1 research outputs found

    El concepte d'educaci贸 integral. Implicacions te貌riques i pr脿ctiques per a l'educaci贸

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    [cat] Aquesta tesi pret茅n aportar una perspectiva en la comprensi贸 del concepte d鈥檈ducaci贸 integral i plantejar implicacions te貌riques i pr脿ctiques per a l鈥檈ducaci贸. En preguntar-nos per l鈥檈ducaci贸 integral hem identificat, d鈥檃cord amb la metodologia, una categoria que considerem central que hem denominat consci猫ncia mobilitzadora, que entenem com tenint consci猫ncia dels i de les alumnes i sentint la seva influ猫ncia. Afirmem que la persona docent, davant del seus i de les seves alumnes, t茅 una comprensi贸 d鈥檈lls i elles que afecta la seva activitat docent i contribueix a la seva qualificaci贸. Aquesta comprensi贸 t茅 molta diversitat d鈥檈xpressions i explicitacions per part del professorat existint tanmateix una dificultat per tematitzar-la. Formulem i desenvolupem, una categoria emergent que denominem integralitat i senceritat per expressar aquesta comprensi贸 de l鈥檃lumne/a. El prop貌sit de la recerca era aprofundir en la comprensi贸 de l鈥檈ducaci贸 integral per part del professorat en el sistema educatiu formal i si hi havia alguna categoria antropol貌gica que ens podria ajudar per aprofundir en l鈥檈ducaci贸 integral a l鈥檈scola. Aquest prop貌sit ens el fem dins d鈥檜n context social en qu猫 a trav茅s de les normatives, la cultura, les ci猫ncies humanes, es subratlla un inter猫s creixent per la subjectivitat i m贸n interior, i d鈥檜n sistema educatiu en el qual es van desplegant iniciatives que s鈥檋i adrecen. La recerca s鈥檋a dut a terme seguint la metodologia d鈥檃n脿lisi qualitativa de la Teoria fonamentada. El que es volia era generar, i no pas verificar, una teoria o unes hip貌tesis de treball. Amb aquesta recerca s鈥檃porta una perspectiva m茅s per entendre l鈥檈ducaci贸 integral en subratllar el car脿cter sencer, integral de l鈥檃lumne/a i pot contribuir a enriquir la seva comprensi贸 per part del professorat de manera que redundi en qualificar el proc茅s d鈥檈nsenyament i aprenentatge. Tamb茅 s鈥檌dentifiquen possibles noves l铆nies de recerca que contribuirien a qualificar l鈥檃bast de l鈥檈ducaci贸 integral.[eng] This thesis aims to provide a perspective on understanding the concept of integral education and raise theoretical and practical implications for education. In conceptualizing integral education, we have identified a core aspect called mobilizing consciousness which we define as being aware of the of students and feeling their influence. In other words, the understanding that teachers have of the persons (students) in front of them affects their teaching and contributes to their qualification as educators. This understanding is difficult to identify and conceptualize, as teachers express it and explain it in a variety of ways. Here we formulate and develop an emergent category called wholeness and integrality, which characterizes this understanding of the student. Specifically, the purpose of this research is to provide a more in-depth understanding of the concept of integral education, and to investigate whether there are any anthropological categories that help us to further apply integral education at school. To this end, we follow the qualitative analysis methodology known as Grounded Theory. The study is carried out in a social context (and therefore and educational system) that, through regulations, culture, and social sciences, shows a growing interest in subjectivity and the inner world. What was wanted was to generate, and not verify, a working theory or hypothesis. This research emphasizes the whole, integral character of the student and contributes to a better understanding of the student on the educator鈥檚 side. This will improve both teaching and learning processes. Finally, we identify potential new lines of research, which would help to determine the scope of integral education