8 research outputs found

    Availability of soil base cations and micronutrients along soil profile after 13-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland

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    Alteration in the availability of soil base cations and micronutrients is critical to maintain stable ecosystem functioning under the predicted global change scenarios. However, changes in these soil cations and their relationships with soil physiochemical properties along soil profile remain unclear under the combined increasing N deposition and precipitation changes. In this study, the concentrations of soil exchangeable base cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) and available micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) were determined along an 80-cm soil profile after 13-year continuous N and water manipulation in a semi-arid grassland. Our results showed that N addition significantly decreased exchangeable Ca (- 25.4%, averaging across the three N addition rates) and Mg (- 7.8%) at the depth of 10 cm while increased available Fe (+ 70.5%), Mn (+ 64.7%), and Cu (+ 26.0%). Besides, the magnitude of the increase or decrease escalated with the rates of additional N. Such pattern was also true for the concentrations of available Fe, Mn and Cu in the 10-20 cm soil layer, but the magnitude of changes was much smaller than in the top 10-cm soil layer. Nevertheless, N addition increased the concentrations of the three available micronutrients across the entire profile, indicating that Fe, Mn and Cu were more sensitive to N addition in subsoils than surface soils. Nitrogen addition significantly reduced soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the top 10-cm and soil base saturation (BS) ratio in the top 20-cm soil, while water addition significantly increased soil CEC and BS ratio in the top 20-cm soil. Water addition significantly increased Na (+ 75.1%) in the entire soil profile and increased Ca (+ 14.8%), Mg (+ 12.7%) at the 0-10, 10-20 and 40-60 cm soil layers. Soil pH positively correlated with soil exchangeable Ca, Mg and Na, but negatively with available Fe, Mn and Cu in the upper 20 cm. Soil base cations and CEC positively correlated with clay and silt contents, but negatively with sand content along the profile. These results can extend our understandings on soil cation dynamics to deep soil profile under long-term N and water addition and suggest that precipitation effects should be considered when assessing N deposition effects on these soil cations

    Effects of nitrogen and water addition on soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and their stoichiometry along soil profile in a semi-arid steppe

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    Purpose: Although past studies have found well-constrained soil carbon (C)/nutrient ratios, the effects of increased nitrogen (N) and water inputs on these ratios across soil depths have rarely been assessed in semi-arid grasslands. Methods: In this study, we evaluated the contents of total C, N, phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and their stoichiometric ratios in a 0–80 cm soil profile following 13 years of successive N (at rates of 5 and 15 g m−2 yearr−1) and water addition (180 mm per growing season) in a semi-arid grassland of the Mongolian Plateau. Results: In the 0–10 cm soil layer, long-term N addition tended to increase total C and N contents but decreased soil total P and S contents compared to the control. The effects of N addition, as observed in 0–10 cm soil, however, were not consistent with that in the deep 10–80 cm soil layers. Water addition increased the total C, N, and P contents across the entire soil profile but increased total S content only in 0–40 cm soil. Moreover, the combined addition of N and water generally had stronger effects on the four elements across the whole soil profile. For the stoichiometry of the four elements, a low rate of N addition (5 g m−2 year−1) increased soil C:N ratios and decreased soil P:S ratios in the 0–80 cm soils, but a high rate of N addition (15 g m−2 year−1) produced the opposite effect. Both N addition rates resulted in an increase in the soil C:P, C:S, N:P, and N:S ratios. Similarly, in plots that received water, water addition alone decreased the soil C:N ratios, while N addition caused higher fluctuations in these six elemental ratios. However, there was no consistent pattern of change in any one ratio, independent of the addition of water, when taking into account N addition rates and soil depths. Conclusion: Our findings showed that the effects of N addition on soil total C, N, P, and S contents and their stoichiometric ratios were highly influenced by the rate of N addition and the depth of soil, and that these effects could be modulated by increasing precipitation. These results need to be carefully considered while managing the ecological environment in semi-arid steppes

    Effects of 12-Year Nitrogen Addition and Mowing on Plant-Soil Micronutrients in a Typical Steppe

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    Changes in soil micronutrient availability may have adverse consequences on grassland productivity, yet it’s still largely unclear how concurrent human practices, such as fertilization and mowing, affect micronutrient cycling in the plant-soil systems. Here, we measured six essential micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co and Mo) contents in both plant pool (separated as aboveground plant parts, litter, and belowground roots) at the community level and soil pool (0–10 cm depth) after 12-year consecutive nitrogen (N) addition (0, 2, 10, and 50 g N m−2 year−1) and mowing in a typical steppe of the Mongolian Plateau. The results show that (i) medium-N (10 g m−2 year−1) and high-N (50 g m−2 year−1) addition rates significantly increased contents of soil-available Fe (+310.0%, averaging across the two N addition rates), Mn (+149.2%), Co (+123.6%) and Mo (+73.9%) irrespective of mowing treatment, whereas these addition treatments usually decreased contents of soil total Fe (−8.9%), Mn (−21.6%), Cu (−15.9%), Zn (−19.5%), Co (−16.4%) and Mo (−34.7%). (ii) Contents of Fe in aboveground plant parts, litter, and roots significantly decreased, whereas plant Mn increased with N addition. Contents of above ground plant Cu, Zn, Co, and Mo significantly decreased at high-N addition rate, whereas contents of micronutrients in roots and litters, except for Fe, generally increased with N addition. Moreover, the total amount of micronutrients in the plant pool (contents × biomass) significantly increased at the medium-N addition rate but decreased at the high-N addition rate. All N addition rates significantly enlarged the pool of litter micronutrients, and roots could hold more micronutrients under N addition, especially combined with mowing treatment. Importantly, although mowing could regulate the effects of N addition on variables (i) and (ii), the effects were weaker overall than those of N addition. (iii) Changes in root micronutrients, except for Mn, could explain corresponding changes in plant micronutrients (R2: 0.19–0.56, all p < 0.01), and significant linear correlations were also observed between soil-available Fe and Fe in plant and roots. Aboveground plant Mn was significantly correlated with soil-available Mn, while Co and Mo in roots were also significantly correlated with soil-available Co and Mo. These results indicate that soil micronutrient supply capacity may decrease due to a decrease in total micronutrient contents after long-term N addition and mowing. They also suggest that different magnitude responses of soil micronutrients in plants (i.e., litters, roots) and soil should be considered when comprehensively examining nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystems

