108 research outputs found

    Estudo e Desenvolvimento de Uma Carga Eletronica Regenerativa, Baseada em Inversor Nao-Autonomo, Aplicada a...

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    Apresenta-se nesse estudo uma nova proposta de carga eletrônica regenerativa (CERE) para testes em equipamentos elétricos que permite que laboratórios de eletrônica de potência realizem ensaios com baixas perdas de energia; nesse caso, o fluxo de potência fornecida pelo equipamento em teste é dirigido quase que totalmente de volta para a rede elétrica, minimizando a dissipação de energia por efeito Joule, diferente do que acontece com o uso de resistores ou cargas eletrônicas convencionais. Do ponto de vista técnico, tais ensaios poderão ter suas características variadas segundo a necessidade de análise do equipamento sob teste, permitindo submetê-os a diferentes condições de funcionamento. O objetivo do protótipo da CERE-CA aqui desenvolvida é apenas comprovar os resultados teóricos e de simulação apresentados na dissertação. Neste primeiro momento, não haverá preocupação com a qualidade da energia que é regenerada para a rede CA, e nem com a precisão do controle do fluxo de corrente drenado da fonte CA. Estas e outras melhorias deverão ser implantadas em pesquisas futuras nessa área de eletrônica de potência

    Distinct double flower varieties in Camellia japonica exhibit both expansion and contraction of C-class gene expression

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    Double flower domestication is of great value in ornamental plants and presents an excellent system to study the mechanism of morphological alterations by human selection. The classic ABC model provides a genetic framework underlying the control of floral organ identity and organogenesis from which key regulators have been identified and evaluated in many plant species. Recent molecular studies have underscored the importance of C-class homeotic genes, whose functional attenuation contributed to the floral diversity in various species. Cultivated Camellia japonica L. possesses several types of double flowers, however the molecular mechanism underlying their floral morphological diversification remains unclear. In this study, we cloned the C-class orthologous gene CjAG in C. japonica. We analyzed the expression patterns of CjAG in wild C. japonica, and performed ectopic expression in Arabidopsis. These results revealed that CjAG shared conserved C-class function that controls stamen and carpel development. Further we analyzed the expression pattern of CjAG in two different C. japonica double-flower varieties, `Shibaxueshi’ and `Jinpanlizhi’, and showed that expression of CjAG was highly contracted in `Shibaxueshi’ but expanded in inner petals of `Jinpanlizhi’. Moreover, detailed expression analyses of B- and C-class genes have uncovered differential patterns of B-class genes in the inner organs of `Jinpanlizhi’. These results demonstrated that the contraction and expansion of CjAG expression were associated with the formation of different types of double flowers. Our studies have manifested two different trajectories of double flower domestication regarding the C-class gene expression in C. japonica.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-014-0288-

    Tissue-specific transcriptomics reveals a central role of CcNST1 in regulating the fruit lignification pattern in Camellia chekiangoleosa, a woody oil-crop

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    Fruit lignification is of significant economic importance because it affects the quality of fruit and the production of seed oil. The specified lignification pattern in Camellia chekiangoleosa fruits plays critical roles in its seed oil yield, but little is known about how this lignification process is regulated. Here, we report on a comprehensive tissue-specific transcriptomics analysis conducted for C. chekiangoleosa fruit. By mining the differentially expressed genes, we found that lignin biosynthesis and transcriptional regulation pathways were significantly enriched in the lignified tissues. The homolog of NST-like transcription factor, CcNST1, was highly expressed in lignified seed coat and endocarp tissues; transgenic analyses of CcNST1 in Arabidopsis and hybrid poplar revealed the enhanced lignification levels of various tissues. Gene expression analysis of the transgenic lines uncovered potential downstream genes involved in the regulation of lignin biosynthesis. This work provides a valuable gene expression resource and identified the pivotal role of CcNST1 in regulating the lignin biosynthesis underlying fruit lignification

    Ningbo’s Old Bund and the Ningbo model: foreigners and foreign activities on the North Riverbank 1850 – 1900

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    © 2018 Jiyuan YinThe interpretation on the history of China’s treaty ports in the late nineteenth century has long been a binary one. The Chinese Marxist historians emphasise the cultural and technological backwardness of the Chinese society under the Manchu rule, which in turn caused the ‘semi-colonial’ nature of foreign activities in the treaty ports. However, the Western Chinese historians, such as John Fairbank, hold conventional views that in the process of China’s modernity, the Chinese society (especially those among the treaty ports) has undergone a series of transformations in order to adapt to the influences and challenges of western civilisation. Nonetheless, both views failed to examine the nuances of the Sino-foreign interactions socially and culturally along the Chinese coast at this period. Close investigations of the local history of Ningbo, a less studied treaty port, helps us establish a better understanding of foreigners and their activities in Chinese society during the Late Imperial China. This paper argues that foreigners in Ningbo during the late nineteenth century established a rather balanced relationship with the local Chinese population. The case of Ningbo could be termed as the ‘Ningbo Model’ due to its uniqueness and could potentially inspire further studies on the history of other Chinese treaty ports

    Change Analysis of Spring Vegetation Green-Up Date in Qinba Mountains under the Support of Spatiotemporal Data Cube

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    In recent decades, global and local vegetation phenology has undergone significant changes due to the combination of climate change and human activities. Current researches have revealed the temporal and spatial distribution of vegetation phenology in large scale by using remote sensing data. However, researches on spatiotemporal differentiation of remote sensing phenology and its changes are limited which involves high-dimensional data processing and analysing. A new data model based on data cube technologies was proposed in the paper to efficiently organize remote sensing phenology and related reanalysis data in different scales. The multidimensional aggregation functions in the data cube promote the rapid discovery of the spatiotemporal differentiation of phenology. The exploratory analysis methods were extended to the data cube to mine the change characteristics of the long-term phenology and its influencing factors. Based on this method, the case study explored that the spring phenology of Qinba Mountains has a strong dependence on the topography, and the temperature plays a leading role in the vegetation green-up date distribution of the high-altitude areas while human activities dominate the low-altitude areas. The response of green-up trend slope seems to be the most sensitive at an altitude of about 2000 meters. This research provided a new approach for analysing phenology phenomena and its changes in Qinba Mountains that had the same reference value for other regional phenology studies