30,367 research outputs found

    Regioselective Intermolecular Coupling Reaction of Arylketones and Alkenes Involving C-H Bond Activation Catalyzed by an \u3cem\u3ein Situ\u3c/em\u3e Formed Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex

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    The cationic ruthenium hydride complex, formed in situ from the treatment of the tetranuclear ruthenium hydride complex {[(PCy3)(CO)RuH]4(ÎŒ4-O)(ÎŒ3-OH)(ÎŒ2-OH)} with HBF4·OEt2, was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the intermolecular coupling reaction of arylketones and 1-alkenes to give the substituted indene and ortho-C−H insertion products. The formation of the indene products resulted from the initial alkene isomerization followed by regioselective ortho-C−H insertion of 2-alkene and dehydrative cyclization. The preliminary mechanistic studies revealed a rapid and reversible ortho-C−H bond activation followed by the rate-limiting C−C bond formation step for the coupling reaction

    Efficient Dehydrogenation of Amines and Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by a Tetranuclear Ruthenium-Ό-oxo-Ό-hydroxo-hydride Complex

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    The tetranuclear ruthenium-ÎŒ-oxo-ÎŒ-hydroxo-hydride complex {[(PCy3)(CO)RuH]4(ÎŒ4-O)(ÎŒ3-OH)(ÎŒ2-OH)} (1) was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the transfer dehydrogenation of amines and carbonyl compounds. For example, the initial turnover rate of the dehydrogenation of 2-methylindoline was measured to be 1.9 s−1 with a TON of 7950 after 1 h at 200 °C. The extensive H/D scrambling patterns observed from the dehydrogenation reaction of indoline-N-d1 and indoline-α-d2 suggest a monohydride mechanistic pathway with the C−H bond activation rate-limiting step

    Chain-Selective and Regioselective Ethylene and Styrene Dimerization Reactions Catalyzed by a Well-Defined Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex: New Insights on the Styrene Dimerization Mechanism

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    The cationic ruthenium hydride complex [(η6-C6H6)(PCy3)(CO)RuH]+BF4− was found to be a highly regioselective catalyst for the ethylene dimerization reaction to give 2-butene products (TOF = 1910 h−1, \u3e95% selectivity for 2-butenes). The dimerization of styrene exclusively produced the head-to-tail dimer (E)-PhCH(CH3)CH═CHPh at an initial turnover rate of 2300 h−1. A rapid and extensive H/D exchange between the vinyl hydrogens of styrene-d8 and 4-methoxystyrene was observed within 10 min without forming the dimer products at room temperature. The inverse deuterium isotope effect of kH/kD = 0.77 ± 0.10 was measured from the first-order plots on the dimerization reaction of styrene and styrene-d8 in chlorobenzene at 70 °C. The pronounced carbon isotope effect on both vinyl carbons of styrene as measured by using Singleton’s method (13C(recovered)/13C(virgin) at C1 = 1.096 and C2 = 1.042) indicates that the C−C bond formation is the rate-limiting step for the dimerization reaction. The Eyring plot of the dimerization of styrene in the temperature range of 50−90 °C led to ΔH⧧ = 3.3(6) kcal/mol and ΔS⧧ = −35.5(7) eu. An electrophilic addition mechanism has been proposed for the dimerization of styrene

    Intermolecular Dehydrative Coupling Reaction of Arylketones with Cyclic Alkenes Catalyzed by a Well-Defined Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex: A Novel Ketone Olefination Method via Vinyl C–H Bond Activation

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    The cationic ruthenium−hydride complex [(η6-C6H6)(PCy3)(CO)RuH]+BF4− was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the intermolecular olefination reaction of aryl ketones with cycloalkenes. The preliminary mechanistic analysis revealed that an electrophilic ruthenium−vinyl complex is the key species for mediating both vinyl C−H bond activation and the dehydrative olefination steps of the coupling reaction

    Calibrated Langevin dynamics simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins

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    We perform extensive coarse-grained (CG) Langevin dynamics simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which possess fluctuating conformational statistics between that for excluded volume random walks and collapsed globules. Our CG model includes repulsive steric, attractive hydrophobic, and electrostatic interactions between residues and is calibrated to a large collection of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer data on the inter-residue separations for 36 pairs of residues in five IDPs: α\alpha-, ÎČ\beta-, and Îł\gamma-synuclein, the microtubule-associated protein τ\tau, and prothymosin α\alpha. We find that our CG model is able to recapitulate the average inter-residue separations regardless of the choice of the hydrophobicity scale, which shows that our calibrated model can robustly capture the conformational dynamics of IDPs. We then employ our model to study the scaling of the radius of gyration with chemical distance in 11 known IDPs. We identify a strong correlation between the distance to the dividing line between folded proteins and IDPs in the mean charge and hydrophobicity space and the scaling exponent of the radius of gyration with chemical distance along the protein.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Aqueous Phase C-H Bond Oxidation Reaction of Arylalkanes Catalyzed by a Water-Soluble Cationic Ru(III) Complex [(pymox-Me\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e)\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eRuCl\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e]\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3eBF\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e

