8 research outputs found

    Novel Insights into Orbital Angular Momentum Beams: From Fundamentals, Devices to Applications

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    It is well-known by now that the angular momentum carried by elementary particles can be categorized as spin angular momentum (SAM) and orbital angular momentum (OAM). In the early 1900s, Poynting recognized that a particle, such as a photon, can carry SAM, which has only two possible states, i.e., clockwise and anticlockwise circular polarization states. However, only fairly recently, in 1992, Allen et al. discovered that photons with helical phase fronts can carry OAM, which has infinite orthogonal states. In the past two decades, the OAM-carrying beam, due to its unique features, has gained increasing interest from many different research communities, including physics, chemistry, and engineering. Its twisted phase front and intensity distribution have enabled a variety of applications, such as micromanipulation, laser beam machining, nonlinear matter interactions, imaging, sensing, quantum cryptography and classical communications. This book aims to explore novel insights of OAM beams. It focuses on state-of-the-art advances in fundamental theories, devices and applications, as well as future perspectives of OAM beams

    Research on design of synchronous buck digital power supply based on average current mode

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    High efficiency, high switching frequency and digital control are the research hotspots in the field of switching power supply in recent years. In this paper, the design strategy of synchronous buck digital power supply based on average current mode is discussed. Combined with theoretical analysis and Matlab/Simulink software simulation, the loop control design conditions of synchronous buck are analyzed, two design methods of voltage and current double closed-loop PI compensator are described in detail, and a voltage loop control design method based on the simplification of the current loop is proposed. The high-performance mainstream MCU chip STM32G474 is used as the control core, and the high-resolution PWM technology is used to realize a switching frequency of 200 kHz, and the architecture of the system software is constructed with the idea of interrupt event triggering and state machine operation. The simulation and experimental results show that the system has the characteristics of high efficiency, fast dynamic response and strong robustness, which provides a reference for the general design of digital power supply

    Special Issue on Novel Insights into Orbital Angular Momentum Beams: From Fundamentals, Devices to Applications

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    It is well-known now that angular momentum carried by elementary particles can be categorized as spin angular momentum (SAM) and orbital angular momentum (OAM) [...

    Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Si3N4/SiO2 Horizontal Slot Waveguides for On-Chip High-Power Applications

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    In this paper, we propose an Si3N4/SiO2 horizontal-slot-waveguide-based polarization beam splitter (PBS) with low nonlinearity for on-chip high-power systems. The coupling length ratio between the quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes (LTE/LTM) was optimized to 2 for an efficient polarization splitting. For the single-slot design, the coupling length of the PBS was 281.5 μm, while the extinction ratios (ER) of the quasi-TM and quasi-TE modes were 23.9 dB and 20.8 dB, respectively. Compared to PBS based on the Si3N4 strip waveguide, the coupling length became 22.6% shorter. The proposed PBSs also had a relatively good fabrication tolerance for an ER of >20 dB. For the multi-slot design, the coupling length of the PBS was 290.3 μm, while the corresponding ER of the two polarizations were 24.0 dB and 21.0 dB, respectively. Furthermore, we investigated the tradeoff between the ER and coupling length for the optimized PBSs with single slot or multiple slots

    Over-Two-Octave Supercontinuum Generation of Light-Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum in Germania-Doped Ring-Core Fiber

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    In this paper, we design a silica-cladded Germania-doped ring-core fiber (RCF) that supports orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes. By optimizing the fiber structure parameters, the RCF possesses a near-zero flat dispersion with a total variation of 1,1 mode. A beyond-two-octave supercontinuum spectrum of the OAM1,1 mode is generated numerically by launching a 40 fs 120 kW pulse train centered at 1400 nm into a 12 cm long designed 50 mol% Ge-doped fiber, which covers 2130 nm bandwidth from 630 nm to 2760 nm at −40 dB of power level. This design can serve as an efficient way to extend the spectral coverage of beams carrying OAM modes for various applications