    Nitrogen addition results in Medicago sativa switching nitrogen sources

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    Background: Nitrogen (N) addition may have strong impacts on legume growth and their biological N fixation (BNF), but how legume N acquisition sources respond to N inputs have yet to be comprehensively assessed. Aims: We quantified the effects of N addition on the growth and BNF of Medicago sativa and to assess the response of legume N acquisition to N addition. Methods: We grew M. sativa in the greenhouse under gradients of added NH4NO3 and analysed the variables that were relative to growth and BNF, such as N concentration, biomass, delta N-15 values, nodule number, percentage of N derived from the atmosphere (Ndfa%). Results: Nitrogen addition had marginal effects on plant biomass production and foliar N concentration. Foliar delta N-15 value increased with increasing added N, while Ndfa% decreased. The number of nodules formed also decreased with N addition while the nitrogenase (nifH) genecopies per unit nodule mass was not significantly different with N addition. Conclusions: These findings indicate that increasing mineral N availability decreases symbiotic investment into BNF, mainly by reducing nodule formation; this was found to have no significant impact on plant growth because the plant changes its N source from BNF-N to mineral N derived from the soil

    Soil microbial community responses to long-term nitrogen addition at different soil depths in a typical steppe

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    Global nitrogen (N) deposition has been influencing the structure of soil microbial communities, which play fundamental roles in modifying most biogeochemical processes. However, to date, our understanding of how long-term N deposition affects soil microbial communities, particularly those in subsurface soil, is largely incomplete. In this study, we examined soil microbial phospholipid fatty acids at different depths in the soil profile, including in topsoil (0-10 cm), midsoil (30-40 cm), and subsoil (70-100 cm), in a 10-year N addition experimental site in a semiarid steppe. We collected soil samples at four N addition treatment levels, including 0, 2, 10, and 50 g M-2 year(-1), which represented control, low-N, medium-N, and high-N inputs, respectively. Our results showed that N addition remarkably shifted soil microbial communities by increasing the relative abundances of bacteria and Gram-positive (GP) bacteria, and decreasing Gram-negative (GN) bacterial relative abundance across the three soil layers by affecting soil pH and NO3-N, particularly under the medium- and highN addition rates. Moreover, the effects of N addition tended to increase with the N addition rate but diminished with soil depth. Soil pH, NO3-N, and NH4-N were the most important driving factors for changes in microbial community composition in topsoil, whereas soil total N (TN) and total carbon were important in midsoil, and TN, dissolved organic N, and soil moisture were important in subsoil. The relative abundances of bacteria and GN bacteria also decreased, whereas those of fungi and GP bacteria increased with soil depth regardless of N addition. Soil TN and pH were the most important factors in shaping the vertical distribution of soil microbial communities. Our results suggest that both N addition and soil depth may cause similar microbial community shifts, through which fungi and GP bacteria become dominant, but through different mechanisms. These results suggest that it is important to distinguish among the N-deposition effects on soil microbial communities at different soil depths when building soil system models

    Soil moisture, temperature and nitrogen availability interactively regulate carbon exchange in a meadow steppe ecosystem

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    Primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems can be significantly altered by the predicted increases in nitrogen (N) deposition, but it is still unclear how N deposition influences the carbon (C) exchange processes especially in dryland ecosystems. In this study, a 3-year experiment with two types of fertilizers and five N addition levels was conducted in a semiarid steppe of Erguna, Inner Mongolia to assess the effects of exogenous N input on net ecosystem productivity (NEP), gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). Our results showed that enhanced N input significantly increased NEP and GEP when the volumetric soil water content (VWC) was greater than 15% (v/v%), but had trivial and inconsistent effects when VWC was less than that threshold. Moreover, the NEP and GEP increased significantly with increasing N addition but leveled off when the N input reached 10 g N m(-2) year(-1) and the VWC was above 15%. However, the ER showed a significant increase with N addition rates, regardless of soil water content. Our main findings are as follows. First, the ecosystem C exchange can be significantly enhanced by addition of N only when soil moisture exceeds certain threshold, suggesting co-limitation of water and N in the grassland ecosystem that we studied. Second, in addition to concurrent consideration of water, temperature and N as well as their interactions also need to be accounted for. Third, the frequency of days with the VWC being higher than 15% accounted only around one third of days during the three growing seasons. Taken together, our findings imply that the expected increases of carbon sequestration should be minimal under N deposition in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystems