758 research outputs found

    China’s E-commerce Development Path and Mode Innovation of Agricultural Product Based on Business Model Canvas Method

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    Rapid development of modern e-commerce technology has greatly improved the efficiency of China’s agricultural product supply chain operation , and the traditional e-commerce of agricultural products mode and path have been far from enough to solve new problems that modern economic development brought in China. This paper synthesizes the domestic and foreign development status of e-commerce of agricultural products, further establishes the analysis frame of e-commerce of agricultural products mode, first applies the business model canvas method to generalize China’s e-commerce mode of agricultural products from nine important dimensions of customer segmentation, key business, value proposition, core resources etc, aiming at the deficiencies of the present model,creatively put forward new mode, LBS O2O Community with WeChat, and explores development path of the community e-commerce of agricultural products, provides feasible suggestions to agricultural operators in the selection and optimization of electronic business mode

    Biomarker of Magnesium Status in Response to Mg Supplementation: A Dose- and Time-Response Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    poster abstractABSTRACT Background: Magnesium is a cofactor for hundreds of human enzymes and magnesium deficiency has been associated with cardiometabolic disorders. Although a panel of magnesium biomarkers are used to assess magnesium status, their relative predictive values or clinical usefulness in response to magnesium supplementation remain unclear. Objective: We quantitatively evaluated time- and dose-response relation of magnesium biomarkers from available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of magnesium supplementation. Methods: We systematically identified RCTs assessing magnesium biomarkers’ responses after oral magnesium supplementation through search on MEDLINE and Cochrane Library up to November 2014. We calculated the pooled weight mean differences (WMDs) of biomarkers levels between treatment and placebo group after supplementation. A dose- and time-response meta-analysis was conducted to quantitatively compare the usefulness of biomarkers in assessing magnesium status. Results: This meta-analysis included 44 RCTs of magnesium supplementation that examined a total of 38 biomarkers of magnesium status. Total magnesium concentrations in blood (serum or plasma), RBC, and urine were significantly raised after magnesium supplementation by 0.05 mmol/l, 0.12 mmol/l, and 1.52 mmol/24h corresponding to 5.81%, 5.30%, and 28.3% increases relative to baseline magnesium levels, respectively. Our dose- and time-response meta-analyses showed that blood and urinary magnesium levels abruptly increased at the first 20-week supplementation and afterwards reached a plateau. Evidence was insufficient due to limited numbers of studies testing other potential biomarkers, including ionized Mg, muscle Mg, mononuclear Mg, intracellular Mg, IV Mg load, ultrafiltrable Mg, and fecal Mg

    Dual roles of anesthetics in postoperative cognitive dysfunction: Regulation of microglial activation through inflammatory signaling pathways

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    Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a prevalent clinical entity following surgery and is characterized by declined neurocognitive function. Neuroinflammation mediated by microglia is the essential mechanism of POCD. Anesthetics are thought to be a major contributor to the development of POCD, as they promote microglial activation and induce neuroinflammation. However, this claim remains controversial. Anesthetics can exert both anti- and pro-inflammatory effects by modulating microglial activation, suggesting that anesthetics may play dual roles in the pathogenesis of POCD. Here, we review the mechanisms by which the commonly used anesthetics regulate microglial activation via inflammatory signaling pathways, showing both anti- and pro-inflammatory properties of anesthetics, and indicating how perioperative administration of anesthetics might either relieve or worsen POCD development. The potential for anesthetics to enhance cognitive performance based on their anti-inflammatory properties is further discussed, emphasizing that the beneficial effects of anesthetics vary depending on dose, exposure time, and patients’ characteristics. To minimize the incidence of POCD, we recommend considering these factors to select appropriate anesthetics

    Badanie wpływu reform i otwarcia na zrównoważony rozwój: dowody z Chin

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    This paper selected the data of 284 prefectural-level cities in China in the time range of 2011 to 2020 as the research sample, and established an index system of sustainable development consisting of 22 indicators including economic development, social progress, ecological environment and public institutions and so on, to comprehensive evaluate the sustainability of the cities. Total annual investment in pollution control is selected as the proxy variable of reform, and annual actual amount of foreign investment used is selected as the proxy variable of opening-up, to empirically explore the impact of the two on sustainable development. The results of empirical analysis show that reform and opening-up has a significant positive impact on sustainable development. After fixing time and individual effect, it is found that the effect of reform is more prominent. Regional heterogeneity analysis shows that, the impact strength of reform and opening-up in the east is larger than that in the middle and west of China. To study the spatial auto-correlation and spillover effect, Moran’s I was calculated and spatial Durbin model was constructed based on the weight matrix of geographical distance, which produced the results that spatial agglomeration is evident for sustainability, and that reform has a significant positive spillover effect. Further, considering the time auto-correlation of sustainability, a dynamic panel model is established, and dynamic threshold regression is carried out. Results show that lag effect of sustainability is significant, and a certain threshold must reform reach can sustainable development be promoted. This paper puts forward several policy suggestions in terms of formulating effective sustainable development strategy, to provide insights for new-pattern urbanization in the future.W niniejszym artykule jako próbę badawczą wybrano dane z 284 miast na poziomie prefekturalnym w Chinach w okresie od 2011 do 2020 r. Ustanowiono system wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju składający się z 22 wskaźników, w tym rozwoju gospodarczego, postępu społecznego, środowiska ekologicznego i instytucji publicznych itd. dalej, aby kompleksowo ocenić zrównoważony rozwój miast. Całkowite roczne inwestycje w kontrolę zanieczyszczeń wybrano jako zmienną zastępczą reformy, a rzeczywistą roczną kwotę wykorzystanych inwestycji zagranicznych wybrano jako zmienną zastępczą otwarcia, aby empirycznie zbadać wpływ tych dwóch czynników na zrównoważony rozwój. Wyniki analizy empirycznej wskazują, że reforma i otwarcie mają istotny pozytywny wpływ na zrównoważony rozwój. Po ustaleniu czasu i efektu indywidualnego okazuje się, że efekt reformy jest bardziej widoczny. Analiza regionalnej heterogeniczności pokazuje, że siła oddziaływania reform i otwarcia na wschodzie jest większa niż w środkowych i zachodnich Chinach. Aby zbadać przestrzenną autokorelację i efekt uboczny, obliczono Morana I i skonstruowano przestrzenny model Durbina w oparciu o macierz wagową odległości geograficznej, co pozwoliło wykazać, że aglomeracja przestrzenna jest oczywista dla zrównoważonego rozwoju, a reforma ma znaczący pozytywny efekt uboczny. Ponadto, biorąc pod uwagę autokorelację trwałości w czasie, ustanawia się dynamiczny model panelowy i przeprowadza się dynamiczną regresję progową. Wyniki pokazują, że efekt opóźnienia w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju jest znaczący i istnieje próg, który musi osiągnąć reforma, aby można było promować zrównoważony rozwój. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono kilka sugestii politycznych dotyczących sformułowania skutecznej strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju, aby nakreślić nowy wzorzec urbanizacji odnoszący się do przyszłości

    Selenium status and cardiovascular diseases: meta-analysis of prospective observational studies and randomized controlled trials

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    Background/Objectives: Selenium was thought to have a role in cardiovascular disease (CVD) owing to its antioxidant properties; however, evidence from observational studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has been inconsistent and controversial. We thus conducted a meta-analysis to assess the discrepancies between observational and randomized trial evidence. Subjects/Methods: We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for eligible prospective studies regarding the relationship between selenium and CVD up to 15 December 2013 and finally included 16 prospective observational studies and 16 RCTs. Random effects model was used to estimate the pooled relative risk (RR). Generalized least-squares trend test and restricted cubic spline model were performed to assess a linear and a nonlinear dose–response relationship. Results: Our meta-analysis of prospective studies showed a nonlinear relationship of CVD risk with blood selenium concentrations across a range of 30–165 μg/l and a significant benefit of CVD within a narrow selenium range of 55–145 μg/l. Our meta-analyses of RCTs showed that oral selenium supplements (median dose: 200 μg/day) for 2 weeks to 144 months significantly raised the blood selenium concentrations by 56.4 μg/l (95% confidence interval (CI): 40.9, 72.0 μg/l), whereas oral selenium supplements (median: 100 μg/day) for 6 to 114 months caused no effect on CVD (RR=0.91; 95% CI: 0.74, 1.10). Conclusions: Our meta-analysis in prospective studies demonstrated a significant inverse association between selenium status and CVD risk within a narrow selenium range and a null effect of selenium supplementation on CVD was observed in RCTs. These findings indicate the importance of considering selenium status, dose and safety in health assessment and future study design