53 research outputs found

    The genetics of obesity: from discovery to biology.

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    The prevalence of obesity has tripled over the past four decades, imposing an enormous burden on people's health. Polygenic (or common) obesity and rare, severe, early-onset monogenic obesity are often polarized as distinct diseases. However, gene discovery studies for both forms of obesity show that they have shared genetic and biological underpinnings, pointing to a key role for the brain in the control of body weight. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with increasing sample sizes and advances in sequencing technology are the main drivers behind a recent flurry of new discoveries. However, it is the post-GWAS, cross-disciplinary collaborations, which combine new omics technologies and analytical approaches, that have started to facilitate translation of genetic loci into meaningful biology and new avenues for treatment

    Obesity and FTO: Changing Focus at a Complex Locus.

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    The fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene was placed center stage when common intronic variants within the gene were robustly associated with human obesity. Murine models of perturbed Fto expression have shown effects on body weight and composition. However, a clear understanding of the link between FTO intronic variants and FTO activity has remained elusive. Two recent reports now indicate that obesity-associated SNPs appear functionally connected not with FTO but with two neighboring genes: IRX3 and RPGRIP1L. Here, we review these new findings and consider the implications for future analysis of GWAS hits.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cell Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2014.09.01

    DEFLATE compression algorithm corrects for overestimation of phylogenetic diversity by Grantham approach to single-nucleotide polymorphism classification.

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    Improvements in speed and cost of genome sequencing are resulting in increasing numbers of novel non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in genes known to be associated with disease. The large number of nsSNPs makes laboratory-based classification infeasible and familial co-segregation with disease is not always possible. In-silico methods for classification or triage are thus utilised. A popular tool based on multiple-species sequence alignments (MSAs) and work by Grantham, Align-GVGD, has been shown to underestimate deleterious effects, particularly as sequence numbers increase. We utilised the DEFLATE compression algorithm to account for expected variation across a number of species. With the adjusted Grantham measure we derived a means of quantitatively clustering known neutral and deleterious nsSNPs from the same gene; this was then used to assign novel variants to the most appropriate cluster as a means of binary classification. Scaling of clusters allows for inter-gene comparison of variants through a single pathogenicity score. The approach improves upon the classification accuracy of Align-GVGD while correcting for sensitivity to large MSAs. Open-source code and a web server are made available at https://github.com/aschlosberg/CompressGV

    Fat mass and obesity-related (FTO) shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm.

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    SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) on a chromosome 16 locus encompassing FTO, as well as IRX3, 5, 6, FTM and FTL are robustly associated with human obesity. FTO catalyses the Fe(II)- and 2OG-dependent demethylation of RNA and is an AA (amino acid) sensor that couples AA levels to mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) signalling, thereby playing a key role in regulating growth and translation. However, the cellular compartment in which FTO primarily resides to perform its biochemical role is unclear. Here, we undertake live cell imaging of GFP (green fluorescent protein)-FTO, and demonstrate that FTO resides in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. We show using 'FLIP' (fluorescence loss in photobleaching) that a mobile FTO fraction shuttles between both compartments. We performed a proteomic study and identified XPO2 (Exportin 2), one of a family of proteins that mediates the shuttling of proteins between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, as a binding partner of FTO. Finally, using deletion studies, we show that the N-terminus of FTO is required for its ability to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm. In conclusion, FTO is present in both the nucleus and cytoplasm, with a mobile fraction that shuttles between both cellular compartments, possibly by interaction with XPO2.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.bioscirep.org/bsr/034/bsr034e144.htm

    Transcriptomic profiling of pancreatic alpha, beta and delta cell populations identifies delta cells as a principal target for ghrelin in mouse islets.

