15 research outputs found

    Unspoken Layers

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    Memory, Processing Speed, and the Effects of Cognitive Exercise on the Aging Brain

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    The purpose of the current study was to investigate, and expain, the effects of an intervention known as “The Five Task Approach” (TFTA); a cognitive intervention hereby utilized within the realm of the geriatric population, as a means of taxing and strengthening cortical areas associated with memory, and visual processing. This study revealed that even short-term exposure to cognitive activities, and therapeutic cueing known to tax areas connected to visual perception, may have an effect on one’s global cognition, generalized memory, and the accuracy of one’s visual perception. It was demonstrated that even brief cognitive intervention geared at taxing cortical areas associated with memory and visual processing, in conjunction with the therapuetic cueing utilized in this study, has the potential to significantly increase participant performance in terms of global cognitive function, including skills associated with executive functioning, working memory, visual processing, visual processing speed, auditory processing, and global cognitive status

    Caracterización de hábitos bucales deformantes en escolares de tercer grado

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    Introduction: deforming oral habits act as obstacles in the growth and development process of the structures of the stomatognathic apparatus and as a consequence can cause abnormalities in oral morphophysiology. Objective: to characterize the deforming oral habits in third grade schoolchildren of the “Bernardo Arias Castillo” Primary School, in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus, in the period from January 2019 to January 2020.  Method: an observational, descriptive study was carried out. cross-sectional in the period from January 2019 to January 2020, at the “Bernardo Arias Castillo” Primary School in the Sancti Spíritus municipality. The universe was made up of 61 third-grade schoolchildren with deforming oral habits, who showed the willingness, together with their tutors, to participate in the study. It worked with the entire universe. The variables were studied: age, sex, deforming oral habits, knowledge about deforming oral habits and frequency with which they do the habit. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: the age of eight years (91.8%) and the female sex (65.6%) predominated. The most frequent habits were finger sucking and bottle use (28.7%). Knowledge about deforming oral habits was evaluated as bad and 70.4% sometimes practiced the habit. Conclusions: deforming habits of finger sucking and bottle use predominated. Knowledge was badly evaluated and the majority sometimes practiced deforming habits.Introducción: los hábitos bucales deformantes  actúan como obstáculos  en el proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo de las estructuras del aparato estomatognático y como consecuencia pueden ocasionar anomalías en la morfofisiología bucal. Objetivo: caracterizar los hábitos bucales deformantes en escolares de tercer grado de la Escuela Primaria “Bernardo Arias Castillo”, del municipio de Sancti Spíritus, en el período de enero de 2019 a enero de 2020. Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en el período de enero de 2019 a enero de 2020, en la Escuela Primaria “Bernardo Arias Castillo” del municipio  Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por 61 escolares de tercer grado con hábitos bucales deformantes, que mostraron la disposición, en conjunto con sus tutores, de participar en el estudio. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo. Fueron estudiadas las variables: edad, sexo, hábitos bucales deformantes, conocimientos sobre hábitos bucales deformantes y frecuencia con la que realizan el hábito. Se empleó estadística descriptiva.  Resultados: predominó la edad de ocho años (91,8 %) y el sexo femenino (65,6 %). Los hábitos más frecuentes fueron la succión digital y el uso del biberón (28,7 %). Los conocimientos sobre hábitos bucales deformantes fueron evaluados de mal y el 70,4 % algunas veces practicaba el hábito. Conclusiones: predominaron los hábitos deformantes de succión digital y uso del biberón. Los conocimientos fueron evaluados de mal y la mayoría practicaba algunas veces los  hábitos deformantes

    Efectividad del programa educativo “Sonrisas desde el vientre”. Hogar Materno Isabel María de Valdivia en Sancti Spíritus

