18,018 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of two-phase cross flow in the gas diffusion layer microstructure of proton exchange membrane fuel cells

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    The cross flow in the under-land gas diffusion layer (GDL) between 2 adjacent channels plays an important role on water transport in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. A 3-dimensional (3D) two-phase model that is based on volume of fluid is developed to study the liquid water-air cross flow within the GDL between 2 adjacent channels. By considering the detailed GDL microstructures, various types of air-water cross flows are investigated by 3D numerical simulation. Liquid water at 4 locations is studied, including droplets at the GDL surface and liquid at the GDL-catalyst layer interface. It is found that the water droplet at the higher-pressure channel corner is easier to be removed by cross flow compared with droplets at other locations. Large pressure difference Δp facilitates the faster water removal from the higher-pressure channel. The contact angle of the GDL fiber is the key parameter that determines the cross flow of the droplet in the higher-pressure channel. It is observed that the droplet in the higher-pressure channel is difficult to flow through the hydrophobic GDL. Numerical simulations are also performed to investigate the water emerging process from different pores of the GDL bottom. It is found that the amount of liquid water removed by cross flow mainly depends on the pore's location, and the water under the land is removed entirely into the lower-pressure channel by cross flow

    Research on force control system of lead cathode leveler

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    The flatness of the lead cathode plate affects the electrolytic efficiency of lead and the production efficiency of the whole lead electrolytic industry. However, the dynamic response of the force control system of the leveler is slow, and the anti-interference and robustness are poor. By comparing proportion integration differentiation (PID) control and feedback linearized synovial control two control strategies, MATLAB software was used for modeling and simulation analysis. The results show that the system with feedback linearized sliding mode control has faster response, higher precision and better robustness

    Performance of Cross-layer Design with Multiple Outdated Estimates in Multiuser MIMO System

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    By combining adaptive modulation (AM) and automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol as well as user scheduling, the cross-layer design scheme of multiuser MIMO system with imperfect feedback is presented, and multiple outdated estimates method is proposed to improve the system performance. Based on this method and imperfect feedback information, the closed-form expressions of spectral efficiency (SE) and packet error rate (PER) of the system subject to the target PER constraint are respectively derived. With these expressions, the system performance can be effectively evaluated. To mitigate the effect of delayed feedback, the variable thresholds (VTs) are also derived by means of the maximum a posteriori method, and these VTs include the conventional fixed thresholds (FTs) as special cases. Simulation results show that the theoretical SE and PER are in good agreement with the corresponding simulation. The proposed CLD scheme with multiple estimates can obtain higher SE than the existing CLD scheme with single estimate, especially for large delay. Moreover, the CLD scheme with VTs outperforms that with conventional FTs

    Lu-Hf Chronology in Chondrites and the Role of Phosphates.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Two distinct dielectric relaxation mechanisms in the low-frequency range in Bi₅TiNbWO₁₅ ceramics

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    The ac data in terms of impedance and dielectric loss(tanδ) were exploited simultaneously to probe the dielectric relaxation mechanisms in Bi₅TiNbWO₁₅ceramics. It was found that two distinct relaxation mechanisms exist in the low-frequency range (10Hz–5MHz). One is attributed to the grain boundaryrelaxation and the other is associated with oxygen ion diffusion. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the oxygen vacancyrelaxation strength is analogous to the Curie-Weiss law and follows the traditional point defectrelaxation theory. These results could be helpful to understand the phenomena related to ferroelectric fatigue, oxygen ion conductivity, etc.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China through 973-Project No. 2002CB613307 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 50572113

    Modelo de cálculo del rendimiento a compresión y capacidad de carga de columnas con pequeñas excentricidades reforzadas con mortero reforzado con textiles (TRM)

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    To study the compression performance of TRM-strengthened columns with small eccentricities, a total of 9 reinforced concrete (RC) columns with end corbels were subjected to compression testing. The test parameters are as follows: the number of textile layers, the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) short-cut fiber volume fraction. The experimental results indicated that, compared to the control, columns with three layers of textile exhibited an approximately 10.66% increase in the bearing capacity. However, the effect increased only slightly when the number of textile layers increased to 4. Besides, the effect was improved with the increase in the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement and PVA fiber volume fraction. Finally, based on laboratory tests and related research results, a model for calculating normal section bearing capacity of TRM-strengthened columns with small eccentricities was presented. A comparison of the theoretical and experimental data demonstrated the applicability of the proposed model.En este trabajo se estudió el rendimiento a compresión de columnas reforzadas con TRM con pequeñas excentricidades, y para ello, se sometieron a pruebas de compresión a nueve columnas de hormigón armado (RC) con ménsulas finales. Los parámetros estudiados fueron: el número de capas textiles, la relación de refuerzo longitudinal y la fracción en volumen de fibras cortas de alcohol polivinílico (PVA). Los resultados experimentales indicaron que, en comparación con el control, las columnas con tres capas de textiles mostraron un aumento de aproximadamente el 10,66% en la capacidad de carga. Sin embargo, el aumento fue ligero cuando el número de capas textiles aumentó a cuatro. Además, el efecto mejoró con el aumento en la proporción de refuerzo longitudinal y la fracción en volumen de fibras de PVA. Finalmente, basándonos en las pruebas de laboratorio y resultados de investigación previos, se presentó un modelo para calcular la capacidad de carga de la sección normal de columnas reforzadas con TRM con pequeñas excentricidades. Una comparación de los datos teóricos y experimentales demostró la aplicabilidad del modelo propuesto

    Lanthanum distribution and dielectric properties of intergrowth Bi₅ˍₓLaₓTiNbWO₁₅ ferroelectrics

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    Bi₅ˍₓLaₓTiNbWO₁₅ (x=0–1.50)ceramics prepared by conventional solid-state reaction were studied using x-ray diffraction(XRD),dielectric spectroscopy and Raman scattering techniques. The XRD analysis implied that single-phase intergrowth bismuth layered perovskite structure was obtained for all the samples and when x=0.75, the Bi³⁺ in (Bi₂O₂)²⁺ layer begins to be substituted by La³⁺. The dielectric spectra showed that, when Bi³⁺ in (Bi₂O₂)²⁺ is substituted, the Curie temperature becomes diffusive and the dielectricpermittivity at room temperature is increased in a wide frequency range. Especially when x=1.50, the dielectricpermittivity reaches its maximum of 270, nearly two times larger than that of the La3+ undoped sample. The Raman scattering experiments evidenced further that Bi³⁺ in (Bi₂O₂)²⁺ is substituted when x⩾0.75 and revealed the orthorhombic distortion of the octahedra is responsible for the increase of the dielectricpermittivity at x⩾1.25.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China through 973-Project under Grant No. 2002CB613307