35,330 research outputs found

    Analytic Model Of Electron Self-Injection In A Plasma Wakefield Accelerator In The Strongly Nonlinear Bubble Regime

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    Self-injection of background electrons in plasma wakefield accelerators in the highly nonlinear bubble regime is analyzed using particle-in-cell and semi-analytic modeling. It is shown that the return current in the bubble sheath layer is crucial for accurate determination of the trapped particle trajectories.Physic

    Monoenergetic Acceleration Of A Target Foil By Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse In Rpa Regime Without Thermal Heating

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    A kinetic model of the monoenergetic acceleration of a target foil irradiated by the circularly polarized laser pulse is developed. The target moves without thermal heating with constant acceleration which is provided by chirping the frequency of the laser pulse and correspondingly increasing its intensity. In the accelerated reference frame, bulk plasma in the target is neutral and its parameters are stationery: cold ions are immobile while nonrelativistic electrons bounce back and forth inside the potential well formed by ponderomotive and electrostatic potentials. It is shown that a positive charge left behind of the moving target in the ion tail and a negative charge in front of the target in the electron sheath form a capacitor whose constant electric field accelerates the ions of the target. The charge separation is maintained by the radiation pressure pushing electrons forward. The scalings of the target thickness and electromagnetic radiation with the electron temperature are found.Physic

    Flavor and CP Violation with Fourth Generations Revisited

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    The Standard Model predicts a very small CP violation phase sin2ΦBsSM0.04\sin2\Phi^{\rm SM}_{B_s} \simeq -0.04%= \arg M_{12} \simeq \arg\,(V^*_{ts}V_{tb})^2in in B_s--\bar B_smixing. mixing. %, i.e. of order \lambda^2\eta.Anyfinitevalueof. Any finite value of \Phi_{B_s}measuredattheTevatronwouldimplyNewPhysics.Withrecenthintsforfinite measured at the Tevatron would imply New Physics. With recent hints for finite \sin2\Phi_{B_s},experimentsattheTevatron,wereconsiderthepossibilityofa4thgeneration.Asrecentdirectsearchboundshavebecomeconsiderablyheavierthan300GeV,wetakethe, % have appeared from CDF and D\O\, experiments at the Tevatron, we reconsider the possibility of a 4th generation. As recent direct search bounds have become considerably heavier than 300 GeV, we take the t'masstobeneartheunitarityboundof500GeV.Combiningthemeasuredvaluesof mass to be near the unitarity bound of 500 GeV. Combining the measured values of \Delta m_{B_s}with with {\cal B}(B \to X_s\ell^+\ell^-),togetherwithtypical, together with typical f_{B_s}values,wefindasizable values, we find a sizable \sin2\Phi^{\rm SM4}_{B_s} \sim -0.33.Using. Using %a typical value of m_{b'} = 480GeV,weextracttherange GeV, we extract the range % a range of values, 0.06 < |V_{t'b}| < 0.13fromtheconstraintsof from the constraints of \Gamma(Z\to b\bar b),, \Delta m_{D}and and {\cal B}(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu).Afuturemeasurementof. A future measurement of {\cal B}(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)willdetermine will determine V_{t'd}$.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Recent star formation in high-redshift early-type galaxies: insights from the rest-frame UV

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    We combine deep UBVRIzJK photometry from the MUSYC survey with redshifts from the COMBO-17 survey to study the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) properties of 674 high-redshift (0.5<z<1) early-type galaxies, drawn from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDFS). Galaxy morphologies are determined through visual inspection of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images taken from the GEMS survey. We harness the sensitivity of the UV to young (<1 Gyrs old) stars to quantify the recent star formation history of the early-type population. We find compelling evidence that early-types of all luminosities form stars over the lifetime of the Universe, although the bulk of their star formation is already complete at high redshift. Luminous (-23<M(V)<-20.5) early-types form 10-15 percent of their mass after z=1, while their less luminous (M(V)>-20.5) counterparts form 30-60 percent of their mass in the same redshift range.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the IAU 245, eds. M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, and B. Barbu