8,963 research outputs found

    Pressure distribution on a 1- by 3-meter semispan wing at sweep angles from 0 deg to 40 deg in subsonic flow

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    A 1- by 3-meter semispan wing of taper ratio 1.0 with NACA 0012 airfoil section contours was tested in the Langley V/STOL tunnel to measure the pressure distribution at five sweep angles, 0 deg, 10 deg, 20 deg, 30 deg, and 40 deg, through an angle-of-attack range from -6 deg to 20 deg. The pressure data are presented as plots of pressure coefficients at each static-pressure tap location on the wing. Flow visualization wing-tuft photographs are also presented for a wing of 40 deg sweep. A comparison between theory and experiment using two inviscid theories and a viscous theory shows good agreement for pressure distributions, normal forces, and pitching moments for the wing at 0 deg sweep

    Effects of spanwise nozzle geometry and location on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a vectored-engine-over-wing configuration at subsonic speeds

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    A V/STOL tunnel study was performed to determine the effects of spanwise blowing on longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a model using a vectored-over-wing powered lift concept. The effects of spanwise nozzle throat area, internal and external nozzle geometry, and vertical and axial location were investigated. These effects were studied at a Mach number of 0.186 over an angle-of-attack range from 14 deg to 40 deg. A high pressure air system was used to provide jet-exhaust simulation. Engine nozzle pressure ratio was varied from 1.0 (jet off) to approximately 3.75

    Control of germ-band retraction in Drosophila by the zinc-finger protein HINDSIGHT

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    Drosophila embryos lacking hindsight gene function have a normal body plan and undergo normal germ-band extension. However, they fail to retract their germ bands. hindsight encodes a large nuclear protein of 1920 amino acids that contains fourteen C2H2-type zinc fingers, and glutamine-rich and proline-rich domains, suggesting that it functions as a transcription factor. Initial embryonic expression of hindsight RNA and protein occurs in the endoderm (midgut) and extraembryonic membrane (amnioserosa) prior to germ-band extension and continues in these tissues beyond the completion of germ-band retraction. Expression also occurs in the developing tracheal system, central and peripheral nervous systems, and the ureter of the Malpighian tubules. Strikingly, hindsight is not expressed in the epidermal ectoderm which is the tissue that undergoes the cell shape changes and movements during germ-band retraction. The embryonic midgut can be eliminated without affecting germ-band retraction. However, elimination of the amnioserosa results in the failure of germ-band retraction, implicating amnioserosal expression of hindsight as crucial for this process. Ubiquitous expression of hindsight in the early embryo rescues germ-band retraction without producing dominant gainof-function defects, suggesting that hindsight’s role in germ-band retraction is permissive rather than instructive. Previous analyses have shown that hindsight is required for maintenance of the differentiated amnioserosa (Frank, L. C. and Rushlow, C. (1996) Development 122, 1343-1352). Two classes of models are consistent with the present data. First, hindsight’s function in germ-band retraction may be limited to maintenance of the amnioserosa which then plays a physical role in the retraction process through contact with cells of the epidermal ectoderm. Second, hindsight might function both to maintain the amnioserosa and to regulate chemical signaling from the amnioserosa to the epidermal ectoderm, thus coordinating the cell shape changes and movements that drive germ-band retraction

    Effects of vortex flaps on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of an arrow wing

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    Tests were conducted in the Langley 12-foot low-speed wind-tunnel to determine the longitudinal and lateral-directional aerodynamic effects of plain and tabbed vortex flaps on a flat-plate, highly swept arrow-wing model. Flow-visualization studies were made using a helium-bubble technique. Static forces and moments were measured over an angle-of-attack range from 0 deg to 50deg for sideslip angles of 0 deg and + or - 4 deg

    Exchange-Rate Systems and Interest-Rate Behaviour: The Experience of Hong Kong and Singapore

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    The Currency Board System in Hong Kong and the monitoring band system in Singapore are important benchmarks for two different exchange-rate systems. In this paper we consider the implications of the two exchange-rate systems on the interest-rate behaviour of the two economies. We examine the domestic-US interest differentials under the two exchange-rate regimes during the Asian Financial Crisis as well as the pre- and post-crisis periods. Using a bivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model, we also investigate whether there is any change in the correlation between the domestic and US interest rates due to the Asian Financial Crisis.

