6 research outputs found

    Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa Initiative (TAFS-WCA): Baseline report of the TAFS-WCA

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    This report presents the baseline survey of the Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa initiative (TAFS-WCA) in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana. Five areas in Cote d'Ivoire and four areas in Ghana were surveyed. Data was collected using a smart tablet with the CSPro application. A total of 1207 and 1200 actors were surveyed during the baseline data collection in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, respectively. Actors involved in the baseline data collection are producers of rice, maize, beans, yams, cassava, banana, cocoa, African vegetables, inputs dealer, traders, processors and service providers. All analyses in this paper were carried out using the STATA 16 statistical software. Among the population of producers, 27.05% (651) are rice producers, 11.97% (288) are maize producers, 4.86% (117) are beans producers, 9.89% (238) are yams producers, 10.93% (263) are cassava producers, 2.49% (60) are sweet potatoes producers, 4.11% (99) are banana producers, 9.18% (221) are cocoa producers, 4.15% (100) are African vegetables producers, 1.04% (25) inputs dealer, 7.23% (174) are traders, 2.16% (52) are processors and 4.61% (111) are service providers. The average age of rice farmers is 46 years old and ranges from 18 to 85 years old, and the average household size is 8 people. About 65.50% of actors are male and 84.34% are married. In addition, 52% of the actors have received formal education and 83.42% have crop production has main activity. Moreover, 53 % of producers produce during the rainy season, 13% during the dry season and 34% during both seasons. It should also be noted that in the face of climate change, 26% of producers have access to information on weather forecasts (for today, 24 hours and/or next 2-3 days), 20% to forecasts of extreme events (drought, flood, strong wind, etc.), and 19% to information on seasonal forecasts (weather for the following 2-3 months). In relation to food security and the poverty index, preliminary results showed that the vast majority of farmers households in both countries have an acceptable level of dietary diversity, meal frequency and nutritional importance of the food groups consumed; and the poverty index of the population remains was 48%

    E-registration and spatial referencing and tracking of farmers in three countries: Case study of Ghana, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire

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    This report presents a dataset of the e-registration of farmers in Ghana, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire for assessing the adoption of innovations and the diffusion of new technologies. Data were collected from actors after a census conducted in three steps. In the first step, main crops production regions and value chain actors were identified. In the second step, we updated the list of actors based on membership of actors’ associations. In third step, we did the census of all individual actors and geo-localized all farmers’ fields and villages using GPS device. Data were collected for the 2022 growing seasons and the dataset contains 15,285 observations (5,041 in Cote d’Ivoire; 5,039 in Ghana and 5,205 in Nigeria) with 159 variables divided into six sections: (i) preliminary information on the respondents; (ii) socio-economic characteristics; (iii) information on the rice plots; (iv) knowledge, use and access to rice varieties; (v) knowledge, use and access to agricultural equipment and methods; and (vi) information on post harvest activities. Seven categories of actors were identified: seed producers (542), crops producers (13,145), parboilers (289), millers (173), traders (1,323) and service providers (442). On average, a farmers grow two crops. The main crops of farmers are rice (4,087) following by maize (1,782), cassava (1,595), cocoa (1,256) and beans (1,240). The dataset is valuable for the diffusion at large scale of improved technologies and an effective monitoring of the dissemination. Data can be used by scientists to have better understanding of crops value chains, production systems, the level of knowledge, accessibility and adoption of improved rice varieties and agricultural technologies, for further research regarding rice value chain development, technologies testing and socioeconomics study of rice value chain actors and others crops such as maize, cassava, cocoa, et beans. Because of the large number of observations (15,285 actors), data can be used as sampling frame for further experiment or surveys based on random samples. Moreover, the dataset has the potential of generating descriptive statistics at the most disaggregated level of administrative units or villages for different equipment, methods and varieties adopted by gender and country