92 research outputs found

    Universality of the Network and Bubble Topology in Cosmological Gravitational Simulations

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    Using percolation statistics we, for the first time, demonstrate the universal character of a network pattern in the real space, mass distributions resulting from nonlinear gravitational instability of initial Gaussian fluctuations. Percolation analysis of five stages of the nonlinear evolution of five power law models reveals that all models show a shift toward a network topology if seen with high enough resolution. However, quantitatively, the shift is significantly different in different models: the smaller the spectral index ,n, the stronger the shift. On the contrary, the shift toward the "bubble" topology is characteristic only for the n <= -1 models. We find that the mean density of the percolating structures in the nonlinear density distributions generally is very different from the density threshold used to identify them and corresponds much better to a visual impression. We also find that the maximum of the number of structures (connected regions above or below a specified density threshold) in the evolved, nonlinear distributions is always smaller than in Gaussian fields with the same spectrum, and is determined by the effective slope at the cutoff frequency.Comment: The paper is 26 pages long. The latex file uses aasms.sty as a style file. There are 5 figures and 2 tables included

    The Effects of Redshift Distortions on Percolation Analysis

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    A report submitted by Capp Yess and Bill Criss to the Research and Creative Productions Committee in 1999 on the effects of Redshift Distortions on Percolation Analysis

    Detection of Network Structure in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    We employ a percolation technique developed for pointwise distributions to analyze two-dimensional projections of the three northern and three southern slices in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. One of the goals of this paper is to compare the visual impressions of the structure within distributions with objective statistical analysis. We track the growth of the largest cluster as an indicator of the network structure. We restrict our analysis to volume limited subsamples in the regions from 200 to 400 h−1h^{-1} Mpc where the number density of galaxies is the highest. As a major result, we report a measurement of an unambiguous signal, with high signal-to-noise ratio (at least at the level of a few σ\sigma), indicating significant connectivity of the galaxy distribution which in two dimensions is indicative of a filamentary distribution. This is in general agreement with the visual impression and typical for the standard theory of the large-scale structure formation based on gravitational instability of initially Gaussian density fluctuations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan gaya bahasa sindirian yang dipakai oleh paraapemain dalam Acara Lapor Pak di Stasiun Televisi Trans7. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripsif.  Sumber dalam penelitian ini berupa kalimat yang dituturkan oleh pelawak dalam acara lapor pak, yang berisi gaya sindiran serta mengandunggmakna untuk menyindir para tokoh politik dan pejabat-pejabat di Indonesia. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahh teknik analsis isi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bahasa sindiran yang diucapkan oleh para pemain ketika sedang mempertunjukkan lawakkannya di depan televisi. Data yang didapat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak sebelas, yang terdiri dari empat (4) bentuk gaya bahasaasindiran ironi, lima (5) bentuk bahasa sindiran sinisme dan dua (2) bentuk bahasa gaya bahasa sindiransarkasme. Bahasa sindiran yang disampikan juga diselingi dengan kalimat-kalimat humor agar tidak menimbukan kesalahpahaman dan untuk menghindari konflik.Kata Kunci: Gaya Bahasa, Sindiran, Acara Lapor Pa

    Procalcitonin to Predict Severity of Acute Cholangitis and Need for Urgent Biliary Decompression: Systematic Scoping Review

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    Serum procalcitonin (PCT) has been reported as a potential biomarker to predict the severity of acute cholangitis (AC) or the need for urgent biliary decompression. This study aimed to identify and summarize the existing research about serum PCT and the severity of AC, and to find gaps towards which future studies can be targeted. Following the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Google Scholar were searched for all peer-reviewed articles with relevant keywords including "cholangitis" and "procalcitonin" from their inception to 13 July 2021. We identified six studies. All the studies employed a case-control design and aimed to evaluate the usefulness of serum PCT to predict the severity of AC with key identified outcomes. While the potential cut-off values of serum PCT for severe AC ranged from 1.8-3.1 ng/mL, studies used different severity criteria and the definition of urgent biliary decompression. No studies proposed cut-off PCT values for the need for urgent biliary decompression. This scoping review identified the current level of evidence regarding the usefulness of serum PCT in assessing the severity of AC. Further clinical research is warranted with a focus on standardized outcome measures employing prospective or experimental designs

