5 research outputs found


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    The most important element of economic security in modern conditions is financial safety. In modern conditions the impact of geofinances, the world's financial systems on the individual state moves to a qualitatively new level. According to the dominant position occupied by a financial component in today's economy, the authors can characterize the last one as an economy controlled by the basis of their financial way, through financial mechanisms, using financial leverage, financial incentives and fiscal purposes. In this article, financial security is considered by the example of developing countries - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan, Russia and China.The most important element of economic security in modern conditions is financial safety. In modern conditions the impact of geofinances, the world's financial systems on the individual state moves to a qualitatively new level. According to the dominant position occupied by a financial component in today's economy, the authors can characterize the last one as an economy controlled by the basis of their financial way, through financial mechanisms, using financial leverage, financial incentives and fiscal purposes. In this article, financial security is considered by the example of developing countries - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan, Russia and China


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    Article is devoted to the assessment and analysis of the level of financial security of the economies of the countries of Central Asia, and the definition of the criteria for the development of the financial system, its support and approval in the current economic situation. The urgency of the article is due to the fact that in the current situation the problem of ensuring financial security becomes systemic, it affects and connects individual countries, regions, economic entities, politics, economy, finance, etc. Integration of countries with a guarantee of financial security will contribute to the sustainable development of the region's economy to financial risks.Article is devoted to the assessment and analysis of the level of financial security of the economies of the countries of Central Asia, and the definition of the criteria for the development of the financial system, its support and approval in the current economic situation. The urgency of the article is due to the fact that in the current situation the problem of ensuring financial security becomes systemic, it affects and connects individual countries, regions, economic entities, politics, economy, finance, etc. Integration of countries with a guarantee of financial security will contribute to the sustainable development of the region's economy to financial risks

    Voice Identification Using Classification Algorithms

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    This article discusses the classification algorithms for the problem of personality identification by voice using machine learning methods. We used the MFCC algorithm in the speech preprocessing process. To solve the problem, a comparative analysis of five classification algorithms was carried out. In the first experiment, the support vector method was determined—0.90 and multilayer perceptron—0.83, that showed the best results. In the second experiment, a multilayer perceptron with an accuracy of 0.93 was proposed using the Robust scaler method for personal identification. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is possible to use a multi-layer perceptron, taking into account the specifics of the speech signal

    Threats to the Financial Security of the National Economies in Central Asia Countries in Times of Financial Crisis

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    The most important element of economic security in modern conditions is financial safety. In modern conditions the impact of geofinances, the world's financial systems on the individual state moves to a qualitatively new level. According to the dominant position occupied by a financial component in today's economy, the authors can characterize the last one as an economy controlled by the basis of their financial way, through financial mechanisms, using financial leverage, financial incentives and fiscal purposes. In this article, financial security is considered by the example of developing countries - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan, Russia and China

    Directions of Financial Security Enforcement in the Central Asia Countries

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    Article is devoted to the assessment and analysis of the level of financial security of the economies of the countries of Central Asia, and the definition of the criteria for the development of the financial system, its support and approval in the current economic situation. The urgency of the article is due to the fact that in the current situation the problem of ensuring financial security becomes systemic, it affects and connects individual countries, regions, economic entities, politics, economy, finance, etc. Integration of countries with a guarantee of financial security will contribute to the sustainable development of the region's economy to financial risks