23 research outputs found

    The best bookshops in Izmir, Turkey

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    Meltem Ince Yenilmez is Associate Professor at Yasar University and currently Visiting Researcher at University of California, Berkeley. In this blog post she shares her love for two independent bookshops in Izmir, Turkey. If there’s a bookshop that you think other students and academics should visit when they’re undertaking research or visiting a city for a conference, find more information about contributing below

    Book Review: Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe: A Question of Justice

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    Review of Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe: A Question of Justice, edited by Christine Hassenstab & Sabrina P. Ramet. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

    Book review: New sporting femininities: embodied politics in postfeminist times edited by Kim Toffoletti, Holly Thorpe and Jessica Francombe-Webb

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    In New Sporting Femininities: Embodied Politics in Postfeminist Times, Kim Toffoletti, Holly Thorpe and Jessica Francombe-Webb bring together contributors to explore how sporting femininities have been shaped by a postfeminist context, tracking changing gendered power relations in sport and physical cultures alongside new forms of inequality and sexism. This collection is a refreshing and comprehensive look at postfeminism, sporting femininities and physical activity, writes Meltem Ince-Yenilmez, and contributes towards building a more equal playing field in the world of sports for everyone

    Relation Between Eating Behaviours and Personal Body Image Perception of Yasar University Students

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    In this study, it is aimed to determine that 554 students, studying at Yasar University, whether they have a predisposition to eating behavior disorder or not. Gender, age, weight and height information have been asked and applied the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) adapted to the analysis. According to the EAT-26 evaluation scale; who score is "≥30", he is described as "he has a predisposition to eating behavior disorder". The data were evaluated by frequency and Pearson chi-square tests. EAT-26 score was determined as ≥30 in 1.5% (n=5) of women students and in 79.4% (n=16) of men students. According to the EAT- 26 score, 16.2% (n=90) of weak students, 62.8% (n=248) of normal students and 17% (n=94) of before obesity (pre- obese) students have been identified regarding the results. When EAT-26 score was evaluated according the gender of the students, it was seen that 34.3% (n=190) of students are male and 65.7% (n=364) of students are women. Average EAT-26 score of the students was found as 20.36±1.76 and 4% (n=22) of them have eating disorder. But no statistically significant difference was found between the age of participation in the survey according to gender (p>0.05). This will be an advantage for young generations that they will be socially self confident which will not affect their economic situation


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been the highlight of the year 2020, creating ripples of strife and tribulation across sectors and society. It is not just a global health challenge. However, it has since caused nations to go into recession, thereby disrupting lives across the globe. Although everyone, big and small, feels the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, women are the most affected. Everywhere, cases of domestic violence are radically increasing. The present paper aims to explore a vast range of literature concerning historical pandemics to observe methodologies for combating those pandemics while uncovering patterns of impacts created by the pandemics, especially in increasing diverse violent incidents. The articles used for the present study were carefully analysed, and five principal pathways subsequently developed for connecting violence against women and pandemics directly and indirectly. Through evidence collected from the study, recommendations were created to help civil society organizations, community-based agencies, international donor facilities, and governments. This will provide appropriate measures and interventions, especially for women and children, to combat gender-based violence adequately alongside preparing for possible future pandemics adequately


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    DergiPark: 829902trakyaiibfİşgücü piyasasındaki cinsiyet ayrımcılığı benzer yeteneklere, eğitime ve tecrübeye sahip olan işçi gruplarının diğer cinsiyetle karşılaştırıldığında üretkenliklerine bakılmaksızın istihdamda, işe erişimde, terfide veya ücretlerinde ikinci sınıf muamele görmeleri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu makale mesleki cinsiyet ayrımcılığının altında yatan beşeri sermaye donatısı, endüstriyel ve mesleki ayrımcılık gibi nedenleri saptamayı amaçladığı gibi özel sektör-kamu sektörü ayrımı firma boyutu ve sosyal güvenlik gibi kurumsal faktörleri de göz önünde bulundurmaktadır. Çalışmada teorik ve ampirik cinsiyet ayrımcılığı literatürü de incelenmiştir ve Türkiye gibi geleneksel, kültürel inançların ve normların hala dominant olduğu gelişmekte olan ülkelerde cinsiyet ayrımcılığının önemi değerlendirilmiştir. Bu makale kapsamında ayrımcılık endeksi hesaplanmıştır ayrıca cinsiyet tabanlı endüstriyel ve mesleki ayrımcılığın düzeyi elde edilen veri seti çerçevesinde araştırılmıştır. Yapılan araştırma bulgularına göre cinsiyetler arasındaki ücret farklılıkları büyük oranda cinsiyet bazlı mesleki ve endüstriyel ayrımcılıktan ayrıca özel sektör-kamu sektörü ayrımı gibi kurumsal farklılıklardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bunun yanında bu çalışma ile tanımlanmamış cinsiyet ayrımcılığının üstesinden gelebilmek için emek piyasasındaki ayrımcı çalışma şartlarının da ortadan kalkması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır

