13 research outputs found


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    A compressed file containing single-mitochondrial-locus alignments (Cyt-b or COI) for the four Taiwanese bat species and concatenated alignments of Cyt-b and COI for Murina gracilis and M. recondita. All alignments are in the FASTA format


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    XML input files of the Extended Bayesian Skyline Plot (EBSP) analyses for individual local samples of Murina gracilis and M. recondita as well as for range-wide samples of M. puta and Taiwanese Kerivoula


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    GPS coordinates of the occurrence records used in building MaxEnt models of the four Taiwanese bat species


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    The eight selected bioclimatic layers for current conditions used in building MaxEnt models of the four Taiwanese bat species. An additional layer where Taiwan is masked (119.9-122.1ºE, 21.8-25.5ºN) is provided


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    The eight selected bioclimatic layers for past conditions (21 ka, MIROC model) used in projecting MaxEnt models of the four Taiwanese bat species. An additional layer where a broader geographic space is masked (111.3-126.3ºE, 19.2-28.4ºN) is provided


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    Maximum clade credibility trees (MCCT) obtained from strict-clock BEAST analyses applied to each of Murina gracilis and M. recondita. Tree files from analyses with a constant-sized population model and a Bayesian Skyline Plot model are both given


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    The eight selected bioclimatic layers for past conditions (21 ka, CCSM model) used in projecting MaxEnt models of the four Taiwanese bat species. An additional layer where a broader geographic space is masked (111.3-126.3ºE, 19.2-28.4ºN) is provided


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    XML input files of strict-clock BEAST analyses for dated intraspecific phylogenies of Murina gracilis and M. recondita. For each species, files were separately prepared for analyses with a constant-sized population model and a Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) model

    High Duty Cycle to Low Duty Cycle: Echolocation Behaviour of the Hipposiderid Bat <i>Coelops frithii</i>

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    <div><p>Laryngeally echolocating bats avoid self-deafening (forward masking) by separating pulse and echo either in time using low duty cycle (LDC) echolocation, or in frequency using high duty cycle (HDC) echolocation. HDC echolocators are specialized to detect fluttering targets in cluttered environments. HDC echolocation is found only in the families Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae in the Old World and in the New World mormoopid, <i>Pteronotus parnellii</i>. Here we report that the hipposiderid <i>Coelops frithii</i>, ostensibly an HDC bat, consistently uses an LDC echolocation strategy whether roosting, flying, or approaching a fluttering target rotating at 50 to 80 Hz. We recorded the echolocation calls of free-flying <i>C. frithii</i> in the field in various situations, including presenting bats with a mechanical fluttering target. The echolocation calls of <i>C. frithii</i> consisted of an initial narrowband component (0.5±0.3 ms, 90.6±2.0 kHz) followed immediately by a frequency modulated (FM) sweep (194 to 113 kHz). This species emitted echolocation calls at duty cycles averaging 7.7±2.8% (<i>n</i> = 87 sequences). <i>Coelops frithii</i> approached fluttering targets more frequently than did LDC bats (<i>C.frithii</i>, approach frequency  = 40.4%, <i>n</i> = 80; <i>Myotis</i> spp., approach frequency  = 0%, <i>n</i> = 13), and at the same frequency as sympatrically feeding HDC species (<i>Hipposideros armiger</i>, approach rate  = 53.3%, <i>n</i> = 15; <i>Rhinolophus monoceros</i>, approach rate  = 56.7%, <i>n</i> = 97). We propose that the LDC echolocation strategy used by <i>C. frithii</i> is derived from HDC ancestors, that this species adjusts the harmonic contents of its echolocation calls, and that it may use both the narrowband component and the FM sweep of echolocations calls to detect fluttering targets.</p></div