5 research outputs found

    Small business in Ukraine as the engine of national economic development

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    У статті розглянуто стан малого підприємництва в Україні, охарактеризовано слабкі сторони його діяльності та чинники, що впливають на даний сектор економіки. Для переконливішого пояснення зроблених висновків, наведено статистичну інформацію щодо частки малих підприємств України в загальній кількості підприємств і їх розподіл за регіонами.This article examines the state of small business in Ukraine, gives a description of the weaknesses of its activities; describes factors that affect this sector of the economy. For a more convincing explanation of the findings, statistics on the share of small business in Ukraine, the total number of companies and their distribution by region are presented

    Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Deposition: A Mechanism for Forming Biocomposite Materials

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    Complex coacervates prepared from poly­(aspartic acid) (polyAsp) and poly-l-histidine (polyHis) were investigated as models of the metastable protein phases used in the formation of biological structures such as squid beak. When mixed, polyHis and polyAsp form coacervates whereas poly-l-glutamic acid (polyGlu) forms precipitates with polyHis. Layer-by-layer (LbL) structures of polyHis–polyAsp on gold substrates were compared with those of precipitate-forming polyHis–polyGlu by monitoring with iSPR and QCM-D. PolyHis–polyAsp LbL was found to be stiffer than polyHis–polyGlu LbL with most water evicted from the structure but with sufficient interfacial water remaining for molecular rearrangement to occur. This thin layer is believed to be fluid and like preformed coacervate films, capable of spreading over both hydrophilic ethylene glycol as well as hydrophobic monolayers. These results suggest that coacervate-forming polyelectrolytes deserve consideration for potential LbL applications and point to LbL as an important process by which biological materials form

    Programmable Periodicity of Quantum Dot Arrays with DNA Origami Nanotubes

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    To fabricate quantum dot arrays with programmable periodicity, functionalized DNA origami nanotubes were developed. Selected DNA staple strands were biotin-labeled to form periodic binding sites for streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots. Successful formation of arrays with periods of 43 and 71 nm demonstrates precise, programmable, large-scale nanoparticle patterning; however, limitations in array periodicity were also observed. Statistical analysis of AFM images revealed evidence for steric hindrance or site bridging that limited the minimum array periodicity