    Note from Special Issue Editors

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    Impact of the Turkish Labor Market on Physical Activities and Sports

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    The sports industry is growing fast on a global scale and is inclusive of both the manufacturing and service sectors because of its versatility and diversified workforce. In Turkey the growth rate in college graduates with degrees aligned to the industry is significant. However, despite the representation of women in the industry as athletes and teachers, within sports management women remain significantly underrepresented. This discussion highlights the cultural norms that contribute to gender representation and forecasts the gender equity benefits that would accrue to greater female representation in the sports industry

    Robotların yükseliş trendi ekonomiyi ve geleceği nasıl etkileyecek?

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    There is no doubt that modern technologies have greatly influenced the business world in recent years. All technological applications brought by Industry 4.0 have provided more mechanization and started processes that do not involve people. This revolution is at the initial stage of changing the world order. People can now imagine a world dominated by robots at work. In the 18th century, many people could not have imagined that such a thing would happen. Over the years, humans have perfected the technologies that robots tend to work on. In this article, the effects of the economic system called robonomics as a result of widespread use of robotics, artificial intelligence and automation are discussed. The positive and negative aspects of the effects of the increase in the use of robots on productivity, cost and labor, which are economic indicators, are examined in this article. With the widespread use of robots, it is predicted that more technicians, economists, and mechanical engineers will be needed in the workplaces, as well as unemployment concerns due to the spread of robots to work areas. The mentioned process will not take place in the short term, positions and roles will change gradually. The study has a conceptual aspect, and it reveals the effect of robots on the industrial use from different perspectives.Modern teknolojilerin son yıllarda çalışma dünyasını büyük ölçüde etkilediğine şüphe yoktur. Endüstri 4.0 'ın getirmiş olduğu tüm teknolojik uygulamalar daha fazla mekanizasyon sağlayarak insanların dâhil olmadığı süreçler başlatmışlardır. Bu devrim, dünya düzenini değiştirmenin başlangıç aşamasındadır. İnsanlar, artık iş yerlerinde robotların hükmettiği bir dünya hayal edebilmektedirler. 18. yüzyılda, birçok insan böyle bir şeyin olacağını hayal dahi edemezdi. Yıllar geçtikçe, insanlar robotların üzerinde çalışma eğiliminde oldukları teknolojileri mükemmelleştirdi. Bu makalede robotik, yapay zeka ve otomasyonun yaygınlaşması sonucu robot ekonomisi (Robonomics) adı verilen ekonomik sistemin etkileri tartışılmaktadır. Robot kullanımındaki artışın ekonomik göstergelerden verimlilik, maliyet ve emek üzerine etkilerinin olumlu ve olumsuz yanları bu makalede incelenmektedir. Robotların kullanımının yaygınlaşması ile işyerlerinde daha fazla teknisyene, ekonomiste ve makine mühendislerine ihtiyaç duyulacağı gibi aynı zamanda robotların iş alanlarına yayılmasından duyulan işsizlik endişesi de yaratması tahmin edilmektedir. Bahsedilen süreç kısa vadede gerçekleşmeyecek olup, pozisyonlar ve roller kademeli olarak değişecektir. Çalışma kavramsal nitelikte olup, robotların endüstriyel alandaki kullanımına yönelik etkisini farklı açılardan ortaya koymaktadır