14 research outputs found

    Father-son relationship of signal expression: (A) ventral coloration, (B) tail streamer length, and (C) relative expression index.

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    <p>Lines represent a linear fit to the scatter plot, grey area represents linear fit confidence interval, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0118054#pone.0118054.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for details on slope and fit significance.</p

    Distribution of males’ tail streamer length, ventral coloration and their relative expression index.

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    <p>1A: Distribution of tail streamer length and ventral coloration measured from 200 adult males in our study population. The two traits <u>do not</u> correlate (<i>R</i><sup><i>2</i></sup> = 0.0007, <i>P ></i> 0.23). The dashed diagonal line, determined by the two traits’ means and standard deviations, represents the population norm of “equal” relative expression of the two signals, allowing use of the minimal distance to this line as the relative expression index of the two signals (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0118054#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a> section). 1B: Distribution of the relative expression index scores, <i>n</i> = 200.</p

    DRYAD ISRAEL + COLORADO distn of paternity outcomes

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    This file contains the paternity outcomes associated with the experimental manipulation of phenotype in two different study locations: Israel and Colorado, US

    Male barn swallow phenotypic & reproductive data

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    Data file with maximum tail streamer length, right wing length, and tetrahedral color measures for 4 ventral patches for male barn swallows from the Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey, and Israel. Clutch initiation date is provided for all populations but Romania. There are two years of data for the potential contact zone in Turkey. Color patch codes: T=throat, R=breast, B=belly, and V=vent. Also included are rotated factors summarizing phenotypic characters which were used in analyzing divergence in phenotypes and selection pressures: [BodyBrightness], [ThroatBrightness], [Saturation], and [StreamerLength]. Age is denoted for individuals we could confidently assign to a first-year or older age-class (i.e. which we had banded as a hatchling or which was an unbanded breeder at a site where we had banded all adults the previous year.