78 research outputs found

    Percepcija epilepsije u Turskoj u svjetlu dvaju gradova

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of epilepsy in Turkey, from west to east, in Kutahya and Yuksekova, two cities of different sociocultural and ethnic status. This was a retrospective comparison study which evaluated the results of two prior studies investigating stigmatization of patients diagnosed with epilepsy and their first-degree relatives in two different cities of Turkey, Kutahya and Yuksekova. The Survey of Epileptic Patient Relatives on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Regarding the Disorder was used and included questions on descriptive characteristics, familiarity with epilepsy, attitudes toward epilepsy, and understanding of epilepsy. Data collected by use of the SPSS 15.0 software were analyzed with χ2-test. In Yuksekova group, 88.5% of first-degree relatives of people with epilepsy felt primarily fear when they heard the diagnosis of epilepsy in their relatives; in Kutahya group, the respective rate was 19.1% (p<0.05). The number of participants who objected their child marrying someone with epilepsy was significantly higher in Yuksekova group (p<0.05); however, if married, the Yuksekova group significantly stated that they should have a baby, revealing the importance of children as an indicator of power and dignity in the eastern region of Turkey (p<0.05). Although understanding of epilepsy was favorable, educating the community about epilepsy and personal contacts are the major strategies against epileptic stigmatization.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepciju epilepsije u Turskoj, od zapada do istoka, u gradovima Kutahya i Yuksekova različitog sociokulturalnog i etničkog statusa. Istraživanje je provedeno kao retrospektivna, usporedbena studija u kojoj su se procjenjivali rezultati dviju prethodnih studija koje su ispitivale stigmatizaciju bolesnika s dijagnosticiranom epilepsijom i njihovih srodnika prvog stupnja u dva različita turska grada, Kutahya i Yuksekova. Primijenjeno je anketiranje rodbine epileptičnih bolesnika o znanju, stavovima i ponašanju u odnosu na bolest, a obuhvaćena su pitanja o deskriptivnim značajkama, poznavanju epilepsije, stavovima prema epilepsiji i razumijevanju epilepsije. Podaci prikupljeni uz pomoć statističkog programa SPSS 15.0 analizirani su primjenom χ2-testa. U skupini Yuksekova 88,5% srodnika prvog stupnja osoba s epilepsijom osjetilo je prvenstveno strah kad su čuli za dijagnozu epilepsije postavljenu kod njihovih rođaka, dok je u skupini Kutahya taj postotak bio 19,1% (p<0,05). Broj sudionika koji su svom djetetu zamjerali sklapanje braka s nekim tko boluje od epilepsije bio je značajno viši u skupini Yuksekova (p<0,05). No kad je takav brak već sklopljen, značajan broj sudionika skupine Yuksekova ustvrdio je kako bi oni trebali imati djecu, što ukazuje na važnost djece u istočnom dijelu Turske kao pokazatelja snage i dostojanstva (p<0,05). Iako se razumijevanje epilepsije pokazalo povoljnim, izobrazba lokalne zajednice o epilepsiji i osobni kontakti glavne su strategije protiv stigmatiziranja osoba s epilepsijom

    Parkinson’s Disease and Narcolepsy-Like Sleep Episodes

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    A fifty one-year-old male patient presented with the complaint of sudden daytime sleep episodes for the last one and a half years. The patient had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease for four years and has been administered treatment of ropinirole 4 mg XL and rasagiline 1 mg tablet. The patient reported that his complaints occurred with the addition of pramipexola 0.750 mg/day tablet. Excessive daytime sleepiness occurred as sudden sleep episodes without giving any prior signs and subsided spontaneously after which the patient felt rested. The patient was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and hypersomnia depending on medical disease and drug side effects with polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test


