34 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 is causing serious damage to many countries. As of May, the number of confirmed patients worldwide is at 3.35 million and the death toll stands at 239,000 people. As a way to prevent the pandemic, most countries encourage people to keep social or physical distance and self-quarantine. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they recommend that people stay at least six feet away from each other and the South Korean government also recommend keeping their distance from each other at least two meters. Because of the current situation, the places where people can interact with each other, such as schools, businesses, restaurants, etc., are not able to function properly because of the prevention of people’s physical contact with each other and the need to ‘social distance’ and this is causing continued economic deterioration. Through this pandemic, I have realized once again how important interrelationships are in the society we belong to, and at the same time, how the society we live in has been changed by modern technologies. With the development of automobiles, machinery and technology day by day, these modern technologies have become a natural convergence of our society. But as a result, teenagers, in particular, were exposed too much to the information technology, such as mobile phones and computers, and such developments have caused a lack of thinking, creativity and physical abilities, resulting in a cut-off in communication with each other, and making it a non-face-to-face and isolated society. People in various fields, such as philosophy, sociology, and art, talk about how important each other\u27s interrelationship plays a role in shaping the framework of society. While the development of technology is increasing the number of people who are becoming isolated from society, the development of these technologies now helps people engaging in constant exchanges to escape the isolated environment by allowing them to see and communicate with each other at a time when they have to maintain a distance of more than six feet or be isolated at home by the COVID-19 pandemic. An important difference in the impact of technology on well-being lies in other aspects of technology, how it is used, and with other users and situations. Just as the technological developments exemplify the potential to have a positive impact on people\u27s lives, I also aim to apply a positive use of technology to create a virtual interactive space where people can once again feel how important interrelationships are in our society through experiences. I have so far emphasized two things, the concept of playfulness and designing a virtual interactive space optimized for engagement and play, for the past two years to create the virtual space based on my experience. The goal of my thesis work, based on the two things that I have emphasized greatly above, is to build an environment in which audiences can share various movements through cooperation without being restricted by their actions or aware of the surrounding environment, to enhance their thinking, creativity, and engaged living by using the design I envisioned through instilling positive emotions. Unfortunately, my thesis work could not be installed due to the current pandemic and it is also unclear that if the design I structured for people was successful. It greatly affected the development of work, and made it impossible to install and interact with various players in that it is necessary to return to South Korea due to the closure of the studio and the pandemic

    IPCC, 2023: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report, Summary for Policymakers. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland.

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    This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It integrates the main findings of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) based on contributions from the three Working Groups1 , and the three Special Reports. The summary for Policymakers (SPM) is structured in three parts: SPM.A Current Status and Trends, SPM.B Future Climate Change, Risks, and Long-Term Responses, and SPM.C Responses in the Near Term.This report recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development, and reflects the increasing diversity of actors involved in climate action. Based on scientific understanding, key findings can be formulated as statements of fact or associated with an assessed level of confidence using the IPCC calibrated language

    Energy efficiency for development in Korea

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    행사명 : KDI-WBI-CAG Policy Foru

    Environmental and Economical Evaluation of Liquified Natural Gas Vehicles Promotion Program in The City of Baghdad

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    Statistical Analysis of Uniform Switching Characteristics of Ta2O5-Based Memristors by Embedding In-Situ Grown 2D-MoS2 Buffer Layers

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    A memristor based on emerging resistive random-access memory (RRAM) is a promising candidate for use as a next-generation neuromorphic computing device which overcomes the von Neumann bottleneck. Meanwhile, due to their unique properties, including atomically thin layers and surface smoothness, two-dimensional (2D) materials are being widely studied for implementation in the development of new information-processing electronic devices. However, inherent drawbacks concerning operational uniformities, such as device-to-device variability, device yield, and reliability, are huge challenges in the realization of concrete memristor hardware devices. In this study, we fabricated Ta2O5-based memristor devices, where a 2D-MoS2 buffer layer was directly inserted between the Ta2O5 switching layer and the Ag metal electrode to improve uniform switching characteristics in terms of switching voltage, the distribution of resistance states, endurance, and retention. A 2D-MoS2 layered buffer film with a 5 nm thickness was directly grown on the Ta2O5 switching layer by the atomic-pressure plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (AP-PECVD) method, which is highly uniform and provided a superior yield of 2D-MoS2 film. It was observed that the switching operation was dramatically stabilized via the introduction of the 2D-MoS2 buffer layer compared to a pristine device without the buffer layer. It was assumed that the difference in mobility and reduction rates between Ta2O5 and MoS2 caused the narrow localization of ion migration, inducing the formation of more stable conduction filament. In addition, an excellent yield of 98% was confirmed while showing cell-to-cell operation uniformity, and the extrinsic and intrinsic variabilities in operating the device were highly uniform. Thus, the introduction of a MoS2 buffer layer could improve highly reliable memristor device switching operation

    Suppressed Stochastic Switching Behavior and Improved Synaptic Functions in an Atomic Switch Embedded with a 2D NbSe2Material