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    Fundamentación: En el período de gestación el organismo de la mujer sufre modificaciones, transformaciones fisiológicas y psicológicas, además de cambios en los tejidos bucales y cambios de conducta que pueden iniciar enfermedades bucodentales o agravar las ya establecidas. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del programa educativo “Sonrisas desde el vientre” en embarazadas del Hogar Materno Isabel María de Valdivia en Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio preexperimental, con diseño antes y después en el período de enero a junio del 2022, la población estuvo constituida 20 embarazadas ingresadas en el Hogar Materno Isabel María de Valdivia en Sancti Spíritus. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico (encuesta) y estadísticos. Se midió la variable conocimiento sobre salud bucodental. Resultados: Los conocimientos antes de la aplicación de programa educativo eran insuficientes (65 %), después de aplicado el programa educativo el 75 % de las embarazadas presentó conocimientos suficientes. Conclusiones: Al culminar la implementación del programa educativo “Sonrisa desde el vientre”, se logró un nivel de conocimiento suficiente sobre salud bucodental en la tercera parte de las embarazadas de este hogar materno

    Impact of in vitro HIV infection on human thymic regulatory T cell differentiation

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    BackgroundThe differentiation and function of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Tregs) is dictated by the master transcription factor FoxP3. During HIV infection, there is an increase in Treg frequencies in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. This accentuates immune dysfunction and disease progression. Expression of FoxP3 by thymic Tregs (tTregs) is partially controlled by TGF-β. This cytokine also contributes to Treg development in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. Although TGF-β mediates lymphoid tissue fibrosis and peripheral Treg differentiation in HIV-infected individuals, its role in the induction and maintenance of Tregs within the thymus during HIV infection remains unclear.MethodsThymocytes were isolated from fresh human thymic tissues obtained from pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Infection by both R5- and X4-tropic HIV-1 strains and TGF-β treatment of human thymocytes was performed in an in vitro co-culture model with OP9-DL1 cells expressing Notch ligand delta-like 1 without T cell receptor (TCR) activation.ResultsDespite high expression of CCR5 and CXCR4 by tTregs, FoxP3 +  CD3highCD8- thymocytes were much less prone to in vitro infection with R5- and X4-tropic HIV strains compared to FoxP3-CD3highCD8- thymocytes. As expected, CD3highCD4+ thymocytes, when treated with TGF-β1, upregulated CD127 and this treatment resulted in increased FoxP3 expression and Treg differentiation, but did not affect the rate of HIV infection. FoxP3 expression and Treg frequencies remained unchanged following in vitro HIV infection alone or in combination with TGF-β1.ConclusionFoxP3 expression and tTreg differentiation is not affected by in vitro HIV infection alone or the combination of in vitro HIV infection and TGF-β treatment

    FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells in acute HIV infection and following early antiretroviral therapy initiation

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    ObjectivesBesides CD4 regulatory T-cells (Tregs), immunosuppressor FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells are emerging as an important subset of Tregs, which contribute to immune dysfunction and disease progression in HIV infection. However, FoxP3+ CD8 T-cell dynamics in acute HIV infection and following early antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation remain understudied.MethodsSubsets of FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells were characterized both prospectively and cross-sectionally in PBMCs from untreated acute (n=26) and chronic (n=10) HIV-infected individuals, early ART-treated in acute infection (n=10, median of ART initiation: 5.5 months post-infection), ART-treated in chronic infection (n=10), elite controllers (n=18), and HIV-uninfected controls (n=21).ResultsAcute and chronic infection were associated with increased total, effector memory, and terminally differentiated FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells, while early ART normalized only the frequencies of total FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells. We observed an increase in FoxP3+ CD8 T-cell immune activation (HLADR+/CD38+), senescence (CD57+/CD28-), and PD-1 expression during acute and chronic infection, which were not normalized by early ART. FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells in untreated participants expressed higher levels of immunosuppressive LAP(TGF-β1) and CD39 than uninfected controls, whereas early ART did not affect their expression. The expression of gut-homing markers CCR9 and Integrin-β7 by total FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells and CD39+ and LAP(TGF-β1)+ FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells increased in untreated individuals and remained higher than in uninfected controls despite early ART. Elite controllers share most of the FoxP3+ CD8 T-cell characteristics in uninfected individuals.ConclusionsAlthough early ART normalized total FoxP3+ CD8 T-cells frequencies, it did not affect the persistent elevation of the gut-homing potential of CD39+ and LAP(TGF-β1)+ FoxP3+ CD8 T-cell, which may contribute to immune dysfunction