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    Introduction: Burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment, is frequently observed in physicians. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine burnout levels and associated factors in physicians during the pandemic. Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was performed online with 288 physicians from various fields in Erzurum. Sociodemographic questions and the Maslach Burnout Inventory represented the data collection tools. The data were collected online in May and June 2021. Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics, Student's t and ANOVA tests And Multiple ordinal logistic regression analysis were used. p values <0.05 were regarded as significant. Analysis was performed on SPSS 22. Results: Physicians’ mean emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment component scores were 20.1±8.3, 6.7±4.5, and 21.1±4.5, respectively. Analysis showed that 49.7% of physicians exhibited moderate-high emotional exhaustion, 35.8% high-moderate depersonalization, and 69.8% signs of low personal accomplishment. Job title, regret concerning selecting the medical profession, satisfaction with the working environment, number of additional monthly out-of-hours shifts worked, regular sporting activity, and assessment of the physical conditions in the working environment emerged as factors affecting burnout components at regression analysis. Conclusion: The participants’ burnout levels were high. The planning of effective interventions addressing individual and work-related factors with a holistic approach is essential to halt this rapidly growing epidemic

    Overactive bladder syndrome and bladder wall thickness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    ABSTRACT Objective The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the presence of overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome, nocturia, urgency, and urge incontinence in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), and measure bladder wall thickness (BWT) in these patients. Materials and Methods The patient group was composed of 38 patients with OSAS. The control group was composed of 15 healthy individuals. All patients were evaluated using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS). The bladder wall thickness was measured by transabdominal ultrasound (US). The presence of nocturia, urinary urgency, and urge incontinence were also evaluated. Results The mean OABSS was significantly higher in the patient group compared with the control group (p=0.048). The minimum oxygen saturation (Min.SO2) of patients with urgency was found to be significantly lower (p=0.014). The time spent below 90% of oxygen saturation (SO2) was significantly longer in patients with urinary urgency (p=0.009). There was no difference in BWT measurements between the patient group and the control group. There was a significant relationship between BWT values and OABSS in patients with OSAS (p=0.002). Conclusion The results of the present study suggest that OSAS is associated with OAB syndrome. As a key symptom of OAB, urgency correlates with hypoxia in cases with OSAS. Although the present study did not observe any difference in BWT measurements between the patients and the control group, there was a correlation between BWT measurements and OABSS in patients with OSAS

    Hemodynamic Effects of Levosimendan on Dexmedetomidine Infusion in Rats Under Isoflurane Anesthesia

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    Objective: In this study, hemodynamic effects of levosimendan (L) on dexmedetomidine (D) infusion in rats were investigated under isoflurane (I) anesthesia. Material and Methods: A total of eighteen female Wistar-Albino rats were divided into 3 groups. Rats were artificially respirated following cannulation and tracheostomy. At the end of the stabilization period (15 min), initial hemodynamic values were recorded and (i) 1(1.4%) was administered to Group I; (ii) 1(1.4%) and D (1 mu g/kg/dk) were administered to Group ID and (iii) 1 (1.4%), D (1 mu g/kg/dk) and L (0.3 mu g/kg/dk) were administered to Group IDL for 60 min. Heart rate (HR)(bpm), systolic (SAP), diastolic (DAP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (mmHg) were recorded with 5 min intervals were and given as mean and/or %. One way variance analysis, Tukey-Kramer and paired t tests were used, p<0.05 was considered the level of significance. Results: No difference was found between groups in terms of initial hemodynamic values. On the contrary, significant differences were found in HR (p=0.03) and DAP (p=0.03) at the end of the infusion period between groups. The differences were correlated to the lower HR in Group ID (176) compared to Group 1(237), (p<0.05) and a higher DAP in Group IDL (67) compared to Group 1(48), (p<0.05). In in-group comparisons; SAP (80 vs. 71 [90%], p=0.03), DAP (59 vs. 48 [81%] p=0.049), MAP (69 vs. 57 [83%], p=0.03) decreased significantly in Group I and HR (206 vs. 176 [85%], p=0.008) decreased significantly in Group ID at the end of the infusion period when compared to baseline values. Conclusion: In rats, I led to a decrease in systemic arterial pressure; and Din the presence of I led to a decrease in HR. Isoflurane-related systemic arterial pressure decrease was prevented by using of D and combination of D and L. Additionally, D-related HR decrease in the presence of I was prevented by using L. In this study, positive effects of D and DL utilization were observed when systemic arterial pressure dropped due to I. Besides, positive effect of L utilization was observed when HR decreased due to D in the presence of I in rats

    The Effects of Doxycycline on Peritoneal Fibrosis Induced by Chemical Peritonitis in Rats

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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effects of doxycycline on changes in peritoneal morphology, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP) activities in peritoneal lavage fluids in a rat model of peritoneal fibrosis due to chemical peritonitis