42 research outputs found

    Connected sums of knots and weakly reducible Heegaard splittings

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    This paper studies the question of whether minimal genus Heegaard splittings of exterior spaces of knots which are connected sums are weakly reducible or not. Furthermore it is shown that the Heegaard splittings of the knots used by Morimoto to show that tunnel number can be sub-additive are all strongly irreducible. These are the first examples of strongly irreducible minimal genus Heegaard splittings of composite knots. We also give a characterization of when is a set of primitive annuli on a handlebody simultaneously primitive. This characterization is different from that given in [Go].Comment: 26 pages 10 figure

    Heegaard Splittings of Twisted Torus Knots

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    Little is known on the classification of Heegaard splittings for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Although Kobayashi gave a complete classification of Heegaard splittings for the exteriors of 2-bridge knots, our knowledge of other classes is extremely limited. In particular, there are very few hyperbolic manifolds that are known to have a unique minimal genus splitting. Here we demonstrate that an infinite class of hyperbolic knot exteriors, namely exteriors of certain "twisted torus knots" originally studied by Morimoto, Sakuma and Yokota, have a unique minimal genus Heegaard splitting of genus two. We also conjecture that these manifolds possess irreducible yet weakly reducible splittings of genus three. There are no known examples of such Heegaard splittings.Comment: 4 pages 8 figure

    High distance Heegaard splittings via fat train tracks

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    We define "fat" train tracks and use them to give a combinatorial criterion for the Hempel distance of Heegaard splittings for closed orientable 3-manifolds. We apply this criterion to 3-manifolds obtained from surgery on knots in the three sphere.Comment: 25 pages no figures. to appear in Proceedings of "Knots Groups and 3-manifolds" Marseilles France 200