    Efficient enzyme-free method to assess the development and maturation of the innate and adaptive immune systems in the mouse colon

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    Abstract Researchers who aim to globally analyze the gastrointestinal immune system via flow cytometry have many protocol options to choose from, with specifics generally tied to gut wall layers of interest. To get a clearer idea of the approach we should use on full-thickness colon samples from mice, we first undertook a systematic comparison of three tissue dissociation techniques: two based on enzymatic cocktails and the other one based on manual crushing. Using flow cytometry panels of general markers of lymphoid and myeloid cells, we found that the presence of cell-surface markers and relative cell population frequencies were more stable with the mechanical method. Both enzymatic approaches were associated with a marked decrease of several cell-surface markers. Using mechanical dissociation, we then developed two minimally overlapping panels, consisting of a total of 26 antibodies, for serial profiling of lymphoid and myeloid lineages from the mouse colon in greater detail. Here, we highlight how we accurately delineate these populations by manual gating, as well as the reproducibility of our panels on mouse spleen and whole blood. As a proof-of-principle of the usefulness of our general approach, we also report segment- and life stage-specific patterns of immune cell profiles in the colon. Overall, our data indicate that mechanical dissociation is more suitable and efficient than enzymatic methods for recovering immune cells from all colon layers at once. Additionally, our panels will provide researchers with a relatively simple tool for detailed immune cell profiling in the murine gastrointestinal tract, regardless of life stage or experimental conditions

    Sistema de acciones para la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades pulpares y periapicales agudas

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    Introducción: Las enfermedades periapicales se sitúan entre las enfermedades por la que más acuden los pacientes a la consulta estomatológica de urgencia debido a su sintomatología.Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de un sistema de acciones para la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades pulpares y periapicales agudas.Método: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental sin grupo control, entre enero 2019 a febrero de 2020. La población estuvo constituida por todos los pacientes con enfermedades pulpares y periapicales agudas pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico de la Familia # 13 que acudieron a consulta de urgencia de la clínica estomatológica en este período y la muestra se conformó por 96 pacientes por medio de un muestreo aleatorio simple. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, factores de riesgo, nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucodental, eficacia de los tratamientos realizados y efectividad del sistema de acciones.Resultados: El sexo masculino (60,4 %) y el grupo de edad de 30 a 34 años (37,5 %) fueron los más afectados; el factor de riesgo que predominó fue la caries dental (52,8 %). Después de la intervención el 74 % de los pacientes tenía conocimientos suficientes sobre salud bucal, el 78,1 % del tratamiento fue eficaz y el sistema de acciones fue efectivo en un 86,5 %.Conclusiones: Las enfermedades pulpares y periapicales agudas predominaron en las edades de 30 a 34 años y el sexo masculino, predominó la caries dental como factor de riesgo. El sistema de acciones aplicado fue efectivo y los tratamientos eficaces, logrando modificar favorablemente el nivel de conocimiento

    Caracterización de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica intraparenquimatosa atendidos en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía

