224 research outputs found

    Unbundling the W’s: the interface between organisational crises, social media narratives, and image repair strategies

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    Organisations are susceptible and vulnerable to crisis situations. These organisations have been able to exert resilience, and manage reputational damage, through crisis management protocols that include stakeholder engagement. However, given the rise of social media, a new cohort of stakeholders has emerged. Organisations are therefore faced with the task of managing new stakeholder relationships. This paper applies recent advancements in social media and crisis management discourse to investigate the prevalence of new, undiscovered stakeholders in crisis communications surrounding six prominent crisis situations. The results indicate that online stakeholders are becoming more powerful, urgent and legitimacy; thus shifting dynamics

    Exploring customer concerns on service quality under the COVID-19 crisis: A social media analytics study from the retail industry

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a set of government policies and supermarket regulations, which affects customers' grocery shopping behaviours. However, the specific impact of COVID-19 on retailers at the customer end has not yet been addressed. Using text-mining techniques (i.e., sentiment analysis, topic modelling) and time series analysis, we analyse 161,921 tweets from leading UK supermarkets during the first COVID-19 lockdown. The results show the causes of sentiment change in each time series and how customer perception changes according to supermarkets’ response actions. Drawing on the social media crisis communication framework and Situational Crisis Communication theory, this study investigates whether responding to a crisis helps retail managers better understand their customers. The results uncover that customers experiencing certain social media interactions may evaluate attributes differently, resulting in varying levels of customer information collection, and grocery companies could benefit from engaging in social media crisis communication with customers. As new variants of COVID-19 keep appearing, emerging managerial problems put businesses at risk for the next crisis. Based on the results of text-mining analysis of consumer perceptions, this study identifies emerging topics in the UK grocery sector in the context of COVID-19 crisis communication and develop the sub-dimensions of service quality assessment into four categories: physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, and policies. This study reveals how supermarkets could use social media data to better analyse customer behaviour during a pandemic and sustain competitiveness by upgrading their crisis strategies and service provision. It also sheds light on how future researchers can leverage the power of social media data with multiple text-mining methodologies

    On the Complexity of Bayesian Generalization

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    We consider concept generalization at a large scale in the diverse and natural visual spectrum. Established computational modes (i.e., rule-based or similarity-based) are primarily studied isolated and focus on confined and abstract problem spaces. In this work, we study these two modes when the problem space scales up, and the complexitycomplexity of concepts becomes diverse. Specifically, at the representational levelrepresentational \ level, we seek to answer how the complexity varies when a visual concept is mapped to the representation space. Prior psychology literature has shown that two types of complexities (i.e., subjective complexity and visual complexity) (Griffiths and Tenenbaum, 2003) build an inverted-U relation (Donderi, 2006; Sun and Firestone, 2021). Leveraging Representativeness of Attribute (RoA), we computationally confirm the following observation: Models use attributes with high RoA to describe visual concepts, and the description length falls in an inverted-U relation with the increment in visual complexity. At the computational levelcomputational \ level, we aim to answer how the complexity of representation affects the shift between the rule- and similarity-based generalization. We hypothesize that category-conditioned visual modeling estimates the co-occurrence frequency between visual and categorical attributes, thus potentially serving as the prior for the natural visual world. Experimental results show that representations with relatively high subjective complexity outperform those with relatively low subjective complexity in the rule-based generalization, while the trend is the opposite in the similarity-based generalization

    Improving the stability and transdermal permeability of phycocyanin loaded cubosomes

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    Instability and low transdermal permeability of protein antioxidants are major obstacles to resist oxidative stress in transdermal drug delivery system. To overcome these shortcomings, cubosomes were developed as an advanced transdermal delivery system to improve stability and transdermal absorption of the model antioxidant phycocyanin in this study. Glyceryl monooleate and poloxamer 407 (P407) were used to prepare cubosomes as carrier matrix and stabilizer, respectively. Phycocyanin loaded cubosomes (PC-cubosomes) were prepared by the emulsification and homogenization method. A 33 full factorial design was used to optimize the cubosome formulations. The final optimal PC-cubosomes possessed an average particle size of 183.2 ± 0.5 nm and a negative surface charge as well as achieved a high encapsulation efficiency of 87.2% ± 2.7%. PC-cubosomes appeared as nano-sized and well-shaped spheres with highly ordered cubical structures. The residual amount of phycocyanin in PC-cubosomes was 3-fold higher than that in the free drug solution after 10 days ultraviolet radiation exposure. In vitro release kinetics of phycocyanin from PC-cubosomes fitted to the Higuchi kinetic model, indicating that phycocyanin released from cubosomes mainly attributed to drug diffusion and dissolution. PC-cubosomes also exhibited higher permeability (39.79 μg⋅cm−2⋅hour−1) across the rat skin than phycocyanin solution (16.33 μg⋅cm−2⋅hour−1). Furthermore, PC-cubosomes were easily taken up by keratinocytes, thereby achieving a prolonged anti-oxidative stress effect. These results therefore suggested that cubosomes could be a promising transdermal delivery system to improve the stability and transdermal permeability of phycocyanin

    Validity and Reproducibility of a Revised Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) for Women of Age-group 12-44 Years in Chengdu