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Intra-islet and gut-islet crosstalk are critical in orchestrating basal and postprandial metabolism. The aim of this study was to identify regulatory proteins and receptors underlying somatostatin secretion though the use of transcriptomic comparison of purified murine alpha, beta and delta cells. METHODS: Sst-Cre mice crossed with fluorescent reporters were used to identify delta cells, while Glu-Venus (with Venus reported under the control of the Glu [also known as Gcg] promoter) mice were used to identify alpha and beta cells. Alpha, beta and delta cells were purified using flow cytometry and analysed by RNA sequencing. The role of the ghrelin receptor was validated by imaging delta cell calcium concentrations using islets with delta cell restricted expression of the calcium reporter GCaMP3, and in perfused mouse pancreases. RESULTS: A database was constructed of all genes expressed in alpha, beta and delta cells. The gene encoding the ghrelin receptor, Ghsr, was highlighted as being highly expressed and enriched in delta cells. Activation of the ghrelin receptor raised cytosolic calcium levels in primary pancreatic delta cells and enhanced somatostatin secretion in perfused pancreases, correlating with a decrease in insulin and glucagon release. The inhibition of insulin secretion by ghrelin was prevented by somatostatin receptor antagonism. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our transcriptomic database of genes expressed in the principal islet cell populations will facilitate rational drug design to target specific islet cell types. The present study indicates that ghrelin acts specifically on delta cells within pancreatic islets to elicit somatostatin secretion, which in turn inhibits insulin and glucagon release. This highlights a potential role for ghrelin in the control of glucose metabolism.This work was supported by the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes and Boehringer Ingelheim Basic Research Programme; the Wellcome Trust (grants 106262/Z/14/Z, 106263/Z/14/Z and 100574/ Z/12/Z); the Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit (grants MRC_MC_UU_12012/3 and MRC_MC_UU_12012/5); and the Novo Nordisk Foundation

    FTO is necessary for the induction of leptin resistance by high-fat feeding.

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    OBJECTIVE: Loss of function FTO mutations significantly impact body composition in humans and mice, with Fto-deficient mice reported to resist the development of obesity in response to a high-fat diet (HFD). We aimed to further explore the interactions between FTO and HFD and determine if FTO can influence the adverse metabolic consequence of HFD. METHODS: We studied mice deficient in FTO in two well validated models of leptin resistance (HFD feeding and central palmitate injection) to determine how Fto genotype may influence the action of leptin. Using transcriptomic analysis of hypothalamic tissue to identify relevant pathways affected by the loss of Fto, we combined data from co-immunoprecipitation, yeast 2-hybrid and luciferase reporter assays to identify mechanisms through which FTO can influence the development of leptin resistant states. RESULTS: Mice deficient in Fto significantly increased their fat mass in response to HFD. Fto (+/-) and Fto (-/-) mice remained sensitive to the anorexigenic effects of leptin, both after exposure to a HFD or after acute central application of palmitate. Genes encoding components of the NFкB signalling pathway were down-regulated in the hypothalami of Fto-deficient mice following a HFD. When this pathway was reactivated in Fto-deficient mice with a single low central dose of TNFα, the mice became less sensitive to the effect of leptin. We identified a transcriptional coactivator of NFкB, TRIP4, as a binding partner of FTO and a molecule that is required for TRIP4 dependent transactivation of NFкB. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that, independent of body weight, Fto influences the metabolic outcomes of a HFD through alteration of hypothalamic NFкB signalling. This supports the notion that pharmacological modulation of FTO activity might have the potential for therapeutic benefit in improving leptin sensitivity, in a manner that is influenced by the nutritional environment.The authors thank Roger Cox (MRC Harwell) for kindly providing us with the Fto-deficient mouse strain. This study was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Metabolic Disease Unit (MRC_MC_UU_12012/1), EU FP7- FOOD- 266408 Full4Health and the Helmholtz Alliance ICEMED.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212877815000241#

    Transcriptome Pathway Analysis of Pathological and Physiological Aldosterone-Producing Human Tissues.

