32 research outputs found

    Automatic driving path plan based on iterative and triple optimization method

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    This paper presents a triple optimization algorithm of two-dimensional space, driving path and driving speed, and iterates in the time dimension to obtain the local optimal solution of path and speed in the optimal driving area. Design iterative algorithm to solve the best driving path and speed within the limited conditions. The algorithm can meet the path planning needs of automatic driving vehicle in complex scenes and medium and high-speed scenes

    Étude phytochimique et pharmacologique d’Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Mull. Arg. et de Mangifera indica dans le traitement traditionnel de la maladie hĂ©morroĂŻdaire

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    Objectif: La maladie hĂ©morroĂŻdaire dĂ©signe tous les Ă©tats pathologiques rĂ©sultant de la dilatation progressive ou de la rupture des plexus veineux hĂ©morroĂŻdaires. De nombreuses plantes sont citĂ©es dans la mĂ©decine traditionnelle contre les affections hĂ©morroĂŻdaires Ă  l’instar de Mangifera indica et Alchornea cordifolia.MĂ©thodologie et RĂ©sultats: Le matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal a Ă©tĂ© collectĂ© et prĂ©parĂ© par dĂ©coction aqueuse. L’étude phytochimique des extraits s’est traduite premiĂšrement par la caractĂ©risation mĂ©tabolites secondaires rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es par les tests de screening phytochimique et deuxiĂšmement par le dosage des flavonoĂŻdes par la mĂ©thode au trichlorure d’aluminium. Le matĂ©riel animal (rats et souris femelles) a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ© pour l’étude pharmacologique. L’activitĂ© rĂ©ductrice du radical libre 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine des extraits, les essais limites de toxicitĂ© aigĂŒe rĂ©alisĂ©s sur des souris femelles et la dĂ©termination du pouvoir anti-inflammatoire des extraits in vivo rĂ©alisĂ©e suivant la mĂ©thode d’induction de l’oedĂšme par la carraghĂ©nine sur des rats femelles. Les tanins et les flavonoĂŻdes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s dans les extraits aqueux. Les teneurs des flavonoĂŻdes d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica sont de 241 et 194 mg Ă©quivalent de catĂ©chine respectivement. Les CE 50 des extraits ont montrĂ© un pouvoir antioxydant (0,02 mg/ml et 0,03 mg/ml) relativement faible par rapport Ă  l’acide ascorbique avec une CE 50 de 0,003 mg/ml. L’innocuitĂ© des extraits aqueux d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica est dĂ©montrĂ©e pour une DL 50 â€ș 5000 mg/ml. Le test anti-inflammatoire aux doses de 500 mg/kg et 1000 mg/kg d’extraits a confirmĂ© le pouvoir inhibiteur des extraits sur les mĂ©diateurs de l’inflammation : l'histamine, la 5-hydroxytryptamine, les kinines et les prostaglandines.Conclusion et applications des rĂ©sultats: La richesse des extraits aqueux d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica en constituants polyphĂ©noliques capables de piĂ©ger les radicaux libres et augmentant le tonus veineux, empĂȘcheraient aussi la formation des mĂ©diateurs qui provoquent l’inflammation.Mots clĂ©s: Alchornea cordifolia, Mangifera indica, phytochimie, pharmacologieEnglish Title: Phytochemical and pharmacological study of Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Mull. Arg. and Mangifera indica in the traditional treatment of hemorrhoidal diseaseEnglish AbstractObjective: hemorrhoidal disease means all conditions resulting from the gradual expansion or rupture of hemorrhoidal venous plexus. Many plants are mentioned in traditional medicine against hemorrhoidal ailments like Mangifera indica and Alchornea cordifolia.Methodology and Results: The plant material was collected and prepared by aqueous decoction. The phytochemical study of extracts resulted firstly by characterizing secondary metabolites revealed by the tests of phytochemical screening and secondly by the assay by the method flavonoids aluminum trichloride. Animal material (rats and female mice) was prepared for the pharmacological study. The reducing activity of the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine extracts, the acute toxicity limits tests on female mice and determination of anti-inflammatory activity in vivo extracts taken along the induction method edema by carrageenin in female rats. The tannins and flavonoids were revealed in the aqueous extracts. The contents of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica Flavonoids are 241 and 194 mg equivalent of catechin respectively. The CE 50 extracts showed an antioxidant (0.02 mg/ml and 0.03 mg/ml) relatively low compared to the ascorbic acid with an CE 50 of 0.003 50 mg/ml. The safety of aqueous extracts of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica is demonstrated for DL 50> 5000 mg/ ml. The anti-inflammatory test with 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg of extracts confirmed the inhibitory power of the extracts on inflammatory mediators : histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, kinins and prostaglandins.Conclusion and application of the Results: The rich aqueous extracts of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica polyphenolic constituents capable of trapping free radicals and increasing venous tone, also prevent the formation of mediators that cause inflammation.Keywords: Alchornea cordifolia, Mangifera indica, Phytochemistry, Pharmacolog

