10 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Synthesis of Triarylmethanes by Rhodium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Arylation of Diarylmethylamines with Arylboroxines

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    The reaction of racemic diarylmethylamines, (Ar<sup>1</sup>Ar<sup>2</sup>CHNR<sub>2</sub>), where Ar<sup>1</sup> is substituted with a 2-hydroxy group, with arylboroxines (Ar<sup>3</sup>BO)<sub>3</sub> in the presence of a chiral diene-rhodium catalyst gave high yields of chiral triarylmethanes (Ar<sup>1</sup>Ar<sup>2</sup>CH*Ar<sup>3</sup>) with high enantioselectivity (up to 97% ee). The reaction is assumed to proceed through <i>o</i>-quinone methide intermediates which undergo Rh-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-addition of the arylboron reagents

    Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Arylation/Defluorination of 1‑(Trifluoromethyl)alkenes Forming Enantioenriched 1,1-Difluoroalkenes

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    The reaction of 1-(trifluoromethyl)­alkenes (CF<sub>3</sub>CH=CHR) with arylboroxines (ArBO)<sub>3</sub> in the presence of a chiral diene-rhodium catalyst gave high yields of chiral 1,1-difluoroalkenes (CF<sub>2</sub>=CHC*HArR) with high enantioselectivity (≥95% ee). The reaction is assumed to proceed through β-fluoride elimination of a β,β,β-trifluoroalkylrhodium intermediate that is generated by arylrhodation of the 1-(trifluoromethyl)­alkene

    Asymmetric Synthesis of Triarylmethanes by Rhodium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Arylation of Diarylmethylamines with Arylboroxines

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    The reaction of racemic diarylmethylamines, (Ar<sup>1</sup>Ar<sup>2</sup>CHNR<sub>2</sub>), where Ar<sup>1</sup> is substituted with a 2-hydroxy group, with arylboroxines (Ar<sup>3</sup>BO)<sub>3</sub> in the presence of a chiral diene-rhodium catalyst gave high yields of chiral triarylmethanes (Ar<sup>1</sup>Ar<sup>2</sup>CH*Ar<sup>3</sup>) with high enantioselectivity (up to 97% ee). The reaction is assumed to proceed through <i>o</i>-quinone methide intermediates which undergo Rh-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-addition of the arylboron reagents

    Asymmetric Synthesis of <i>P</i>‑Stereogenic Diarylphosphinites by Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Addition of Diarylphosphines to Benzoquinones

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    The reaction of phenyl­(2,4,6-tri­methyl­phenyl)­phosphine with a substituted benzoquinone in the presence of a chiral phosphapalladacycle complex as a catalyst and triethylamine in chloroform at −45 °C proceeded in a new type of addition manner to give a high yield of a 4-hydroxyphenyl phenyl­(2,4,6-tri­methyl­phenyl)­phosphinite with 98% enantioselectivity, which is a versatile intermediate readily convertible into various phosphines and their derivatives with high enantiomeric purity

    Asymmetric Synthesis of <i>P</i>‑Stereogenic Diarylphosphinites by Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Addition of Diarylphosphines to Benzoquinones

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    The reaction of phenyl­(2,4,6-tri­methyl­phenyl)­phosphine with a substituted benzoquinone in the presence of a chiral phosphapalladacycle complex as a catalyst and triethylamine in chloroform at −45 °C proceeded in a new type of addition manner to give a high yield of a 4-hydroxyphenyl phenyl­(2,4,6-tri­methyl­phenyl)­phosphinite with 98% enantioselectivity, which is a versatile intermediate readily convertible into various phosphines and their derivatives with high enantiomeric purity

    Palladacycle-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrophosphination of Enones for Synthesis of C*- and P*-Chiral Tertiary Phosphines

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    A highly reactive and stereoselective hydrophosphination of enones catalyzed by palladacycles for the synthesis of C*- and P*-chiral tertiary phosphines has been developed. When Ph<sub>2</sub>PH was employed as the hydrophosphinating reagent, a series of C*-chiral tertiary phosphines were synthesized (C*–P bond formation) in high yields with excellent enantioselectivities, and a single recrystallization provides access to their enantiomerically pure forms. When racemic secondary phosphines <i>rac</i>-R<sup>3</sup>(R<sup>4</sup>)­PH were utilized, a series of tertiary phosphines containing both C*- and P*-chiral centers were generated (C*–P* bond formation) in high yields with good diastereo- and enantioselectivities. The stereoelectronic factors involved in the catalytic cycle have been revealed

