135 research outputs found

    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉文字環境のモデル化と社会言語科学への応用 言語変化は経年調査データから予測可能か?

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    国立国語研究所 理論・構造研究系Department of Linguistic Theory and Structure, NINJAL言語変化の経年調査データから将来の言語変化を数量的に予測するモデル(横山・真田2010)について紹介した。このモデルは「臨界期記憶+調査年効果 → 共通語化」という図式にしたがって共通語化を説明・予測する。国立国語研究所が山形県鶴岡市を定点観測フィールドとして経年的に約20年間隔で過去3回実施した共通語化調査の大量データを,このモデルで解析した結果,アクセント共通語化などにおいて予測値と観測値が精度よく一致することが示された。This paper discusses the validity of a new statistical model of language change proposed by Yokoyama and Sanada (2010) in an analysis of data on dialect standardization in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. This model supposes that a regional dynamic change in language reflects a change over the years in linguistic memory traces which accumulate in the brains of the local residents during their life. Employing this model, Yokoyama and Sanada analyzed longitudinal survey data from Tsuruoka City, collected three times at twenty years intervals, and statistically confirmed that the increasing standardization of dialect shows a close fit between observed data and model predictions

    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉基幹型 : 文字環境のモデル化と社会言語科学への応用 文字環境と単純接触効果

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    国立国語研究所理論・構造研究系パソコンや携帯電話で文字を打つとき,人間は【桧-檜】のような変換候補から一つの表記を選択している。異体字ペアのうち「なじみ」がある方を書き手は好む傾向がある。では,どの文字表記が選択されやすいのかを,単純接触効果の理論にもとづいて予測することは可能なのだろうか。このような観点に立って,本プロジェクトは文字環境の質的・量的モデルの作成を進めている。本稿では異体字選好の地域差について検討をおこなった。When typing Japanese text on a computer or mobile telephone, the input software often presents a choice of different orthographic representations for the same word. For example, the word hinoki \u27Japanese cypress\u27 can be represented with a simplified kanji (桧) or traditional kanji (檜). The writer will ordinarily prefer the more familiar of the two kanji in such a pair. The question arises as to how the writer makes the choice, and whether it is possible to predict the choice using the theory of mere exposure effect. This project seeks to develop a qualitative and quantitative model of the relationship between factors in the linguistic environment and an individual\u27s written language use. Regional differences in variant preference are discussed in this article

    Changing “white and bright” room light to“dim and umber” one had significant effects on residents’sleep patterns

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    Japanese people are known for their short sleep time, which is resulting from their late bedtime. Lightexposure, especially with short wave length, has significant effects of delaying circadian rhythms. Room lightsused in Japanese houses are mostly “bright and white” fluorescent or LED devices. There are many laboratory experiments demonstrating the effects of light on sleep and wake patterns, however, light effects have not been confirmed in actual house settings. We conducted an intervention study of changing light condition in actual houses. We provided “dim and umber” type light devices to the house with “bright and white” type light devices. In experimental group, where the lights were changed to the “dim and umber types, sleep and wake patterns were advanced significantly, compared to the control group. While in the control group with “bright and white” light type, the residents showed significant delay in their sleep and wake patterns, only within a week period. In the experimental group, they showed significant improvements in their mental health. There are possibilities of beneficial changes, if the “dim and umber” type light settings are introduced into Japanese houses

    異体字に対するなじみと好み : 接触印象・使用頻度との関係

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    国立国語研究所国立国語研究所The National Language Research Institute|The National Language Research Institute漢字に異体字がある場合,その一方に対して,人間はなじみを感じたり,使用したいと思うことがある。好みを発生させる主な原因は,ある字体に対してなじみを感じることにあると考えられる。そのなじみを形成する要因は,接触印象であり,さらにそれは接触頻度によって主に生み出されたものと考えられる。接触頻度は,社会における各メディアで使用される漢字の出現頻度と深く関連するものである。個々の例から明らかとなったこの現象を踏まえて,今後さらになじみと好みに関する調査結果を位置づけていかなくてはならない。When variant forms exist for a single kanji, people tend feel a greater familiarity with one of these forms, which often leads to a preference to use the more familiar form. The familiarity felt towards a particular variant is the result of the impression from seeing that form, and is especially influenced by the frequency with which a person is exposed to that form. The frequency of individuals\u27 exposure to variant forms is of course related to the frequency with which these forms appear in various media. We demonstrate these relationships based on a number of test cases, and point out the need for further research in this area


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    国立国語研究所国立国語研究所本研究では,漢字と仮名にノイズを重畳して文字認知成績に生じる影響を究明した。一般に,漢字は仮名よりも文字領域の比率が高く,黒い部分の面積が広い。このことから,黒いノイズを重畳すると,背景領域の広い仮名の方が大きな影響を受け,読み取り成績が劣ると考えられる。この予想を検証するため実験を行った結果,人間と光学式文字読み取り装置(OCR)の読み取り成績はいずれも漢字が仮名を大きく上回ることが明らかになり,仮説が支持された。これらの結果に関して,文字の有するパターン性の観点から考察を行った。The purpose of this paper is to investigate recognition performance of Kanji and Kana overlaid with additive noise. In genaral, Kanji have more pixels than Kana in the size-and-position normalized binary image,so it was expected that the effect of additive noise would be more obvious for Kana than for Kanji. Two experiments examined the validity of this prediction with humans and OCR. The recognition rate is different between Kanji and Kana with additive noise, Kanji show a higher rate and robustness of recognition than Kana. This result seems to support the hypothesis that Kanji has rich pattern structure.17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告

    Clinical features and pathogenesis of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis: a nationwide analysis of the Japan renal biopsy registry from 2007 to 2015

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    BackgroundThe incidence and age distribution of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) vary throughout the world by race and ethnicity. We sought to evaluate the clinical features, pathogenesis, and age distribution of MPGN among a large nationwide data from the Japan Renal Biopsy Registry (J-RBR).MethodsA cross-sectional survey of 593 patients with MPGN (types I and III) registered in the J-RBR between 2007 and 2015 was conducted. Clinical parameters, and laboratory findings at diagnosis were compared between children (< 20 years), adults (20–64 years), and elderly patients (≥ 65 years).ResultsThe median age of the patients was 59.0 years and mean proteinuria was 3.7 g/day. The rate of nephrotic syndrome was significantly higher in adults (40.4%) and elderly patients (54.0%) than in children (14.9%), whereas the rate of chronic glomerulonephritis was significantly higher in children (66.2%) than in adults (34.4%) and elderly patients (31.2%). According to the CGA risk classification, high-risk (red zone) cases accounted for 3.4% of children, 52.5% of adults and 84.1% of elderly patients with MPGN. As for pathogenesis, primary MPGN was most frequent (56.0%). Lupus nephritis was the most common disease among adult patients with secondary MPGN, whereas infectious disease was more common in elderly patients. Multiple regression analysis revealed that high systolic blood pressure and high proteinuria were independent factors associated with decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in adults and elderly patients with MPGN.ConclusionsIn Japan, adults and elderly patients with MPGN had a lower eGFR and severer proteinuria than children