13 research outputs found

    Comparison of icodextrin with thymoquinone: A new hope for postoperative adhesions

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of thymoquinone and icodextrin in rats within the framework of an experimental adhesion model.Materials and Methods: Rats were separated into three groups: (1) a control group consisting of rats that had 2 ml of isotonic solution administered intraperitoneally, (2) an ICO group administered with 2 ml of 4% icodextrin, and (3) a TQ group administered thymoquinone (10 mg/kg), all following cecal abrasion. The three groups underwent a reoperation on the 7th postoperative day. Hydroxyproline levels were analyzed in the resected adhesive tissues, and histopathological investigations were conducted. Blood samples were collected for biochemical analyses.Results: Fewer postoperative adhesions were observed in the ICO and TQ groups compared with the control group. A comparison of the TQ and ICO groups revealed lowers levels of postoperative adhesions in the TQ group. Compared with the control group, malondialdehyde, 8‑OH‑deoxyguanosine/ deoxyguanosine (8‑OHdG/10dG), Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), and CoenzymeQ10/ reduced CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10/CoQ10H) values were found to be lower in the TQ and ICO groups. When the TQ and ICO groups were compared with respect to their biochemical parameters, the results for all of the four parameters were found to be statistically significantly lower in the TQ group (P < 0.000). The levels of hydroxyproline in the control, ICO, and TQ groups were found to be (mean ± standard deviation) 502.25 ± 90.39 μg/g, 342.13 ± 66.61 μg/g, and 287.88 ± 49.59 μg/g, respectively.Conclusions: A comparison of the antiadhesive effects of thymoquinone and icodextrin revealed thymoquinone to be more effective. These results indicate that thymoquinone is an efficient and strong antiadhesive molecule.Keywords: Icodextrin, postoperative adhesions, rat, thymoquinon

    Discrimination of brazilian red varietal wines according to their sensory descriptors Discriminação de vinhos tintos Brasileiros varietais de acordo com suas características sensoriais

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    The purpose of this paper was to establish the sensory characteristics of wines made from old and newly introduced red grape varieties. To attain this objective, 16 Brazilian red varietal wines were evaluated by a sensory panel of enologists who assessed wines according to their aroma and flavor descriptors. A 90 mm unstructured scale was used to quantify the intensity of 26 descriptors, which were analyzed by means of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The PCA showed that three important components represented 74.11% of the total variation. PC 1 discriminated Tempranillo, Marselan and Ruby Cabernet wines, with Tempranillo being characterized by its equilibrium, quality, harmony, persistence and body, as well as by, fruity, spicy and oaky characters. The other two varietals were defined by vegetal, oaky and salty characteristics; PC 2 discriminated Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Arinarnoa, where Pinot Noir was characterized by its floral flavor; PC 3 discriminated only Malbec, which had weak, floral and fruity characteristics. The other varietal wines did not show important discriminating effects.<br>Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de determinar as características sensoriais de vinhos tintos brasileiros elaborados com cultivares de uva introduzidos no país há algum tempo e outros, mais recentemente. Para tanto, as características de 16 vinhos tintos varietais brasileiros foram determinadas por um painel formado por enólogos que avaliaram os vinhos de acordo com suas características de aroma e sabor. Isso foi realizado utilizando-se uma escala não estruturada de 90 mm, a qual apresentava a intensidade de 26 descritores que foram analisados pela Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP). A ACP mostrou três importantes componentes, os quais representaram 74,11% da variação total. De fato, o CP 1 discriminou os vinhos Tempranillo, Marselan e Ruby Cabernet, o primeiro deles sendo caracterizado pelos descritores equilíbrio, qualidade, harmonia, persistência, corpo, frutado, especiaria e carvalho, e, os outros dois, pelos descritores vegetal, carvalho e salgado; o CP 2 discriminou os vinhos Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon e Arinarnoa, tendo sido o Pinot Noir caracterizado por seu sabor floral; o CP 3 discriminou o vinho Malbec, que teve descritores florais e frutados fracos. Os demais vinhos varietais não apresentaram efeito discriminatório importante