22 research outputs found

    Achievement motivation and intergenerational occupational mobility.

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    Mapped patterns in sediment samples of modern pollen from southeastern Canada and northeastern United States

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    Isopoll maps based on 173 modern-pollen samples illustrate the geographical patterns of 12 pollen types within a 600,000 sq. km area centered in southern Québec. The mapped patterns reflect several scales of vegetational pattern that ranges from the major regional change between conifer-hardwood forest and boreal forest down to the minor local differences in vegetation between nearby sites. Picea and other arboreal pollen types are most representative of the regional patterns, whereas Cyperaceae and Ericaceae pollen often vary markedly between adjacent sites. Further analysis of these pollen data explored how much differences in sediment type and variations in analyst practices among the samples can affect the sensitivity of the pollen data to certain of the vegetational patterns. The set of 173 samples was divided into three subsets, two of which differ in sediment types and two of which differ in analyst practices. The distributions of pollen types are then correlated between the contrasting subsets, and their principal components are compared. These results show that only small differences exist among the subsets in their portrayal of the major vegetational patterns, but marked differences appear in the record of certain minor patterns.La distribution géographique des pourcentages polliniques de 12 taxons à l’intérieur d’une aire de 600 000 km2 centrée sur le Québec méridional est présentée à l’aide de cartes isopolles dressées à partir de 173 spectres polliniques contemporains. Cette cartographie reflète la distribution des éléments de la végétation à différentes échelles : Picea et d’autres espèces arborescentes traduisent surtout des tendances régionales, tandis que les Cypéracées et les Éricacées varient beaucoup entre des stations voisines. Une analyse plus poussée de cette banque de données polliniques révèle les variations causées par le type de sédiment analysé ou par les différentes pratiques des analystes, et leur influence sur l’aptitude des spectres polliniques à refléter la distribution actuelle de la végétation. Cette analyse a été faite en divisant les données en trois populations dont deux diffèrent par le type de sédiment et deux autres par les analyses effectuées. La corrélation entre les distributions des types polliniques a été, par la suite, calculée pour chaque paire de populations, et étudiée par l’analyse des composantes principales. Les résultats indiquent que les gradients majeurs de la distribution de la végétation sont bien traduits. Toutefois, on note de grandes différences lorsqu’on étudie certaines distributions mineures.Isopoll-Karten, die, die Ergebnisse von 173 heutigen Pollenproben darstellen, illustrieren die geopgraphische Verteilung von 12 Pollentypen innerhalb einer 600000 km2 umfassenden Fläche, deren Zentrum sich im südlichen Québec befinet. Die dargestellten Pollenverteilungen spiegeln die Verteilung der verschiedenen Elemente der Vegetation auf regionaler sowie auf localer Basis wider. Picea, und andere baumartige Pollen zeigen haupt-sächlich régionale Tendenzen an, wogegen Cyperaceae und Ericaceae oft grosse Unterschiede zwischen benachbarten Gegenden anzeigen. Eine weitere Analyse der Pollenverteilung zeigt Unterschiede die durch verschiedene untersuchte Sedimenttypen und die Verschiedenheit der Arbeitsweise der Forscher verur-sacht wurden, und den Einfluss dieser auf die Fähigkeit der Pollenmuster die Verteilung der Vegetation wahrheitsge-màss wiederzugeben. Die Ergebnisse der 173 Proben wurden in drei Gruppen auf-geteilt, von denen zwei sich im Sedi-menttyp unterscheiden und zwei in der Arbeitsweise der Forscher. Die Verteilung der Pollentypen wurde dann zwischen kontrastierenden Gruppen in Beziehung gebracht und die Hauptbestandteile verglichen. Die Resultate zeigen, dass es nur kleine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen gibt, wenn es sich um die Wiedergabe der Hauptvegetationslinien handelt, aber bemerkbare Unterschiede kommen in der Wiedergabe von weniger bedeutenden Modellen vor

    Integrated behavioral health practice facilitation in patient centered medical homes: A promising application

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of behavioral health (BH) integration change in patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) when using a practice facilitator (PF) specially trained in implementing integrated care and how a quasi-experimental design assists in this process. METHOD: Twelve PCMHs, 8 Federally Qualified Health Centers and 4 private practices, with varying degrees of BH services participated in this study. The degree of BH integration was assessed with a quasi-experimental design using the Maine Health Access Foundation\u27s Site Self Assessment (MeHAF SSA) at baseline and after implementing site-specific BH services. The sites tracked completion of unique objectively measured goals being implemented using the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) score. RESULTS: At the conclusion of the study, sites saw a statistically significant increase in the level of BH integration from a baseline of 2.73 (SD = 0.44) to a postintervention score of 3.49 (SD = 0.22) with improvements from mild-moderate overall integration to moderate-advanced overall integration (p \u3c .001). In addition, 10 out of the 12 sites achieved successful implementation of unique goals with assistance from the PF. DISCUSSION: This study provides the first quasi-experimental/pretest-posttest evidence utilizing real-world data that the practice facilitation method is an effective solution toward increasing the degree of BH integration. This paper describes the real-world efforts to evaluate the degree of BH integration change in PCMHs when using a PF with content expertise in BH integration within primary care

    Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island: Building a Strong Foundation for Comprehensive, High-Quality Affordable Care

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    As the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model has evolved nationally and in Rhode Island, there has been increased recognition that PCMH has not been sufficient to achieve desired cost and quality goals. In this article, we describe the evolving concept of comprehensive primary care in Rhode Island, which includes addressing the behavioral health and social determinants of health (SDOH) needs of patients. These needs are identified through systematic screening and dedicated care management and care coordination for patients who present with complex needs

    Guiding Mathematical Discovery: How We Started a Math Circle

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    Do school students need to wait until college-level mathematics or statistics before they can experience the true joy of mathematical discovery? By starting a Math Circle in the Northfield Middle School, we answered this question with a resounding “NO.” Our Math Circle, which we ran weekly during the Fall and Winter terms of 2019-2020, gave students a chance to approach math as mathematicians do: creatively and freely making mistakes, making discoveries, and asking new questions, all on their own terms. By letting students take the lead, we let them be the owners of their own mathematics, and helped them to experience the joy of mathematical exploration. Along the way, we exposed them to several of our favorite math topics, most of which are outside the usual public school curriculum; these included combinatorics, graph theory, probability, and cryptography. In our book, we will discuss the mathematics, motivations, and methods of our Middle School Math Circles. This book can is meant for anyone with a background in high school mathematics and can be used as a guide to run Math Circles