2,345 research outputs found


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    Description A package that provides functions for measuring spatial segregation. The methods implemented in this package includ

    Youth Entering Service to America

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    George Bush announced today his proposal for the creation of Youth Entering Service to America, a challenge grant program designed to spur more young people to serve their communities as a continuing androutine part of their daily lives in high schools, college, and after graduation

    Title Very simple high level analysis of Affymetrix data Version 2.40.0

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    Crispin J Miller Description Provides high level functions for reading Affy.CEL files,phenotypic data, and then computing simple things with it, such as t-tests, fold changes and the like. Makes heavy use of the affy library. Also has some basic scatter plot functions and mechanisms for generating high resolution journal figures..

    A study on factors affects competency level of trainers at Sharp Manufacturing Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd, Batu Pahat Johor / Syahida Adila Mohamad Yes

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    Competency can be described as an integrated set of human resource activities aimed at optimizing the development and the use of employee competencies in order to increase individual effectiveness, and, subsequently, to increase organizational effectiveness. Due to growing importance, the present study was implemented in order to explore the factors that will affect the competency level of trainers. There are three factors have been used to determined the competency level of trainer which are includes, intrinsic motivation, training and compensation. Multiple regressions method, reliability analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Frequency analysis, correlation and ANOVA Test were conducted in order to complete the objectives in this study. Based on the results, it was founds that there are strong relationship existed between these three variables in influencing the competency level of trainers


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    Abstract: Strengthening Life Skills Learners with a Creative Economic Approach: Case Studies in VocationalThe impact of the ASEAN economic community on the development of industry 4.0 is increasingly massive, the education system requires a new breakthrough to respond to the development of industry 4.0. The Indonesian government continues to make changes and developments in the field of education to prepare students to become human beings who are knowledge able, capable, creative, independent, and responsible. Vocational education aims to prepare graduates to be ready to work and innovate. The main purpose of this study is to determine the content of the creative economy in shaping the life skills of students. This research uses a qualitative case study design approach, to understand the meaning of events and interactions involving school principals, teachers, students, school staff, as well as the business world and industry, so that researchers can understand concepts and strategies related to SMK management. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the content of the creative economy is one of the creative approaches that need to be integrated into the curriculum and learning to build honest, responsible, confident, tenacious, disciplined, and highly competitive attitudes for students, teachers always use various methods and approaches are compiled in the curriculum and can be integrated in the learning process. The formation of life skills as a provision of skills to face and solve the difficulties of life and life, actively and creatively seek and find solutions to overcome problems. Abstrak: Penguatan Life Skills Peserta Didik dengan Pendekatan Ekonomi Kreatif: Studi Kasus di SMKDampak masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN terhadap perkembangan industri 4.0 semakin masif, sistem pendidikan membutuhkan gebrakan baru untuk merespon perkembangan industri 4.0. Pemerintah indonesia terus melakukan perubahan dan pengembangan di bidang pendidikan untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan bertanggung jawab. Pendidikan kejuruan bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan lulusan untuk siap bekerja dan berinovasi. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui muatan ekonomi kreatif dalam membentuk life skills peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif rancangan studi kasus, untuk memahami makna peristiwa serta interaksi dengan melibatkan kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik, staf sekolah, serta dunia usaha dan dunia industri, sehingga peneliti dapat memahami konsep serta strategi berkaitan pengelolaan SMK. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa muatan ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu pendekatan kreatif yang perlu diintegrasikan ke dalam kurikulum dan pembelajaran untuk membangun sikap jujur, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, ulet, disiplin, dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi bagi peserta didik. Guru selalu menggunakan berbagai metode dan pendekatan yang disusun dalam kurikulum dan dapat diintegrasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Pembentukan keterampilan life skills sebagai bekal keterampilan untuk menghadapi dan memecahkan kesulitan hidup dan kehidupan, secara aktif dan kreatif mencari serta menemukan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan


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    Abstract: Principal Strategies in Implementing School Based Management to Improve School Quality This study aims to obtain an overview of the principal's strategy in implementing school-based management to improve school quality. Education has a strategic role in preparing the quality of human resources to respond to the industrial revolution 4.0. This research uses a qualitative approach with a multi-case study design, the researcher tries to understand the meaning of events and interactions by involving the principal, teachers, students, school staff, as well as the business world and the industrial world, so that researchers can understand the concepts and strategies related to the principal's strategy in implementing school-based management to improve school quality. The findings of the study show that school principals are able to implement SBM to improve the quality of education, by directly involving teachers, education staff, students, school committees, parents, alumni, stakeholders and the community to formulate a vision, mission, and objectives, as well as strategic targets for SMA Negeri 1 Kupang and Giovanni Catholic High School. Implementing SBM, the principal in an objective, transparent and accountable manner in conducting ongoing evaluations of short and long term programs, and always sending program implementation reports to all parties including stakeholders.Abstrak: Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengimplementasikan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Sekolah Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai strategi kepala sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen berbasis sekolah untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Pendidikan memiliki peran strategis untuk menyiapkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam merespon revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multikasus. Peneliti berusaha memahami makna peristiwa serta interaksi dengan melibatkan kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik, staf sekolah, serta dunia usaha dan industri, sehingga peneliti dapat memahami konsep serta strategi kepala sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen berbasis sekolah untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah mampu mengimplementasikan MBS dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dengan melibatkan langsung guru, tenaga kependidikan, peserta didik, komite sekolah, orang tua, alumni, dan stakeholder serta masyarakat untuk merumuskan visi, misi, dan tujuan, serta sasaran strategis pada SMA Negeri 1 Kupang dan SMA Katolik Giovanni. Implementasi MBS yang dilakukan kepala sekolah secara objektif, transparan dan akuntabel dalam melakukan evaluasi secara berkelanjutan terhadap program jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, serta selalu mengirim laporan pelaksanaan program kepada semua pihak termasuk stakeholder

    Title Empirical Bayes Estimation of Dynamic Bayesian Networks Version 1.2.3 Date 2013-07-26

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    Description This package is used to infer the adjacency matrix of a network from time course data using an empirical Bayes estimation procedure based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks. License GPL (> = 3
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