    Activité antioxydante des extraits méthanoliques de Phragmanthera capitata (Loranthaceae) récoltée sur Citrus sinensis

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    Objectif : Évaluer les teneurs en phĂ©nols totaux et l’activitĂ© antioxydante in vitro des extraits mĂ©thanoliques de Phragmanthera capitata (Loranthaceae) utilisĂ© traditionnellement pour le traitement de nombreuses maladies liĂ©es au stress oxydatif chez l’homme.MĂ©thodologies et rĂ©sultats : La teneur en phĂ©nols totaux a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par la mĂ©thode de Folin-Ciocalteu et l’activitĂ© antioxydante par deux mĂ©thodes : le piĂ©geage des radicaux libres du DPPH et la rĂ©duction du fer FRAP. L’extrait mĂ©thanolique des tiges contient une teneur plus Ă©levĂ©e en phĂ©nols totaux (445,2 mg EAA/g ES) suivi de l’haustorium (138,1 mg EAA/g ES) et des feuilles (78,6 mg EAA/g ES). La capacitĂ© de piĂ©geage du DPPH de l’extrait des feuilles est moins active que ceux de l’haustorium et des tiges. Le pouvoir rĂ©ducteur de l’extrait des tiges est Ă©levĂ© comparĂ© Ă  celui des feuilles et de l’haustorium.Conclusions et applications : L’activitĂ© antioxydante des extraits de P. capitata rĂ©coltĂ©e sur citrus sinensis mis en Ă©vidence dans cette Ă©tude pourrait justifier les usages traditionnels de cette plante afin de dĂ©velopper de nouveaux composĂ©s bioactifs.Mots clĂ©s : Phragmanthera capitata, phĂ©nols totaux, DPPH, FRAP, activitĂ© antioxydante, Loranthacea

    Les plantes à alcaloïdes utilisées par les populations de la ville de Douala (Cameroun)

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    Objective: An ethnobotanical survey was conducted from January to February 2013 in Douala town relating to the various uses of alkaloids plants species by the people. Methodology and results: Ten districts were surveyed for the census alkaloid plants. These surveys helped conduct semi-structured surveys based on direct questions concerning the therapeutic uses of these plants by the targeted populations. A total of 73 alkaloid plant species were identified of which 21 were herbaceous and 52 woody. Among these species, 30 are indigenous and 43 exotic. They were distributed in 62 genera belonging to 40 families. The supply is provided from farms, secondary forests, gardens, fallows and markets. Solanaceae, Apocynaceae and Rubiaceae are rich in various alkaloids. Leaves, barks and roots are the plant parts mostly used in recipes for the treatment of various diseases. Drugs are mainly administered through the oral root. Secondary metabolites, including alkaloids are unevenly distributed in plants. They are produced at particular stages of development of the flower, fruit, seed or seedling in a specific organ, tissue or cell. Alkaloid plant species are used as major analgesics, antimalarial and to fight against excess uric acid. They are also used as drugs, laxatives, aphrodisiac and as cholinergic or as anticancer agents. They increased heart rate and stimulate the central nervous system with increased vigilance. Conclusion and application of results: All these properties can justify the inclusion of these non timber forest products in forest management programs for their sustainable exploitation.Keywords : Solanaceae; Apocynaceae; Rubiaceae; alkaloids; exploitatio