    Asymmetric Synthesis of Enaminophosphines via Palladacycle-Catalyzed Addition of Ph<sub>2</sub>PH to α,β-Unsaturated Imines

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    A highly reactive, chemo- and enantioselective addition of diphenylphosphine to α,β-unsaturated imines catalyzed by a palladacycle has been developed, thus providing the access to a series of chiral tertiary enaminophosphines in high yields. A putative catalytic cycle has also been proposed

    Asymmetric Synthesis of Enaminophosphines via Palladacycle-Catalyzed Addition of Ph<sub>2</sub>PH to α,β-Unsaturated Imines

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    A highly reactive, chemo- and enantioselective addition of diphenylphosphine to α,β-unsaturated imines catalyzed by a palladacycle has been developed, thus providing the access to a series of chiral tertiary enaminophosphines in high yields. A putative catalytic cycle has also been proposed

    Reactivity of Cycloplatinated Amine Complexes: Intramolecular C–C Bond Formation, C–H Activation, and PPh<sub>2</sub> Migration in Coordinated Alkynylphosphines

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    The monomeric <i>ortho</i>-platinated complexes [Pt­{R<sub>1</sub>CH­(1-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)­NMe<sub>2</sub>-<i>C</i>,<i>N</i>}­{Ph<sub>2</sub>PCCR<sub>2</sub>}­Cl] (R<sub>1</sub> = Me, Et; R<sub>2</sub> = Me, Ph) with <i>trans</i>-<i>N,P</i> geometries were obtained regiospecifically from the reaction between the dimeric [Pt<sub>2</sub>(μ-Cl)<sub>2</sub>{R<sub>1</sub>CH­(1-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)­NMe<sub>2</sub>-<i>C</i>,<i>N</i>}<sub>2</sub>] and the corresponding alkynylphosphines in high yields. The phosphine complexes are highly stable in the solid state and in solution. However, in the presence of additional Pt­(II) ions, an intramolecular coupling reaction occurred in which a new carbon–carbon bond was formed between the aromatic γ-carbon of the <i>ortho</i>-platinated chiral phenylamine and the α-carbon of the (Ph<sub>2</sub>P)–C<sub>α</sub>C<sub>β</sub>–(R<sub>2</sub>) ligand. The (Ph<sub>2</sub>P) moiety migrated to the neighboring β-carbon during the coupling reaction. By the judicious selection of the substituents on the alkynylphoshine along with deliberate introduction of selected chirality on the <i>ortho</i>-platinated phenylamine, the coupling reaction and the (Ph<sub>2</sub>P) migration were found to proceed via an associative intramolecular mechanism that involves a Pt-vinylidene intermediate

    data_sheet_1_Molecular Mechanisms for the Adaptive Switching Between the OAS/RNase L and OASL/RIG-I Pathways in Birds and Mammals.docx

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    <p>Host cells develop the OAS/RNase L [2′–5′–oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS)/ribonuclease L] system to degrade cellular and viral RNA, and/or the OASL/RIG-I (2′–5′–OAS like/retinoic acid inducible protein I) system to enhance RIG-I-mediated IFN induction, thus providing the first line of defense against viral infection. The 2′–5′–OAS-like (OASL) protein may activate the OAS/RNase L system using its typical OAS-like domain (OLD) or mimic the K63-linked pUb to enhance antiviral activity of the OASL/RIG-I system using its two tandem ubiquitin-like domains (UBLs). We first describe that divergent avian (duck and ostrich) OASL inhibit the replication of a broad range of RNA viruses by activating and magnifying the OAS/RNase L pathway in a UBL-dependent manner. This is in sharp contrast to mammalian enzymatic OASL, which activates and magnifies the OAS/RNase L pathway in a UBL-independent manner, similar to 2′–5′–oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (OAS1). We further show that both avian and mammalian OASL can reversibly exchange to activate and magnify the OAS/RNase L and OASL/RIG-I system by introducing only three key residues, suggesting that ancient OASL possess 2–5A [p<sub>x</sub>5′A(2′p5′A)<sub>n</sub>; x = 1-3; n ≥ 2] activity and has functionally switched to the OASL/RIG-I pathway recently. Our findings indicate the molecular mechanisms involved in the switching of avian and mammalian OASL molecules to activate and enhance the OAS/RNase L and OASL/RIG-I pathways in response to infection by RNA viruses.</p