9 research outputs found

    A Study on the Development of Game-based Mind Wandering Judgment Model in Video Lecture-based Education

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    Although video lecture materials are very efficient learning materials, they are likely to be unilateral learning materials by the lecturer. It is easily degraded to be one-sided learning, which has been considered as a problem of online education, and it is difficult to judge whether learners are actually learning. Therefore, in this paper, a minimum learning activity judgment model that can automatically determine if they actually learn through mind wandering judgment was proposed to overcome the limitations of previous learning materials, and educational effect verification experiment was performed. Experiment results show that the video lecture class using the minimum learning activity judgment system was effective in improving the academic achievement

    Predicting Course Grade through Comprehensive Modelling of Students’ Learning Behavioral Pattern

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    While modelling students’ learning behavior or preferences has been found as a crucial indicator for their course achievement, very few studies have considered it in predicting achievement of students in online courses. This study aims to model students’ online learning behavior and accordingly predict their course achievement. First, feature vectors are developed using their aggregated action logs during a course. Second, some of these feature vectors are quantified into three numeric values that are used to model students’ learning behavior, namely, accessing learning resources (content access), engaging with peers (engagement), and taking assessment tests (assessment). Both students’ feature vectors and behavior model constitute a comprehensive students’ learning behavioral pattern which is later used for prediction of their course achievement. Lastly, using a multiple criteria decision-making method (i.e., TOPSIS), the best classification methods were identified for courses with different sizes. Our findings revealed that the proposed generalizable approach could successfully predict students’ achievement in courses with different numbers of students and features, showing the stability of the approach. Decision Tree and AdaBoost classification methods appeared to outperform other existing methods on different datasets. Moreover, our results provide evidence that it is feasible to predict students’ course achievement with a high accuracy through modelling their learning behavior during online courses

    Augmenting Deep Neural Networks with Symbolic Educational Knowledge: Towards Trustworthy and Interpretable AI for Education

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have proven to be among the most important artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in educational applications, providing adaptive educational services. However, their educational potential is limited in practice due to challenges such as the following: (i) the difficulties in incorporating symbolic educational knowledge (e.g., causal relationships and practitioners’ knowledge) in their development, (ii) a propensity to learn and reflect biases, and (iii) a lack of interpretability. As education is classified as a ‘high-risk’ domain under recent regulatory frameworks like the EU AI Act—highlighting its influence on individual futures and discrimination risks—integrating educational insights into ANNs is essential. This ensures that AI applications adhere to essential educational restrictions and provide interpretable predictions. This research introduces NSAI, a neural-symbolic AI approach that integrates neural networks with knowledge representation and symbolic reasoning. It injects and extracts educational knowledge into and from deep neural networks to model learners’ computational thinking, aiming to enhance personalized learning and develop computational thinking skills. Our findings revealed that the NSAI approach demonstrates better generalizability compared to deep neural networks trained on both original training data and data enriched by SMOTE and autoencoder methods. More importantly, we found that, unlike traditional deep neural networks, which mainly relied on spurious correlations in their predictions, the NSAI approach prioritizes the development of robust representations that accurately capture causal relationships between inputs and outputs. This focus significantly reduces the reinforcement of biases and prevents misleading correlations in the models. Furthermore, our research showed that the NSAI approach enables the extraction of rules from the trained network, facilitating interpretation and reasoning during the path to predictions, as well as refining the initial educational knowledge. These findings imply that neural-symbolic AI not only overcomes the limitations of ANNs in education but also holds broader potential for transforming educational practices and outcomes through trustworthy and interpretable applications

    Modeling Learners to Early Predict Their Performance in Educational Computer Games

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    Data mining approaches have proven to be successful in improving learners’ interaction with educational computer games. Despite the potential of predictive modelling in providing timely adaptive learning and gameplay experience, there is a lack of research on the early prediction of learners’ performance in educational games. In this research, we propose an early predictive modelling approach, called GameEPM, to estimate learners’ final scores in an educational game for promoting computational thinking. Specifically, the GameEPM approach models the sequence of learners’ actions and then uses a limited sequence of the actions to predict the final score of the game for each learner. The findings from our initial trials show that our approach can accurately and robustly estimate the learners’ performance at the early stages of the game. Using less than 50% of learners’ action sequences, the cross-validated deep learning model achieves a squared correlation higher than 0.8 with a relative error of less than 8%, outperforming a range of regression models like linear regression, random forest, neural networks, and support vector machines. An additional experiment showed that the validated deep learning model can also achieve high performance while tested on an independent game dataset, showing its applicability and robustness in real-world cases. Comparing the results with traditional machine learning methods revealed that, in the validation and application phases, up to 0.30 and 0.35 R2 gain is achieved in favor of the deep learning model, respectively. Finally, we found that while the lengths of action sequences influence the predictive power of the traditional machine learning methods, this effect is not substantial in the deep learning mode

    FP-Growth Algorithm for Discovering Region-Based Association Rule in the IoT Environment

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    With the development of the Internet of things (IoT), both types and amounts of spatial data collected from heterogeneous IoT devices are increasing. The increased spatial data are being actively utilized in the data mining field. The existing association rule mining algorithms find all items with high correlation in the entire data. Association rules that may appear differently for each region, however, may not be found when the association rules are searched for all data. In this paper, we propose region-based frequent pattern growth (RFP-Growth) to search for association rules by dense regions. First, RFP-Growth divides item transaction included position data into regions by a density-based clustering algorithm. Second, frequent pattern growth (FP-Growth) is performed for each transaction divided by region. The experimental results show that RFP-Growth discovers new association rules that the original FP-Growth cannot find in the whole data

    A Convolution Neural Network-Based Representative Spatio-Temporal Documents Classification for Big Text Data

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    With the proliferation of mobile devices, the amount of social media users and online news articles are rapidly increasing, and text information online is accumulating as big data. As spatio-temporal information becomes more important, research on extracting spatiotemporal information from online text data and utilizing it for event analysis is being actively conducted. However, if spatiotemporal information that does not describe the core subject of a document is extracted, it is rather difficult to guarantee the accuracy of core event analysis. Therefore, it is important to extract spatiotemporal information that describes the core topic of a document. In this study, spatio-temporal information describing the core topic of a document is defined as ‘representative spatio-temporal information’, and documents containing representative spatiotemporal information are defined as ‘representative spatio-temporal documents’. We proposed a character-level Convolution Neuron Network (CNN)-based document classifier to classify representative spatio-temporal documents. To train the proposed CNN model, 7400 training data were constructed for representative spatio-temporal documents. The experimental results show that the proposed CNN model outperforms traditional machine learning classifiers and existing CNN-based classifiers

    Machine Learning Based Representative Spatio-Temporal Event Documents Classification

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    As the scale of online news and social media expands, attempts to analyze the latest social issues and consumer trends are increasing. Research on detecting spatio-temporal event sentences in text data is being actively conducted. However, a document contains important spatio-temporal events necessary for event analysis, as well as non-critical events for event analysis. It is important to increase the accuracy of event analysis by extracting only the key events necessary for event analysis from among a large number of events. In this study, we define important 'representative spatio-temporal event documents' for the core subject of documents and propose a BiLSTM-based document classification model to classify representative spatio-temporal event documents. We build 10,000 gold-standard training datasets to train the proposed BiLSTM model. The experimental results show that our BiLSTM model improves the F1 score by 2.6% and the accuracy by 4.5% compared to the baseline CNN model