    Urban Waterfront VS Suburb, Different Characteristics of Public Space of Malmö city —A comparative study about public space of VĂ€stra Hamnen and Hyllie in Malmö

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    This paper sets out to compare public spaces at two locations with different identities and characteristics, one located at the urban waterfront and the other located in the peri-urban suburban land of Malmö city. The purpose is to manifest what constitute the urban planning strategy of Malmö in the first decade of 21st century and how the guidelines of detail plannings embody and characterize the planning strategy. So far, the focus of the urban planning strategy of Malmö has undergone several changes since the comprehensive plan in the 1950s. After entering into the new millennium, the attention of Malmö’s urban planning strategy was paid to the attractiveness of the city, integration of social life, regional center development as well as sustainable issues, and the pace of Malmö ‘s change has once again picked up speed after several ‘silent’ decades. Different detail plannings which follow this vision are still on the way. But how do the design guidelines differ when applied to varied sites within Malmö city? The study focuses on public space and the social life there. It is acknowledged that life in public space is influenced by the use of buildings and the interface between public and private. A comparative study on two developing sites in Malmö is conducted as the strategy to analyze how the public space and social life consequently are characterized by the specified contexts, by the means of observation as well as comparing maps and plans of each site. The two selected sites are respectively VĂ€stra Hamnen representing urban waterfront and Hyllie which represents the suburb of Malmö. By comparing the two cases from different aspects, it is suggested that, even though developed within the same period of of Malmö’s development and with similar strategies like sustainable approach and improving inhabitants’ living environment, urban waterfront and suburb express different appearances at most aspects. The comparison shows that VĂ€stra Hamnen has the characters of combining various activities in its public spaces attractive to a range of people, with higher priority to pedestrians and cyclers and with the vicinity to the city center, etc. Meanwhile, the longer distance from the city center does not cut Hyllie away because of its good tunnel connection and car friendly planning. But the public spaces express more efficiency than enjoyment as VĂ€stra Hamnen provides and the attraction is associated to the events organized from time to time

    Urban Waterfront VS Suburb, Different Characteristics of Public Space of Malmö city —A comparative study about public space of VĂ€stra Hamnen and Hyllie in Malmö

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    This paper sets out to compare public spaces at two locations with different identities and characteristics, one located at the urban waterfront and the other located in the peri-urban suburban land of Malmö city. The purpose is to manifest what constitute the urban planning strategy of Malmö in the first decade of 21st century and how the guidelines of detail plannings embody and characterize the planning strategy. So far, the focus of the urban planning strategy of Malmö has undergone several changes since the comprehensive plan in the 1950s. After entering into the new millennium, the attention of Malmö’s urban planning strategy was paid to the attractiveness of the city, integration of social life, regional center development as well as sustainable issues, and the pace of Malmö ‘s change has once again picked up speed after several ‘silent’ decades. Different detail plannings which follow this vision are still on the way. But how do the design guidelines differ when applied to varied sites within Malmö city? The study focuses on public space and the social life there. It is acknowledged that life in public space is influenced by the use of buildings and the interface between public and private. A comparative study on two developing sites in Malmö is conducted as the strategy to analyze how the public space and social life consequently are characterized by the specified contexts, by the means of observation as well as comparing maps and plans of each site. The two selected sites are respectively VĂ€stra Hamnen representing urban waterfront and Hyllie which represents the suburb of Malmö. By comparing the two cases from different aspects, it is suggested that, even though developed within the same period of of Malmö’s development and with similar strategies like sustainable approach and improving inhabitants’ living environment, urban waterfront and suburb express different appearances at most aspects. The comparison shows that VĂ€stra Hamnen has the characters of combining various activities in its public spaces attractive to a range of people, with higher priority to pedestrians and cyclers and with the vicinity to the city center, etc. Meanwhile, the longer distance from the city center does not cut Hyllie away because of its good tunnel connection and car friendly planning. But the public spaces express more efficiency than enjoyment as VĂ€stra Hamnen provides and the attraction is associated to the events organized from time to time

    Editorial Matter

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    Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Ana

    è˜‡èŻæ–°ç¶“æżŸæ”żç­–äč‹ç ”究

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    Editorial Matter

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    Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Ana

    Editorial Matter

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    Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Ana