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    Introduction: intracerebral hemorrhage represents 10 to 15% of all strokes, and depending on its location, it can be intraparenchymal or intraventricular.Objective: to characterize patients diagnosed with intraparenchymal hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in patients diagnosed with intraparenchymal hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Cuba between January 2017 and December 2019. The variables age, sex, skin color, toxic habits, personal pathological history, status at admission, extension to ventricle, location, affected cerebral hemisphere and associated cerebral edema. Descriptive statistics were used.Results: patients in adulthood (53,5 %), male (64,2 %) and white skin color (85,7 %) predominated; as well as smoking (28,5 %). A higher frequency was observed in patients with hypertension (50 %) and in a conscious state upon admission (82,1 %). 60,7 % did not have ventricular extension. Thalamic intraparenchymal hemorrhages were the most frequent (21,4 %). The most affected cerebral hemisphere was the right (60,7 %). A greater number of patients with associated cerebral edema was observed (85,7 %).Conclusions: hemorrhage occurred more frequently in adult, male and white-skinned patients. The personal history of arterial hypertension was found in most of the cases; showing a predominance of presentations in right structures and associated cerebral edema.Introducción: la hemorragia intracerebral representa el 10 al 15 % de todos los ictus, y según su localización puede ser intraparenquimatosa o intraventricular.Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes diagnosticados con enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica intraparenquimatosa en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en pacientes diagnosticados con enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica intraparenquimatosa en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía de Cuba entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2019. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, color de piel, hábitos tóxicos, antecedentes patológicos personales, estado al ingreso, extensión a ventrículo, localización, hemisferio cerebral afectado y edema cerebral asociado. Se empleó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: predominaron los pacientes en edad adulta (53,5 %), del sexo masculino (64,2 %) y  color de piel blanca (85,7 %); así como el hábito tabáquico (n=8; 28,5 %). Se observó mayor frecuencia de pacientes con hipertensión arterial (50 %) y en estado consciente al ingreso (82,1 %). El 60,7 % no tuvo extensión ventricular. Las hemorragias intraparenquimatosas de localización talámica fueron las más frecuentes (21,4 %). El hemisferio cerebral más afectado fue el derecho (60,7 %). Se observó mayor número de pacientes con edema cerebral asociado (85,7 %).Conclusiones: la hemorragia se presentó con mayor frecuencia en pacientes adultos, masculinos y de color de piel blanca. El antecedente personal de hipertensión arterial se encontró en la mayoría de los casos; mostrando predominio de las presentaciones en estructuras derechas y acompañamiento de edema cerebral asociado

    Data_Sheet_1_Impact of in vitro HIV infection on human thymic regulatory T cell differentiation.docx

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    BackgroundThe differentiation and function of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Tregs) is dictated by the master transcription factor FoxP3. During HIV infection, there is an increase in Treg frequencies in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. This accentuates immune dysfunction and disease progression. Expression of FoxP3 by thymic Tregs (tTregs) is partially controlled by TGF-β. This cytokine also contributes to Treg development in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. Although TGF-β mediates lymphoid tissue fibrosis and peripheral Treg differentiation in HIV-infected individuals, its role in the induction and maintenance of Tregs within the thymus during HIV infection remains unclear.MethodsThymocytes were isolated from fresh human thymic tissues obtained from pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Infection by both R5- and X4-tropic HIV-1 strains and TGF-β treatment of human thymocytes was performed in an in vitro co-culture model with OP9-DL1 cells expressing Notch ligand delta-like 1 without T cell receptor (TCR) activation.ResultsDespite high expression of CCR5 and CXCR4 by tTregs, FoxP3 +  CD3highCD8- thymocytes were much less prone to in vitro infection with R5- and X4-tropic HIV strains compared to FoxP3-CD3highCD8- thymocytes. As expected, CD3highCD4+ thymocytes, when treated with TGF-β1, upregulated CD127 and this treatment resulted in increased FoxP3 expression and Treg differentiation, but did not affect the rate of HIV infection. FoxP3 expression and Treg frequencies remained unchanged following in vitro HIV infection alone or in combination with TGF-β1.ConclusionFoxP3 expression and tTreg differentiation is not affected by in vitro HIV infection alone or the combination of in vitro HIV infection and TGF-β treatment.</p