11 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Harga Energi dari Sumber Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Fosil

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    PERBANDINGAN HARGA ENERGI DARI SUMBER ENERGI BARU TERBARUKAN DAN FOSIL. Transportasi biaya rendah untuk orang dan barang sangat penting untuk kesejahteraan ekonomi bangsa. Hingga kini jika harga minyak naik, biaya transportasi otomatis akan mengikuti dan sebagian rakyat menderita akibat melambungnya harga makanan dan barang-barang lainnya. Hampir 100 persen kebutuhan energi transportasi negara Indonesia didukung oleh minyak. Sementara biaya di sektor energi terutama listrik, di negara maju yang juga berperan signifikan untuk mendukung transportasi, jauh lebih stabil dan dapat diprediksi. Kebutuhan energi yang begitu tinggi di sektor transportasi cenderung memaksa manusia untuk mengupayakan sumber dan sarana energi dalam bentuk lain seperti listrik atau hydrogen yang dapat menyamai atau melebihi kinerja bahan bakar minyak. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan keekonomian harga energi dari sumber EBT dan fosil untuk melihat sejauh mana peluang keekonomian beberapa jenis energi dapat memainkan peran signifikan di sektor transportasi dan dampak selanjutnya di dalam sistem energi. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah penelusuran pustaka dan perhitungan langsung pada bahan atau sumber energi terkait. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa akan semakin dibutuhkan peran energi nuklir dan energi tertentu lainnya sebagai sumber energi listrik menimbang aspek keekonomiannya yang relatif lebih baik

    Transcriptome analysis of tomato (<i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> L.) shoots reveals a crosstalk between auxin and strigolactone

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    <div><p>Auxin and strigolactone (SL) are two important phytohormones involved in shoot branching and morphology. Tomato (<i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> L.), a member of the Solanaceae family, is one of the most popular food crops with high economic value in the world. To seek a better understanding of the responses to exogenous hormones, transcriptome analyses of the tomato shoots treated with exogenous auxin and SL, separately or together, were performed. A total of 2326, 260 and 1379 differential expressed genes (DEGs) were identified under the IAA, GR24 and IAA+GR24 treatments, respectively. Network analysis pointed out two enriched interaction clusters, including “ethylene biosynthesis” and “photosynthesis”. Several ethylene biosynthesis and metabolism-related genes were up-regulated under both IAA and IAA+GR24 treatments, suggesting their involvement in the regulation of ethylene biosynthesis. Besides, auxin-SLs-triggered the expression of several <i>CAB</i> genes may lead to systemic increases in the induction of photosynthesis. Several auxin-activated metabolic pathways could be reduced by the GR24 treatment, indicated that the crosstalk between auxin and SLs may be involved in the metabolic regulation of tomato. Further analysis showed that SLs affect the responses of tomato shoots to auxin by inducing the expression of a series of auxin downstream genes. On the other hand, auxin regulated the biosynthesis of SLs by affecting the genes in the “Carotenoid biosynthesis” pathway. Our data will give us an opportunity to reveal the crosstalk between auxin and SLs in the shoots of tomato.</p></div

    Real-time quantitative PCR validation of several hormone-related genes.

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    <p>The histogram shows the relative expression level of these genes with respect to the ACTIN in tomato. The data were analyzed by three independent repeats, and standard deviations were shown with error bars. Significant differences in expression level were indicated by “*”.</p

    Transcriptional variations in tomato shoots under different hormone treatments.

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    <p>(a) Expression profiles of the DEGs under different hormone treatments were shown by a heatmap. (b) Significance analysis of the DEGs in different comparisons by Volcanoplots. (c) The number of up- and down-regulated genes in different comparisons. (d) Venn diagrams showed the proportions of the up- and down-regulated genes in three comparisons.</p

    GO enrichment analysis of the DEGs in different comparisons.

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    <p>(a) Classification of the enriched GO terms under the IAA treatment. (b) Classification of the enriched GO terms under the GR24 treatment. (c) Classification of the enriched GO terms under the IAA+GR24 treatment.</p

    Transcript abundance changes of auxin- and SL-related genes.

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    <p>(a) Overview of the auxin signaling pathway in tomato. (b) The numbers of the DEGs involved in the auxin signaling pathway. (c) Overview of the SL biosynthesis pathway in tomato. (d) The numbers of the DEGs involved in the SL biosynthesis pathway.</p

    Interaction networks of the DEGs analyzed by Cytoscape software ver. 3.0.1.

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    <p>(a) The PPI network under the IAA treatment. (b) The PPI network under the IAA+GR24 treatment. (c) The PPI network under the GR24 treatment. Red background colour indicated the proteins involved in the ethylene biosynthesis pathway. Green background colour indicated the proteins involved in the photosynthesis pathway.</p

    Additional file 5: Figure S2. of Identification of two transcription factors activating the expression of OsXIP in rice defence response

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    Subcellular localization of OsbHLH59 and OsERF71 in N. benthamiana. The full length ORFs without terminators of OsbHLH59 and OsERF71 were cloned into the pCAMBIA1300-sGFP vector under the control of the 35S promoter. Then N. benthamiana cells were transformed with 35Sp::OsbHLH59:GFP, 35Sp::OsERF71:GFP or pCAMBIA1300-GFP. After incubating for 48 h, the transformed cells were observed under a confocal microscope. The photographs were taken under detecting GFP fluorescence, bright field, and in combination (merge), respectively. Empty vector (pCAMBIA1300-GFP) was used as a control. Bars, 10 μm. (DOCX 1068 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S1. of Identification of two transcription factors activating the expression of OsXIP in rice defence response

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    The sequence of the putative promoter region (−2,070/+52) of OsXIP. The transcription start site is indicated as +1, and the putative start codon is underlined; All potential cis-acting elements are boxed; All the primers (forward OP1-U- OP7-U and reverse OP-L) are indicated by red arrows. (DOCX 793 kb