in the upper respiratory tract, such as the pharynx, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, or oral cavity [1]. Other cases develop in the lymph nodes, skin, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and other regions. Primary pulmonary plasmacytomas are very rare and usually present as solitary lung nodules or masses [2]. Unusual cases manifest as diffuse pulmonary infiltration [3,4]. We describe here a unique case of primary pulmonary plasmacytoma, which presented as multiple lung nodules during regular screening in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

    Evidence That Hydra I is a Tidally Disrupting Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy

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    The Eastern Banded Structure (EBS) and Hydra I halo overdensities are very nearby (d ~ 10 kpc) objects discovered in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. Previous studies of the region have shown that EBS and Hydra I are spatially coincident, cold structures at the same distance, suggesting that Hydra I may be the EBS's progenitor. We combine new wide-field Dark Energy Camera (DECam) imaging and MMT/Hectochelle spectroscopic observations of Hydra I with SDSS archival spectroscopic observations to quantify Hydra I's present-day chemodynamical properties, and to infer whether it originated as a star cluster or dwarf galaxy. While previous work using shallow SDSS imaging assumed a standard old, metal-poor stellar population, our deeper DECam imaging reveals that Hydra I has a thin, well-defined main sequence turnoff of intermediate age (~5–6 Gyr) and metallicity ([Fe/H] = −0.9 dex). We measure statistically significant spreads in both the iron and alpha-element abundances of σ_[(Fe)/H}= 0.13 ± 0.02 dex and σ_[ɑ/Fe] = 0.09 ± 0.03 dex, respectively, and place upper limits on both the rotation and its proper motion. Hydra I's intermediate age and [Fe/H]—as well as its low [α/Fe], apparent [Fe/H] spread, and present-day low luminosity—suggest that its progenitor was a dwarf galaxy, which has subsequently lost more than 99.99% of its stellar mass

    Optic Nerve Injury Secondary to Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: an Analysis of Three Cases

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    Major orbital complications after the endoscopic sinus surgeries are rare and of these, optic nerve injury is one of the most serious. This study was to undertaken to analyze 3 cases of optic nerve injury after endoscopic sinus surgery. The three cases included one patient with a loss of visual acuity and visual field defect, and two patients with total blindness. In all cases, no improvement of visual acuity was observed despite treatment. It is important to frequently check the location and direction of the endoscope during surgery to avoid optic nerve injury. In addition, surgeons must have a precise knowledge of the detailed anatomy through cadaver dissections, an ability to interpret the PNS CT scan and experienced procedural surgical skills

    Frontal Sinus Lymphoma Presenting As Progressive Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsy

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    Primary frontal sinus lymphoma is a very uncommon disease. In all the previously reported cases, the presenting symptoms have been due to the tumor mass effect. We present an unusual case report of an immunocompetent patient who presented with facial palsy, and then progressively developed other cranial nerve palsies over several months. He was later diagnosed with diffuse large B cell lymphoma originating from the frontal sinus. The patient underwent chemotherapy, but eventually had to receive autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. He is currently disease-free. The clinical course, diagnostic workup, and therapeutic outcome are described

    Easy Diagnosis of Asthma: Computer-Assisted, Symptom-Based Diagnosis

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    Diagnosis of asthma is often challenging in primary-care physicians due to lack of tools measuring airway obstruction and variability. Symptom-based diagnosis of asthma utilizing objective diagnostic parameters and appropriate software would be useful in clinical practice. A total of 302 adult patients with respiratory symptoms responded to a questionnaire regarding asthma symptoms and provoking factors. Questions were asked and recorded by physicians into a computer program. A definite diagnosis of asthma was made based on a positive response to methacholine bronchial provocation or bronchodilator response (BDR) testing. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the significance of questionnaire responses in terms of discriminating asthmatics. Asthmatic patients showed higher total symptom scores than non-asthmatics (mean 5.93 vs. 4.93; p<0.01). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified that response to questions concerning the following significantly discriminated asthmatics; wheezing with dyspnea, which is aggravated at night, and by exercise, cold air, and upper respiratory infection. Moreover, the presence of these symptoms was found to agree significantly with definite diagnosis of asthma (by kappa statistics). Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the diagnostic accuracy of symptom-based diagnosis was high with an area under the curve of 0.647±0.033. Using a computer-assisted symptom-based diagnosis program, it is possible to increase the accuracy of diagnosing asthma in general practice, when the facilities required to evaluate airway hyperresponsiveness or BDR are unavailable

    Alpha-1 Adrenergic Receptor Blockers for the Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Purpose To assess the effectiveness of alpha-1 adrenergic receptor blockers (α1-blockers) in the treatment of female lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Methods A literature search was conducted using the PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases. Fourteen studies with 1,319 patients were ultimately included. The study comprised 2 analyses: a comparison of urinary symptom scores, maximal flow rate (Qmax), and postvoid residual (PVR) urine volume before and after α1-blocker administration in 8 prospective, open-label studies and 5 randomized clinical trials (RCTs); and an evaluation of the same variables in α1-blocker and placebo groups in 4 RCTs. Results The first meta-analysis showed that, following treatment, patients exhibited statistically significant symptom relief (mean difference [MD], -5.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], -7.71 to -3.99; P<0.00001), increased Qmax (MD, 3.67 mL/sec; 95% CI, 2.76–4.59 mL/sec; P<0.00001), and decreased PVR volume (MD, -28.46 mL; 95% CI, -34.99 to -21.93 mL; P<0.00001). In the second meta-analysis, α1-blockers demonstrated significant symptom relief relative to placebo (MD, -1.60; 95% CI, -2.68 to -0.51; P=0.004). However, no significant differences were observed in Qmax (MD, 0.05 mL/sec; 95% CI, -0.74 to 0.83 mL/sec, P=0.91) and PVR (MD, -8.10 mL; 95% CI, -32.32 to 16.12 mL, P=0.51) between the α1-blocker and placebo groups. Conclusions These analyses suggest that α1-blockers are effective in the treatment of female LUTS patients. However, the effect of α1-blockers on female LUTS should be assessed according to the underlying cause, and the role of α1-blockers in combination therapy with other drugs should also be investigated