261 research outputs found

    Symptomatic mesodiverticular bands in children

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to review the English literature about a rare condition such as symptomatic mesodiverticular bands (MDBs) in children.Background: The MDB is an embryologic remnant of the vitelline circulation, which carries the arterial supply to Meckel’s diverticulum. In the event of an error of involution, an arterial band persists and extends from the mesentery to the apex of the antimesenteric diverticulum. This can create a snare-like opening through which bowel loops may herniate and become obstructed. This type of internal hernia is a very rare and often overlooked cause of small bowel obstruction.Materials and methods: A computer-assisted (PubMed) search of the literature to identify all cases of symptomatic MDB reported in English with patients’ age ranging from 0 to 14 years was performed.Results: Eight cases of symptomatic MBD in pediatric age (0–14 years) were found in the literature in the last 50 years. Male : female ratio was 3 : 1. The age of onset ranged from 10 days to 12 years. All cases reported an intestinal occlusion as clinical picture. Internal hernia was the cause of the obstruction in six cases, whereas in two patients the occlusion was due to a direct compression. All patients were approached with emergent laparotomy except one case of laparoscopic approach.Conclusion: MDB causing internal hernia is a very rare event but it should be kept in mind concerning patients with the presentation of small bowel obstruction when early surgery is important to prevent strangulation, gangrene of the bowel, and to avoid dramatic events.Keywords: internal hernia, laparoscopy, Meckel’s diverticulum, mesodiverticular band, small bowel obstructio

    Revealing Seed Coat Colour Variation and Their Possible Association with Seed Yield Parameters in Common Vetch ( Vicia sativa

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    The seed coat colour variation of 70 common vetch genotypes were determined by using uniform colour scale (L⁎a⁎b⁎) and their possible correlation with seed yield parameters including the number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod, pod dimension, and seed yield (kg/da) was determined. The results revealed presence of highly significant (p<0.01) variations for both the seed yield and the seed coat colour parameters measured. The number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod, and seed yield ranged from 5.8 to 16.03, from 5.2 to 7.66, and from 143.37 to 531.1, respectively. The lightness value varied from 19.00 to 40.28 while chromaticity a⁎ and b⁎ values ranged from −0.16 to 8.99 and from 0.79 to 22.11, respectively. The highest correlation coefficients were determined between b⁎ and L⁎ (r=0.73), and a⁎ and L⁎ (r=0.55). The seed coat colour traits and seed yield parameters generally showed weak negative correlations. Seed yellowness (b⁎) and seed yield had correlation coefficient of −0.25, while correlation between L⁎ and seed yield was determined as −0.23. The results indicated that lightness and yellowness of seed coat may be used as an important parameter to prescreen high yield genotypes of common vetch

    Ýlk Halka Arzlarda Uzun Dönem Getirilerinin Yapay Sinir Aðlarý ile ÝMKB Ýçin Ampirik Bir Çalýþma

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the long run IPO (Initial Public Offerings) returns using artificial neural network (ANN). In wide-ranging literature OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) is commonly preferred to estimate long run IPO returns. This study applies artificial neural network addition to OLS. As a result of comparing the performance of ANN and OLS, ANN has better estimation than OLS for long run IPO returns in Turkey.Initial public offerings, long-run performance, ANN, OLS, ISE

    An Investigation on Residential Satisfaction in Mass Housing: A Case Study of Garanti Houses in Konya-Turkey

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    In due course, the changing culture, technological developments have continually presented new dimensions to shelter. All the quests and new solutions to housing have aimed to satisfy the users. Housing evaluation is a field that determines whether the housing fulfils the necessary conditions for the users' mental and physical health, whether the users would be content as individuals and as families, and whether the big housing investments would go down the drain. The mistakes in housing practices are constantly repeated. Housing evaluations have recently gained great importance in order to evade these inaccuracies. This study tackles user satisfaction in mass housing systems. The field of study is Garanti Houses, the largest mass housing in gated community-style in Konya. User satisfaction with inner and outdoor spaces is investigated and evaluated by means of user satisfaction questionnaires. Eventually, it is found out that the inhabitants of Garanti Houses are satisfied with the social facilities and the indoor and outdoor spaces of the housing complex, and with their locations at levels good and very good. It is believed that the findings to be obtained in this study will provide data for a participatory planning approach to the processes of planning of future mass housing projects