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    The cationic complex [(pymox-Me2)RuCl2]+BF4− was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the C−H bond oxidation reaction of arylalkanes in water. For example, the treatment of ethylbenzene (1.0 mmol) with t-BuOOH (3.0 mmol) and 1.0 mol % of the Ru catalyst in water (3 mL) cleanly produced PhCOCH3 at room temperature. Both a large kinetic isotope effect (kH/kD = 14) and a relatively large Hammett value (ρ = −1.1) suggest a solvent-caged oxygen rebounding mechanism via a Ru(IV)-oxo intermediate species

    Dipolar effect in coherent spin mixing of two atoms in a single optical lattice site

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    We show that atomic dipolar effects are detectable in the system that recently demonstrated two-atom coherent spin dynamics within individual lattice sites of a Mott state. Based on a two-state approximation for the two-atom internal states and relying on a variational approach, we have estimated the spin dipolar effect. Despite the absolute weakness of the dipole-dipole interaction, it is shown that it leads to experimentally observable effects in the spin mixing dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 color eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Vanishing Hawking Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Black Hole

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    We consider quantum fields around uniformly accelerated black holes. At a particular value of the acceleration, the Bogolubov transformation which would be responsible for the late-time Hawking radiation, is found to be trivial. When this happens, Hawking's thermal radiation, Doppler-shifted or not, is absent to the asymptotic inertial observers despite the nonzero Hawking temperature, while the co-moving observers find the black hole radiance exactly balanced by the acceleration heat bath. After a brief comparison to the classical system of a uniformly accelerated charge, we close with two important comments. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 382)Comment: LaTeX, 10pages, 2 figures (a typo in Eq.(3) corrected; minor revisions to accomodate the length limitation of the journal

    The Schwinger Mechanism, the Unruh Effect and the Production of Accelerated Black Holes

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    We compute the corrections to the transition amplitudes of an accelerated Unruh ``box'' that arise when the accelerated box is replaced by a ``two level ion'' immersed in a constant electric field and treated in second quantization. There are two kinds of corrections, those due to recoil effects induced by the momentum transfers and those due to pair creation. Taken together, these corrections show that there is a direct relationship between pair creation amplitudes described by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism and the Unruh effect, i.e. the thermalisation of accelerated systems at temperature a/2πa/ 2 \pi where aa is the acceleration. In particular, there is a thermodynamical consistency between both effects whose origin is that the euclidean action governing pair creation rates acts as an entropy in delivering the Unruh temperature. Upon considering pair creation of charged black holes in an electric field, these relationships explain why black holes are created from vacuum in thermal equilibrium, i.e. with their Hawking temperature equal to their Unruh temperature.Comment: Revised version: expanded introduction and discussion of pair creation of black holes, 2figures added, 22 pages, Late

    Flavor and CP Violation with Fourth Generations Revisited

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    The Standard Model predicts a very small CP violation phase sin⁡2ΩBsSM≃−0.04\sin2\Phi^{\rm SM}_{B_s} \simeq -0.04%= \arg M_{12} \simeq \arg\,(V^*_{ts}V_{tb})^2in in B_s−−--\bar B_smixing. mixing. %, i.e. of order \lambda^2\eta.Anyfinitevalueof. Any finite value of \Phi_{B_s}measuredattheTevatronwouldimplyNewPhysics.Withrecenthintsforfinite measured at the Tevatron would imply New Physics. With recent hints for finite \sin2\Phi_{B_s},experimentsattheTevatron,wereconsiderthepossibilityofa4thgeneration.Asrecentdirectsearchboundshavebecomeconsiderablyheavierthan300GeV,wetakethe, % have appeared from CDF and D\O\, experiments at the Tevatron, we reconsider the possibility of a 4th generation. As recent direct search bounds have become considerably heavier than 300 GeV, we take the t'masstobeneartheunitarityboundof500GeV.Combiningthemeasuredvaluesof mass to be near the unitarity bound of 500 GeV. Combining the measured values of \Delta m_{B_s}with with {\cal B}(B \to X_s\ell^+\ell^-),togetherwithtypical, together with typical f_{B_s}values,wefindasizable values, we find a sizable \sin2\Phi^{\rm SM4}_{B_s} \sim -0.33.Using. Using %a typical value of m_{b'} = 480GeV,weextracttherange GeV, we extract the range % a range of values, 0.06 < |V_{t'b}| < 0.13fromtheconstraintsof from the constraints of \Gamma(Z\to b\bar b),, \Delta m_{D}and and {\cal B}(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu).Afuturemeasurementof. A future measurement of {\cal B}(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)willdetermine will determine V_{t'd}$.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure