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    To find a credible nutritional screening tool for evaluating relationship between nutritional status and diseases in Chengdu female residents, the reliability and validity of a revised semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ) were tested. The validity was assessed by comparing the SQFFQ with the \u2018standard\u2019 method of 3 days\u2019 dietary recall, and the reliability was assessed by comparing the first SQFFQ with the second SQFFQ at 4 weeks interval. Correlation analysis showed that, for reliability, the average correlation coefficient (CC) of 22 kinds of nutrients was 0.66 and reduced to 0.60 after adjusting for energy; the average of intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) was 0.65. For validity, the average CC was 0.35 and remained stable after adjusting for CC of energy or nutrients. Validity of 17 nutrients in SQFFQ survey had correlation with result of 3 days\u2019 dietary recall. The results showed that the revised SQFFQ can be used for investigating the role of nutrients in development of disease in Chengdu female residents

    Psychological symptoms in Chinese nurses may be associated with predisposition to chronic disease: A cross-sectional study of suboptimal health status

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Background: Suboptimal health status (SHS) is a reversible state between ideal health and illness and it can be effectively reversed by risk prediction, disease prevention, and personalized medicine under the global background of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine (PPPM) concepts. More and more Chinese nurses have been troubled by psychological symptoms (PS). The correlation between PS and SHS is unclear in nurses. The purpose of current study is to investigate the prevalence of SHS and PS in Chinese nurses and the relationship between SHS and PS along with predisposing factors as well as to discuss the feasibility of improving health status and preventing diseases according to PPPM concepts in Chinese nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with the cluster sampling method among 9793 registered nurses in Foshan city, China. SHS was evaluated with the Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire-25 (SHSQ-25). Meanwhile, the PS of depression and anxiety were evaluated with Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) self-assessment questionnaires. The relationship between PS and SHS in Chinese nurses was subsequently analyzed. Results: Among the 9793 participants, 6107 nurses were included in the final analysis. The prevalence of SHS in the participants was 74.21% (4532/6107) while the symptoms of depression and anxiety were 47.62% (2908/6107) and 24.59% (1502/6107) respectively. The prevalence of SHS in the participants with depression and anxiety was significantly higher than those without the symptoms of depression (83.3% vs 16.7%, P \u3c 0.001) and anxiety (94.2% vs 5.8%, P \u3c 0.0001). The ratio of exercise habit was significantly lower than that of non-exercise habit (68.8% vs 78.4%, P \u3c 0.001) in SHS group. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of SHS and PS in Chinese nurses. PS in Chinese nurses are associated with SHS. Physical exercise is a protective factor for SHS and PS so that the exercise should be strongly recommended as a valuable preventive measure well in the agreement with PPPM philosophy. Along with SDS and SAS, SHSQ-25 should also be highly recommended and applied as a novel predictive/preventive tool for the health measures from the perspectives of PPPM in view of susceptible population and individual screening, the predisposition to chronic disease preventing, personalization of intervention, and the ideal health state restoring

    Association between platelet distribution width and serum uric acid in Chinese population

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    © 2019 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Platelet distribution width (PDW) is a simple and inexpensive parameter, which could predict activation of coagulation efficiently. And it has been confirmed to have a significant role in many diseases. We aimed to explore the association between PDW and hyperuricemia in a large Chinese cohort. This cross-sectional study recruited 61,091 ostensible healthy participants (29,259 males and 31,832 females) after implementing exclusion criteria. Clinical data of the enrolled population included anthropometric measurements and serum parameters. Database was sorted by gender, and the association between PDW and hyperuricemia was analyzed after dividing PDW into quartiles. Crude and adjusted odds ratios of PDW for hyperuricemia with 95% confidence intervals were analyzed using binary logistic regression models. We found no significant difference in PDW values between the genders. Males showed significantly higher incidence of hyperuricemia than females. From binary logistic regression models, significant hyperuricemia risks only were demonstrated in PDW quartiles 2 and 3 in males (P < 0.05). This study displayed close association between PDW and hyperuricemia as a risk factor. It is meaningful to use PDW as a clinical risk predictor for hyperuricemia in males. © 2019 BioFactors, 45(3):326–334, 2019

    Overexpression of DHX32 contributes to the growth and metastasis of colorectal cancer

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    Our previous work demonstrates that DHX32 is upregulated in colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to its adjacent normal tissues. However, how overexpressed DHX32 contributes to CRC remains largely unknown. In this study, we reported that DHX32 was overexpressed in human colon cancer cells. Overexpressed DHX32 promoted SW480 cancer cells proliferation, migration, and invasion, as well as decreased the susceptibility to chemotherapy agent 5-Fluorouracil. Furthermore, PCR array analyses revealed that depleting DHX32 in SW480 colon cancer cells suppressed expression of WISP1, MMP7 and VEGFA in the Wnt pathway, and anti-apoptotic gene BCL2 and CA9, however, elevated expression of pro-apoptotic gene ACSL5. The findings suggested that overexpressed DHX32 played an important role in CRC progression and metastasis and that DHX32 has the potential to serve as a biomarker and a novel therapeutic target for CRC
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