    Muhasebeci Stereotipleri Ölçeğinin Türk Dil ve Kültürüne Uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Stereotip, bireyin, bir grup insanın özellikleri hakkında sahip olduğu olumlu veya olumsuz inançlar kümesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu araştırmayla Saemann ve Crooker (1999) tarafından Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki üniversite öğrencileri arasında muhasebe mesleğinin algılarını ölçmek için geliştirilen ölçeğin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışmaları yapılarak Türk kültürüne uyarlanması ve öğrencilerin algılarıyla muhasebeci stereotiplerinin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, ölçek uyarlama amacıyla ilgili akademisyenlerden görüş alınmıştır. Bu amaçla hazırlan uzman değerlendirme formunda, ölçekte bulunan her bir soru için, “madde hedeflenen yapıyı ölçmektedir”, “madde yapı ile ilişkili ancak yetersizdir/gereksizdir” ya da “madde hedeflenen yapıyı ölçmemektedir” şeklinde üçlü bir ölçek oluşturulmuştur. Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) yapılmış ve KMO .82 ve Barlett testi χ2 değeri ise (395, N = 441) = 706.066, p < .05, (χ²/df = 1.79, GFI = .90, NFI = 91, TLI = .96, CFI = .96 ve RMSEA = .04 olarak anlamlı düzeyde olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca toplam varyansın % 61.10’unu açıklayan, orijinal ölçekteki gibi, dört faktörlü bir yapı elde edilmiştir. Orijinal ölçekten farklı olarak faktör maddeleri farklı dağılmışlardır. Ancak dilsel, kültürel ve toplumsal değişkenliklerden dolayı, kaynak ve hedef formda böyle bir farklılığın oluşması beklenen bir durumdur. Bu nedenle faktör adları dağılan maddelere göre yeniden adlandırılmıştır. Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) uyum indekslerine bakıldığında GFI = .90, NFI = 91, TLI = .96, CFI = .96 ve RMSEA = .04 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak Muhasebeci Stereotipileri Ölçeğinin Türkiye’de uyarlanmaya çalışıldığı grupta, orijinal kültürdeki yapısına uygun şekilde çalıştığı söylenebilir

    Evaluation of the effect of intravenous ibuprofen use on postoperative pain and opioid consumption after abdominoplasty operation

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    Aim: Abdominoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure that is one of the most painful aesthetic surgery and has been used increasingly in recent years. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) with antipyretic and analgesic effects. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the intravenous (IV) form of ibuprofen on postoperative pain control and opioid requirement in patients who underwent abdominoplasty. Methods: The patients were divided into 3 groups as Group 1 (Tramadol), Group 2 (Ibuprofen) and Group 3 (Tramadol HCL + Ibuprofen). Tramadol HCL was given continuous infusion at a concentration of 4mg / ml via IV Patient Controlled Analgesia to Group 1. Ibuprofen&nbsp;800 mg IV was administered to Group 2 at 30 minutes before the end of the operation. Patients were followed up by administering 800 mg IV every 6 hours for 24 hours. In Group 3, 30 minutes before the end of the operation, tramadol was administered via PCA with continuous infusion at a concentration of 4mg / ml and 800 mg IV ibuprofen was administered as 4x1. Results: VAS values ​​were found to be significantly lower in Group 3 compared to Group 2 at every hour and at the 4th hour compared to Group 1. Group 3 was found to be significantly lower than Group 1 in total analgesic consumption in all time zones. Conclusion: We think that IV ibuprofen, which will be given in addition to tramadol after abdominoplasty, can provide effective analgesia and reduce analgesic consumption

    Electron-Electron Interactions in Sb-Doped SnO2 Thin Films

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    WOS: 000279504900005Electrical conductivity and Hall-effect measurements on undoped and Sb-doped SnO2 thin films prepared by the sol-gel technique were carried out as a function of temperature (55 K to 300 K). Structural characterizations of the films were performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). A doping-induced metal-insulator transition (MIT) was observed. On the metallic side of the transition, the experimental data were interpreted in terms of electron-electron interactions (EEI). The existence of EEI was confirmed by excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental data. The experimental data on the insulator side of the transition were analyzed in terms of variable-range hopping (VRH) conduction. A complete set of parameters describing the properties of the localized electrons, including hopping energy, hopping distance, and the value of the density of states at the Fermi level, was determined.State of Planning Organization of TurkeyTurkiye Cumhuriyeti Kalkinma Bakanligi [2001K120590]; Ankara University BAPAnkara University [2007-07-45-054]This work is supported by the State of Planning Organization of Turkey under Grant No. 2001K120590 and the Ankara University BAP under Project Number 2007-07-45-054. We would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kagan Kadioglu and Ms. Murat Yavuz for providing XRD and AFM measurements

    Feasibility of a tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty with double de-epithelised dartos flaps in a failed hypospadias repair: A preliminary report

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    Background: Reoperation for failed hypospadias has been considered to be seriously problematic. The dense fibrotic tissue causes difficulties in wound healing and increases the rate of complications. The tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty (TIPU) method has become a preferred method for all varieties of hypospadias in the past decade. However, fistulas are still one of the most common complications of this technique. The aim of this paper was to present the preliminary results of TIPU procedure with double de-epithelised dartos flaps in failed hypospadias repair. Materials and Methods: All patients were treated between January 2009 and August 2010 by the same procedure, utilising TIPU with double de-epithelised dartos flaps. Vascularised ventral dartos flaps harvested from each side of the penis with their vascular supply were transposed to cover the suture line by wrapping them from either side of the penis. Results: There were 21 boys with failed hypospadias: 20 had previously undergone TIPU, and one Koyanagi repair. Patients presented with very large fi stulas in four and dehiscence in 17. Repair of the failed hypospadias using TIPU with double de-epithelised dartos flaps was quite successful, with no fistula recurrence or dehiscence observed. Conclusion: The preliminary results showed that TIPU with double de-epithelised dartos flaps is a useful method of successfully repairing failed hypospadias