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    We investigated chemical vapor-deposited (CVD) two-dimensional (2D) niobium diselenide (NbSe2) material for the resistive switching and synaptic characteristics. Three different atomic switch devices with Ag/HfO2/Pt, Ag/Ti/HfO2/Pt, and Ag/NbSe2/HfO2/Pt were studied as both memory and neuromorphic devices. Both the inserted Ti and NbSe2 buffer layers effectively control the stochastic Ag-ion diffusion, leading to suppressed variation of switching characteristics, which is a critical issue in an atomic switch device. Especially, the device with the 2D NbSe2 buffer layer strikingly enhanced the device reliability in both endurance and retention. In conjunction with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) analysis of the control of the Ag-ion migration, it was understood that filament connection is interrelated with the SET and RESET processes. Besides resistive behaviors in the memory device, various synapse functions such as spike-rate-dependent plasticity (SRDP), forgetting curve, potentiation, and depression were demonstrated with an atomic switch with the 2D NbSe2 buffer layer. Furthermore, the emulated long-term synaptic property was simulated using the MNIST 28 × 28 pixel database. Using adopting a CVD 2D NbSe2 blocking layer, the stochastic Ag-ion diffusion behavior is well-controlled and therefore stable switching and synapse functions are attained. ©N

    Artificial 2D van der Waals Synapse Devices via Interfacial Engineering for Neuromorphic Systems

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    Despite extensive investigations of a wide variety of artificial synapse devices aimed at realizing a neuromorphic hardware system, the identification of a physical parameter that modulates synaptic plasticity is still required. In this context, a novel two-dimensional architecture consisting of a NbSe2/WSe2/Nb2O5 heterostructure placed on an SiO2/p+ Si substrate was designed to overcome the limitations of the conventional silicon-based complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology. NbSe2, WSe2, and Nb2O5 were used as the metal electrode, active channel, and conductance-modulating layer, respectively. Interestingly, it was found that the post-synaptic current was successfully modulated by the thickness of the interlayer Nb2O5, with a thicker interlayer inducing a higher synapse spike current and a stronger interaction in the sequential pulse mode. Introduction of the Nb2O5 interlayer can facilitate the realization of reliable and controllable synaptic devices for brain-inspired integrated neuromorphic systems

    Supraglottic airway devices as a strategy for unassisted tracheal intubation: A network meta-analysis.

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    We aimed to compare the effectiveness of supraglottic airway devices as a strategy for unassisted tracheal intubation. Accordingly, we searched the OVID-MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, KoreaMed, and Google Scholar databases to identify all relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on supraglottic airway devices as a strategy for tracheal intubation published until May 2017. The primary outcome was the overall success rate of intubation by the intention to treat (ITT) strategy. The secondary outcomes of the study were the overall success rate of tracheal intubation by the per protocol (PP) strategy and the success rate of tracheal intubation at first attempt by ITT and PP. We conducted a network meta-analysis with a mixed-treatment comparison method to combine direct and indirect comparisons among supraglottic airway devices. Of 1396 identified references, 16 RCTs (2014 patients) evaluated unassisted intubation with supraglottic airway devices. Patients were grouped according to the type of device used: LMA-CTrach, LMA-Fastrach, Air-Q, i-gel, CobraPLA, Ambu-Aura, or single-use LMA devices. Based on the surface under the cumulative ranking curve, the three best supraglottic airway devices for use as a strategy for unassisted tracheal intubation were LMA-CTrach (which included video-assisted tracheal tube guidance), single-use LMA-Fastrach, and LMA-Fastrach. LMA-Fastrach showed a higher success rate of intubation than did i-gel, CobraPLA, Air-Q, and Ambu-Aura. However, this study was limited by the small number of eligible RCTs. Therefore, well-designed RCTs performed on large patient populations are required to increase the confidence of the results

    Ultra-flexible and rollable 2D-MoS2/Si heterojunction-based near-infrared photodetector: Via direct synthesis

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    Atomic two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted significant attention for application in various optoelectronic devices such as image sensors, biomedical imaging systems, and consumer electronics and in diverse spectroscopic analyses. However, a complicated fabrication process, involving transfer and alignment of as-synthesized 2D layers onto flexible target substrates, hinders the development of flexible high-performance heterojunction-based photodetectors. Herein, an ultra-flexible 2D-MoS2/Si heterojunction-based photodetector is successfully fabricated through atmospheric-pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, which enables the direct deposition of multi-layered MoS2 onto a flexible Si substrate at low temperature (<200 °C). The photodetector is responsive to near infrared light (λ = 850 nm), showing responsivity of 10.07 mA W-1 and specific detectivity (D∗) of 4.53 × 1010 Jones. The measured photocurrent as a function of light intensity exhibits good linearity with a power law exponent of 0.84, indicating negligible trapping/de-trapping of photo-generated carriers at the heterojunction interface, which facilitates photocarrier collection. Furthermore, the photodetectors can be bent with a small bending radius (5 mm) and wrapped around a glass rod, showing excellent photoresponsivity under various bending radii. Hence, the device exhibits excellent flexibility, rollability, and durability under harsh bending conditions. This photodetector has significant potential for use in next-generation flexible and patchable optoelectronic devices. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.N