    Evidence for Filamentarity in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    We apply Shapefinders, statistical measures of `shape' constructed from two dimensional partial Minkowski functionals, to study the degree of filamentarity in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). In two dimensions, three Minkowski functionals characterise the morphology of an object, they are: its perimeter (L), area (S), and genus. Out of L and S a single dimensionless Shapefinder Statistic, F can be constructed (0 <=F <=1). F acquires extreme values on a circle (F = 0) and a filament (F = 1). Using F, we quantify the extent of filamentarity in the LCRS by comparing our results with a Poisson distribution with similar geometrical properties and having the same selection function as the survey. Our results unambiguously demonstrate that the LCRS displays a high degree of filamentarity both in the Northern and Southern galactic sections a result that is in general agreement with the visual appearance of the catalogue. It is well known that gravitational clustering from Gaussian initial conditions gives rise to the development of non-Gaussianity reflected in the formation of a network-like filamentary structure on supercluster scales. Consequently the fact that the smoothed LCRS catalogue shows properties consistent with those of a Gaussian random field (Colley 1997) whereas the unsmoothed catalogue demonstrates the presence of filamentarity lends strong support to the conjecture that the large scale clustering of galaxies is driven by gravitational instability.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Pesticide Product Use and Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Women

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    A population-based, incidence case–control study was conducted among women in upstate New York to determine whether pesticide exposure is associated with an increase in risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) among women. The study involved 376 cases of NHL identified through the State Cancer Registry and 463 controls selected from the Medicare beneficiary files and state driver’s license records. Information about history of farm work, history of other jobs associated with pesticide exposure, use of common household pesticide products, and potential confounding variables was obtained by telephone interview. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using an unconditional logistic regression model. The risk of NHL was doubled (OR = 2.12; 95% CI, 1.21–3.71) among women who worked for at least 10 years at a farm where pesticides were reportedly used. When both farming and other types of jobs associated with pesticide exposure were combined, there was a progressive increase in risk of NHL with increasing duration of such work (p = 0.005). Overall cumulative frequency of use of household pesticide products was positively associated with risk of NHL (p = 0.004), which was most pronounced when they were applied by subjects themselves. When exposure was analyzed by type of products used, a significant association was observed for mothballs. The associations with both occupational and household pesticides were particularly elevated if exposure started in 1950–1969 and for high-grade NHL. Although the results of this case–control study suggest that exposure to pesticide products may be associated with an increased risk of NHL among women, methodologic limitations related to selection and recall bias suggest caution in inferring causation

    PIT tag antennae arrays as fishery monitoring tools in tropical environments

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    ABSTRACT Long-term monitoring of marine and estuarine fishes is labor intensive and subject to varying environmental conditions and spatio-temporal constraints. To better understand fish populations and increase predictive capabilities, scientists and managers need reliable long-term monitoring systems that collect data on populations through all environmental conditions and reduce the labor required for data collection. To collect long-term data on fish survival and movements, we adapted autonomous passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag antennae for use in tropical environments. These antennae function through all environmental conditions, accurately recording the unique identification number of each PIT tagged individual passing over an antenna, and only require labor for construction, data download, maintenance, and the marking of fish. Antennae have long life spans and function continuously, and PIT tags have a lifespan measured in decades, making this system ideal for long-term studies. The utility of this recapture system was demonstrated during a nursery habitat study in Charlotte Harbor, Florida USA. From November 2008 to February 2010, we marked 1,446 juvenile common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) with PIT tags (and a total of 3,810 snook since 2004). Between August 2008 and August 2010, the 11 antennae we constructed throughout four mangrove creeks recorded 362,880 PIT tag detections of 1,594 individual fish. The antenna array recaptured 83.7% of fish marked after antenna construction was complete. The detailed recapture information allowed for highly precise calculation of apparent survival and examination of long-term habitat use. In addition to discussing the data we have collected, this paper details how to design and construct customized PIT tag antenna systems and covers the issues and limitations associated with adapting these systems to tropical marine and estuarine environments. These systems may be especially useful in the tropics for monitoring juveniles of other species that use near shore nursery habitats such as mangroves

    Tree structure of the percolating Universe

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    We present a numerical study of topological descriptors of initially Gaussian and scale-free density perturbations evolving via gravitational instability in an expanding universe. We carefully evaluate and avoid numerical contamination in making accurate measurements on simulated fields on a grid in a finite box. Independent of extent of non linearity, the measured Euler number of the excursion set at the percolation threshold, ÎŽc\delta_c, is positive and nearly equal to the number of isolated components, suggesting that these structures are trees. Our study of critical point counts reconciles the clumpy appearance of the density field at ÎŽc\delta_c with measured filamentary local curvature. In the Gaussian limit, we measure ∣Ύc∣>σ|\delta_c|> \sigma in contrast to widely held belief that ∣ΎcâˆŁâˆŒÏƒ|\delta_c| \sim \sigma, where σ2\sigma^2 is the variance of the density field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
