1,478 research outputs found

    GIS-Based Land Capability Classification in Relation to Existing Land Use/Land Cover in Weja Sub-Watershed, Southern Ethiopia

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    The main objective of this study was classifying the land of the study area (Weja sub-watershed) according to its capability and compare with the existing land use/land cover using GIS and Remote Sensing (RS). Land use/land cover was determined from Landsat satellite image by applying supervised classification method in Erdas Imagine 9.1 software. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of 30 m resolution was used to derive slope. Information on land and soil characteristics, and the specified limitations and criteria were captured in a spatial digital format. Based on the specified parameters, the limitations were separately mapped out in the form of thematic layers suitable for analysis in Arc GIS. Intersect overlay analysis method was applied to obtain the spatial and attribute information of all the input parameters using Arc GIS 10.3 software. Five land capability classes were arrived at classes II, III, IV, VI and VII. The result revealed that out of the five land capability classes, 479.25 ha (58.78%) were categorized in the range of land classes II to IV. The remaining 336.06ha (15.73%) of the study was categorize as class VI and VII. The GIS overlay analysis of the existing land use/land cover and the land capability map indicates that, 364.57ha (44.71%) cultivated land falls under land capability class II-IV respectively. The remaining 107.57 (13.2%) of the cultivated land in the study area falls under land capability class VI and VII, which is not at all suitable for annual cropping. The study result indicated that the existing land use and land cover were not as per the capability of the land. Keywords: Land capability classes, Sustainable, Land use/Land cover, GIS, Overlay analysis, Digital Elevation Model (DEM). DOI: 10.7176/JEES/12-10-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Factors Affecting Fruit Supply in the Market: The Case of Habru Woerda, North Wollo, Ethiopia

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    This research has analyzed the factors influencing fruit market supply in the study area of fruit for Habru Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The specific objectives of the study were factors influencing fruit market supply in the study area.  A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select sample fruit farmers .from the woreda, 4 kebeles producing fruit were selected purposively and the total population that produces fruit with cereal farming system were772 and 263 farmer sample size were selected using proportional stratified sampling technique. Finally based on the sampling frame from each kebele, random sampling technique was used to select the sample fruit producing farmers. The data were collected by semi structured questionnaires, and observation. Econometrics analyses were consistently used in this study. Based on regression model, the study has identified the main determinants of fruit quantity supply to the market. Education level of house hold head, market information, access to extension services, quantity of fruit produced, are factors that significantly affect quantity of fruit supplied to the market positively at 5%, 5%, 1% , and 1% confidence level respectively while distance to market affects the supply negatively at 1% confidence level. Keywords: supply chain, fruit market supply,quantity supplied market information Habru Wored

    Economic significance of shipping in the Ethiopian economy

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    2 Building Democratic Institutions of Governance & Civil Institutions

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    The purposes of this paper are threefold. 1. To create a basic understanding of the nature of civic organizations and the role they play in democratization of society as practiced in Western societies. 2. To examine the scope and diversity of some traditional organizations like Idir and Shimglena/Mehal Sefari as practiced in various regions of Ethiopia. 3. To develop ways and means of incorporating and integrating some selected and important civic functions particularly into Idir and Shimglena

    Characterization of Past Seasonal Climate Variability in Oromia Special Zone, North Eastern Ethiopia

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    This study was undertaken in oromia special zone of Amhara National Regional State to analyze past climate variability. Gridded climate data were obtained from National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia.  Standard stastical descriptors and statistical software like Instat V3.37, MAKESENS, XLSTAT 2014 and Arc GIS 10.1 were employed for the analysis and interpretation for results. The results indicated that the OSZ experienced moderate rainfall variability in kiremt (JJAS) season and very high variability in belg (FMAM) season . Increasing trend in kiremt rainfall  while decreasing trend in belg rainfall. Except belg minimum temperature, also temperature trend increased.  The median of the start of belg season did not between March and May. The risk of getting 5,7,10 and 15 days of dry spells based on the fitted first order Markov chain probability values indicate in belg season the probability of dry spell occurrence of 10 days’ length was 60%. In kiremt season, the dry spell risk of being greater than10 day consecutive dry spells was less than 50%, and it is expected to occurred beteewen  178 DOY (June 26) to 262 DOY (Sept 18). District level of upcoming season climate information  in terms of climate variability and encourage farmers to benefit from these services, apply adaptation and mitigation strategy  are important  for reduce the challenges of cropping practices in the study area. Keywords:- Belg, Kiremt, Oromia, special Variavility DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-1-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    A semi-parametric mixed models for longitudinally measured fasting blood sugar level of adult diabetic patients