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    Primary aldosteronism is present in ≈10% of hypertensives. We previously performed a microarray assay on aldosterone-producing adenomas and their paired zona glomerulosa and fasciculata. Confirmation of top genes validated the study design and functional experiments of zona glomerulosa selective genes established the role of the encoded proteins in aldosterone regulation. In this study, we further analyzed our microarray data using AmiGO 2 for gene ontology enrichment and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to identify potential biological processes and canonical pathways involved in pathological and physiological aldosterone regulation. Genes differentially regulated in aldosterone-producing adenoma and zona glomerulosa were associated with steroid metabolic processes gene ontology terms. Terms related to the Wnt signaling pathway were enriched in zona glomerulosa only. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis showed "NRF2-mediated oxidative stress response pathway" and "LPS (lipopolysaccharide)/IL-1 (interleukin-1)-mediated inhibition of RXR (retinoid X receptor) function" were affected in both aldosterone-producing adenoma and zona glomerulosa with associated genes having up to 21- and 8-fold differences, respectively. Comparing KCNJ5-mutant aldosterone-producing adenoma, zona glomerulosa, and zona fasciculata samples with wild-type samples, 138, 56, and 59 genes were differentially expressed, respectively (fold-change >2; P<0.05). ACSS3, encoding the enzyme that synthesizes acetyl-CoA, was the top gene upregulated in KCNJ5-mutant aldosterone-producing adenoma compared with wild-type. NEFM, a gene highly upregulated in zona glomerulosa, was upregulated in KCNJ5 wild-type aldosterone-producing adenomas. NR4A2, the transcription factor for aldosterone synthase, was highly expressed in zona fasciculata adjacent to a KCNJ5-mutant aldosterone-producing adenoma. Further interrogation of these genes and pathways could potentially provide further insights into the pathology of primary aldosteronism

    Maternal Obesity in Pregnancy Developmentally Programs Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Young, Lean Male Mice Offspring.

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    Obesity during pregnancy has a long-term effect on the health of the offspring including risk of developing the metabolic syndrome. Using a mouse model of maternal diet-induced obesity, we employed a genome-wide approach to investigate the microRNA (miRNA) and miRNA transcription profile in adipose tissue to understand mechanisms through which this occurs. Male offspring of diet-induced obese mothers, fed a control diet from weaning, showed no differences in body weight or adiposity at 8 weeks of age. However, offspring from the obese dams had up-regulated cytokine (Tnfα; P < .05) and chemokine (Ccl2 and Ccl7; P < .05) signaling in their adipose tissue. This was accompanied by reduced expression of miR-706, which we showed can directly regulate translation of the inflammatory proteins IL-33 (41% up-regulated; P < .05) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1D (30% up-regulated; P < .01). We conclude that exposure to obesity during development primes an inflammatory environment in adipose tissue that is independent of offspring adiposity. Programming of adipose tissue miRNAs that regulate expression of inflammatory signaling molecules may be a contributing mechanism.This work was supported by Funding sources: National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES - Brazil - BEX 10 594/13–2); National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq – Brazil – PDE/204416/ 2014–0); Medical Research Council (MC UU 12012/4 and MC UU12012/5), BBSRC (BB/M001636/1) and the Wellcome Trust (089940/Z/09/Z).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Endocrine Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/en.2016-131

    Selective rab11 transport and the intrinsic regenerative ability of CNS axons.

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    Neurons lose intrinsic axon regenerative ability with maturation, but the mechanism remains unclear. Using an in-vitro laser axotomy model, we show a progressive decline in the ability of cut CNS axons to form a new growth cone and then elongate. Failure of regeneration was associated with increased retraction after axotomy. Transportation into axons becomes selective with maturation; we hypothesized that selective exclusion of molecules needed for growth may contribute to regeneration decline. With neuronal maturity rab11 vesicles (which carry many molecules involved in axon growth) became selectively targeted to the somatodendritic compartment and excluded from axons by predominant retrograde transport However, on overexpression rab11 was mistrafficked into proximal axons, and these axons showed less retraction and enhanced regeneration after axotomy. These results suggest that the decline of intrinsic axon regenerative ability is associated with selective exclusion of key molecules, and that manipulation of transport can enhance regeneration
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