14 research outputs found
Structural analysis of the Eastern Crimean mountains (onland-offshore) : consequence of the tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the eastern Black Sea
Cette thĂšse concerne lâĂ©tude de la structure gĂ©ologique de la CrimĂ©e orientale et de son prolongement en mer, le fossĂ© Sorokin, dans le but de reconstruire l'Ă©volution tectonique de la marge, inversĂ©e, au nord de la Mer Noire Orientale. Ces recherches ont Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©es car lâĂąge Trias supĂ©rieur-Jurassique infĂ©rieur des roches les plus anciennes, de type flysch, seraient en fait Albien (CrĂ©tacĂ© infĂ©rieur) soit 60 Ă 110 millions d'annĂ©es plus jeune. Force d'observations sur le terrain, de datations micropalĂ©ontologiques, dâune analyse structurale, avec une recherche des palĂ©o-champs de contraintes, d'une analyse de profils de sismiques rĂ©flexion de la marge, notre Ă©tude permets de rĂ©actualiser et de clarifier la gĂ©ologie de la CrimĂ©e orientale. Les principaux rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse sont les suivants : 1) grĂące Ă nos nouvelles datations, les sĂ©diments turbiditiques du CrĂ©tacĂ© infĂ©rieur ont une plus grande rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique; 2) deux formations de flysch ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es, lâune du CrĂ©tacĂ© infĂ©rieur et lâautre du Trias supĂ©rieur-Jurassique Moyen (Groupe Tauric); 3) une carte structurale de la CrimĂ©e orientale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e qui permet de mettre en Ă©vidence une phase d'extension durant le CrĂ©tacĂ© et deux phases compressives durant le CĂ©nozoĂŻque ; 4) ces deux phases compressives (PalĂ©ocĂšne-EocĂšne infĂ©rieur et OligocĂšne-PliocĂšne moyen) sont confirmĂ©es par lâinterprĂ©tations de 8 profils sismiques en mer qui ont Ă©tĂ© corrĂ©lĂ©s avec un forage (Subbotina 403) ; 5) la rĂ©alisation de deux transects Terre-Mer permettent de comprendre les structures liĂ©es Ă l'inversion de la marge ; 6) l'analyse des palĂ©o-champs de contraintes rĂ©vĂšle plusieurs rĂ©gimes tectoniques liĂ©es aux dĂ©veloppement des structures tectoniques; 8) finalement cette thĂšse propose un vision nouvelle de l'Ă©volution tectonique de la marge nord de la mer Noire orientale, qui subit une inversion depuis le PalĂ©ocĂšne, en prĂ©sentant des cartes de reconstitutions de son Ă©volution depuis le Trias supĂ©rieur.This study is focused on the main structural features of the Eastern Crimean Mountains (CM) and of their closest offshore, with a purpose to derive and reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the northern inverted margin of the Eastern Black Sea. This study was inspired because the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic age of the oldest exposed flysch-like rocks (so-called Tauric Group) âwasâ defined as 60 to 110 my younger, namely as the Albian (Middle Cretaceous).The aim of this thesis was to obtain by field observations, new dating of rocks, structural analysis, stress-field analysis and seismic interpretation allowing reconsidering the geology of the CM. The main findings of the thesis are: (1) the Lower Cretaceous sediments have a much wider spatial distribution in the Eastern CM; (2) the presence of two flysch units of different age: the youngest flysch unit of the Early Cretaceous age and the oldest, the Tauric Gp and Middle-Jurassic flysch; (3) the structural analysis in the Eastern CM resulted in new structural geological map of the Eastern CM and showed the evidence of extensional tectonics during the Cretaceous and of compressional structures during the Cenozoic; (4) two-stage compression: 1) during the Paleocene-Early Eocene and 2) during the Oligocene-Middle Pliocene were confirmed by interpretation of seismic lines offshore, correlated with the âSubbotina-403â well; (5) both geological and geophysical data in the on-and- off shore transects evidence connection of structures in the northern inverted Black Sea margin; (6) the paleostress analysis of the brittle fault-slip data allow distinguishing of several tectonic regimes responsible for the developments of main tectonic structures of the study area; (8) finally, this thesis presents a new vision of the tectonic evolution of the northern inverted part of the Eastern Black Sea illustrated with paleotectonic maps providing the reconstruction for each main stage of its geological history since the Late Triassic
Chinese investment in the transition countries
This paper examines the pattern and magnitude of Chinaâs outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to the EBRDâs countries of operations. We first analyse the recent trends of Chinaâs outward FDI, with sectoral and geographical distributions, and assess the implications for the transition countries. The paper then looks at the characteristics and activities of Chinese multinational enterprises and assesses their key motives for investing in the transition region. The paper also examines the key determinants of Chinaâs outward FDI and indicates the future prospects based on the regression model. Chinaâs FDI outflows and its stock are forecast to increase substantially during the next decade and for the transition countries, China is expected to play a larger role as an investor.Foreign direct investment, China, transition economies
Campagne océanographique AMARYLLIS - AMAGAS: Suivez l'expédition à bord du "NO Marion Dufresne"
https://univ-cotedazur.shorthandstories.com/campagne-AMARYLLIS/Le 17 mai 2023, lâĂ©quipe scientifique de la campagne AMARYLLIS-AMAGAS est montĂ©e Ă bord du NO Marion Dufresne, le plus grand navire de la Flotte OcĂ©anographique Française, Ă Bridgetown sur lâĂźle de La Barbade. Cette campagne est dĂ©coupĂ©e en deux parties (legs). Le leg 1, du 17 mai au 11 juin s'est terminĂ© Ă Paramaribo au Suriname. LĂ , les Ă©quipes scientifiques ont changĂ© et le leg 2 s'est dĂ©roulĂ© du 12 juin au 3 juillet. Ce blog est le journal de bord des aventures vĂ©cues par les participants du leg 1
Palaeo-stress regimes and structural framework during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Crimean Mountains (the northern margin of the Black Sea)
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New structural analysis in North Dobrogea - a key region to unravel the tectonics of the Black Sea back-arc basin during the Mesozoic
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