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    Abstract Background At the diabetic clinic of Jimma University Specialized Hospital, health professionals provide regular follow-up to help people with diabetes live long and relatively healthy lives. Based on patient condition, they also provide interventions in the form of counselling to promote a healthy diet and physical activity and prescribing medicines. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the rate of change of fasting blood sugar (FBS) profile experienced by patients over time. The change may help to assess the effectiveness of interventions taken by the clinic to regulate FBS level, where rates of change close to zero over time may indicate the interventions are good regulating the level. Methods In the analysis of longitudinal data, the mean profile is often estimated by parametric linear mixed effects model. However, the individual and mean profile plots of FBS level for diabetic patients are nonlinear and imposing parametric models may be too restrictive and yield unsatisfactory results. We propose a semi-parametric mixed model, in particular using spline smoothing to efficiently analyze a longitudinal measured fasting blood sugar level of adult diabetic patients accounting for correlation between observations through random effects. Results The semi-parametric mixed models had better fit than the linear mixed models for various variance structures of subject-specific random effects. The study revealed that the rate of change in FBS level in diabetic patients, due to the clinic interventions, does not continue as a steady pace but changes with time and weight of patients. Conclusions The proposed method can help a physician in clinical monitoring of diabetic patients and to assess the effect of intervention packages, such as healthy diet, physical activity and prescribed medicines, because individualized curve may be obtained to follow patient-specific FBS level trends

    Challenge and Prospect of Ethiopian Tourism Policy

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    In Ethiopia nature, culture and history merge to form a timeless appeal. The countries impressive tourism potential is truly a land of contrast and extremes, a land of remote and wild place, and of spectacular alpine terrain-including the semien mountain national park with its high 4620 meters peak at Ras Dashen one of UNESCO registered heritage site; and at the other end of spectrum, the Denakil depression 121 meters below sea level is among the lowest places on earth. However from these abundant resources the country has not benefited yet. Therefore questions about how tourism policies contribute to national development? What is wrong with the existing system? Why should the present policy be discarded? How did it become successful? These and similar other questions will have to be addressed first before proposing what measures should be taken to ameliorate the situation. For this reason, a brief account of the country’s tourism needs to be provided Keywords: tourism policy, attractions, challenge, prospec

    Factors Affecting Fruit Supply in the Market: The Case of Habru Woerda, North Wollo, Ethiopia Regional State, Ethiopia

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    This research has analyzed the factors influencing fruit market supply in the study area of fruit for Habru Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The specific objectives of the study were factors influencing fruit market supply in the study area.  A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select sample fruit farmers .from the woreda, 4 kebeles producing fruit were selected purposively and the total population that produces fruit with cereal farming system were772 and 263 farmer sample size were selected using proportional stratified sampling technique. Finally based on the sampling frame from each kebele, random sampling technique was used to select the sample fruit producing farmers. The data were collected by semi structured questionnaires, and observation. Econometrics analyses were consistently used in this study. Based on regression model, the study has identified the main determinants of fruit quantity supply to the market. Education level of house hold head, market information, access to extension services, quantity of fruit produced, are factors that significantly affect quantity of fruit supplied to the market positively at 5%, 5%, 1% , and 1% confidence level respectively while distance to market affects the supply negatively at 1% confidence level. Keywords: supply chain, fruit market supply,quantity supplied market information Habru Wored

    Review on Genetic Variability Study in Leafy Vegetable Crops for Agro Morphological Traits

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    Vegetables make up a major portion of the diet of humans in many parts of the world and are considered essential for well-balanced diets. Leafy vegetables crops are one group of vegetable crops which used mainly for their leaves whether eaten raw or cooked. Variability refers to the presence of difference among the individuals of a population. The components of variability include phenotypic variation, genotypic variation, environmental variation, heritability, genetic advance etc. In different leafy vegetables collection study there exist a wide variation between them, this variation can be useful for improvement of vegetables crops with the help of partitioning variances. Vegetable breeders should be able to determine the relative importance or magnitude of genetic and environmental variances. There is lack of information in vegetable breeding, especially leafy vegetables. The objective of this paper is to summarize different research papers on leafy vegetable crops breeding for different agro morphological traits to show the genetic variability component phenotypic variability, genotypic variability, heritability and genetic advance study. Keywords: genetic advance, genotypic variability, Heritability, leafy vegetables, phenotypic variability DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-17-01 Publication date:September 30th 2019

    African Governance Architecture; Lessons and Recommendations for Action

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    What has been seen from the experiences of African countries is that a leadership style based on command and control is no longer suited for making a capable state characterized by constitutionalism This will require high-level skills combined with strong commitment and determination on the part of African leaders at large Beyond the coming into power with a limited experience African leaders are too stubborn and are attacked by rigidity and no room for dynamism in their character This situation contributes its part to the today s insecure governance structure in the continent If African leaders and the government they lead are dedicated to the rights unity and well-being of their people they will ensure the consolidation of their nation and its security which will have a cumulative transformation on the governance architecture of the continent Recently Africa needs leaders that understood the social economic and political forces that constitute the security arena and who never forget their role as an ultimate stakeholder for promoting good governance and the subsequent events of wealth creation and sustainable development in the continen
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