    Effects of deflected thrust on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a close-coupled wing-canard configuration

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    The effects of power on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a close-coupled wing-canard fighter configuration with partial-span rectangular nozzles at the trailing edge of the wing were investigated. Data were obtained on a basic wing-strake configuration for nozzle and flap deflections from 0 deg to 30 deg and for nominal thrust coefficients from 0 to 0.30. The model was tested over an angle-of-attack range from -2 deg to 40 deg at Mach numbers of 0.15 and 0.18. Results show substantial improvements in lift-curve slope, in maximum lift, and in drag-due-to-lift efficiency when the canard and strakes have been added to the basic wing-fuselage (wing-alone) configuration. Addition of power increased both lift-curve slope and maximum lift, improved longitudinal stability, and reduced drag due to lift on both the wing-canard and wing-canard-strake configurations. These beneficial effects are primarily derived from boundary-layer control due to moderate thrust coefficients which delay flow separation on the nozzle and inboard portion of the wing flaps

    Impacts of Ageing Population on Monetary and Exchange Rate Managements in Singapore

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    This paper finds that the ageing of the population in Singapore will cause a reversal of the current net Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution into a substantial net CPF withdrawal from 2025, with a peak occurring at 2035. The result is qualitatively robust to changes in the underlying assumptions of the projection. The paper then highlights the implications of this change on the exchange rate and monetary managements in Singapore. First, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)’s ability to influence Singapore’s exchange rate will be greatly hampered. Second, the net CPF withdrawal will mean sustained liquidity injection into (instead of the usual liquidity drain from) the economy. To avoid unnecessary inflation, the MAS has to find a sustainable way to mob up the excess liquidity due to the sustained liquidity injection. As a simple reversal of MAS’s current foreign exchange market operation will result in substantial shrinkage of foreign reserves, the paper proposes the issuance of government bonds to achieve the dual objectives of mobbing up the excess liquidity and avoiding the shrinkage of foreign reserves. This measure will also help the bond market development in Singapore. Finally, the paper proposes two other measures that can help maintain MAS’s influence on Singapore’s exchange rate to a reasonable level in the longer future.Ageing Population, Central Provident Fund, Exchange Rate System, Monetary Policy, Singapore.

    Low-speed power effects on advanced fighter configurations with two-dimensional deflected thrust

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    Wind-tunnel studies at the Langley Research Center have shown that significant increases in maximum lift coefficient and stability and decreases in drag due to lift are obtained when two-dimensional vectored thrust is used in conjuction with a close-coupled canard. The configuration tested was somewhat above the theoretical minimum drag due to lift because of the sharp leading edge on the biconvex airfoil used on the wing and canard. An effort to design a new configuration which will approach the minimum drag due to lift while maintaining high-lift configurations was completed. The resulting model will incorporate a realistic planform, airfoil section, and twist for a transonic maneuvering configuration

    Full-scale wind tunnel-investigation of the Advanced Technology Light Twin-Engine airplane (ATLIT)

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    An investigation was conducted to evaluate the aerodynamic performance, stability, and control characteristics of the Advanced Technology Light Twin Engine airplane (ATLIT). Data were measured over an angle of attack range from -4 deg to 20 deg for various angles of sideslip between -5 deg and 15 deg at Reynolds numbers of 0.0000023 and 0.0000035 for various settings of power and flap deflection. Measurements were also made by means of special thrust torque balances to determine the installed propeller characteristics. Part of the investigation was devoted to drag cleanup of the basic airplane and to the evaluation of the effect of winglets on drag and stability

    Natural laminar flow experiments on modern airplane surfaces

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    Flight and wind-tunnel natural laminar flow experiments have been conducted on various lifting and nonlifting surfaces of several airplanes at unit Reynolds numbers between 0.63 x 10 to the 6th power/ft and 3.08 x 10 to the 6th power/ft, at Mach numbers from 0.1 to 0.7, and at lifting surface leading-edge sweep angles from 0 deg to 63 deg. The airplanes tested were selected to provide relatively stiff skin conditions, free from significant roughness and waviness, on smooth modern production-type airframes. The observed transition locations typically occurred downstream of the measured or calculated pressure peak locations for the test conditions involved. No discernible effects on transition due to surface waviness were observed on any of the surfaces tested. None of the measured heights of surface waviness exceeded the empirically predicted allowable surface waviness. Experimental results consistent with spanwise contamination criteria were observed. Large changes in flight-measured performance and stability and control resulted from loss of laminar flow by forced transition. Rain effects on the laminar boundary layer caused stick-fixed nose-down pitch-trim changes in two of the airplanes tested. No effect on transition was observed for flight through low-altitude liquid-phase clouds. These observations indicate the importance of fixed-transition tests as a standard flight testing procedure for modern smooth airframes