59 research outputs found

    Perception of space through representation media: a comparison between 2D representation techniques and 3D virtual environments

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    Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 109-113)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxii, 122 leavesFor centuries, 2D drawing techniques such as plans, sections and elevations have been the main communication media for the profession of architecture. Addition to these techniques, for two decades, computer based representation techniques and 3D virtual environments (VE) have also entered to the profession of architecture. Effects of these computer based techniques on perception of space have always been interrogated by several researches.Although these researches generally regarded these computerized techniques as better and proper than conventional techniques, in some cases conventional techniques can be more effective to depict architectural space. Main aim of this thesis is to compare and evaluate the positive effects and shortcomings of 3D virtual environments and 2D conventional representation techniques in the context of perception of architectural space. Parallel to this objective, the thesis also aims to show the differentiation in perception of space with the change of representation media. To show these differences, a comparative method is used. As the main step of the application of this method, an experimental case study and survey has been constituted for comparing 2D conventional techniques and 3D computer based techniques. In this survey, 38 first yearstudents from Izmir Institute of technology have taken place as test subject.According to the results of this comparative case study, contributions and shortcomings of 2D conventional representation techniques and 3D computer based techniques on improving the capability of architects on perception of the space have been determined

    Design of reconfigurable doubly-curved canopy structure

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    2nd International Conference on Structures and Architecture, ICSA 2013; Guimaraes; Portugal; 24 July 2013 through 26 July 2013In this paper, a new reconfigurable doubly-curved structure has been developed for a canopy roof. The proposed structure can transform itself to various configurations according to the activity and user requirements. It not only changes its shape from a planar geometry to doubly-curved geometries by means of actuators, but also becomes stable and carries loads. The main differences between proposed structure and similar deployable bar structures are that the proposed structure is more flexible with 2DoF and it requires less number of bars and joints. To obtain the doubly-curved geometry, a novel method has been introduced. After discussing the kinematic behavior of the system, a set of structural analyses are performed in three different geometric configurations of the proposed structure

    A novel planar scissor structure transforming between concave and convex configurations

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    In this paper, a novel two-dimensional scissor structure that transforms between concave and convex configurations is presented. The structure is designed by a method of assembling kite or anti-kite loops in the flat configuration. Angulated units are generated from the assembled loops. Finally, a new angulated scissor unit is introduced in order to design the novel scissor structure.European Union’s Horizon 2020 and Marie Skłodowska-Curie (grant no 689983

    Review of Contemporary Adaptive Structures and Future Perspectives

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    Ein neuartiges Transformationsmodell für einsetzbare Scherengittersysteme

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    Primary objective of this dissertation is to propose a novel analytical design and implementation framework for deployable scissor-hinge structures which can offer a wide range of form flexibility. When the current research on this subject is investigated, it can be observed that most of the deployable and transformable structures in the literature have predefined open and closed body forms; and transformations occur between these two forms by using one of the various transformation types such as sliding, deploying, and folding. During these transformation processes, although some parts of these structures do move, rotate or slide, the general shape of the structure remains stable. Thus, these examples are insufficient to constitute real form flexibility. To alleviate this deficiency found in the literature, this dissertation proposes a novel transformable scissor-hinge structure which can transform between rectilinear geometries and double curved forms. The key point of this novel structure is the modified scissor-like element (M-SLE). With the development of this element, it becomes possible to transform the geometry of the whole system without changing the span length. In the dissertation, dimensional properties, transformation capabilities, geometric, kinematic and static analysis of this novel element and the whole proposed scissor-hinge structure are thoroughly examined and discussed. During the research, simulation and modeling have been used as the main research methods. The proposed scissor-hinge structure has been developed by preparing computer simulations, producing prototypes and investigating the behavior of the structures in these media by several kinematic and structural analyses.Hauptziel dieser Dissertation ist es, ein System neuartiger analytischer Gestaltung und Implementierung für den Einsatz von Scherengittersystemen vorzuschlagen, welches ein hohes Maß an Formflexibilität bieten kann. Bisherige Ansätze für einsetzbare und wandelbare Strukturen führen zu keiner wirklichen geometrischen Flexibilität. Sie sind vielmehr in der Regel für auf zwei permanente Zustände wie „offen“ und „geschlossen“ beschränkt. Auch wenn es in solchen Strukturen zu einer Translation oder Rotation einzelner Bauteile kommt, ändert sich die eigentliche geometrische Struktur nicht. Deshalb können diese Beispiele nicht als voll geometrisch flexibel bezeichnet werden. Diese Studie schlägt darum vor, Strukturen wie Scherengittersysteme zu verwenden, die eine solche volle Geometrieflexibilität ermöglichen. Das wichtigste Element dieser neuen Struktur ist ein verändertes Scherenelement. Durch den Entwicklung dieses Elements wird es möglich, die Geometrie des gesamten Systems ohne Veränderung der Spannweite in eine rechteckige oder geschwungene Form umzuwandeln. In der Dissertation werden die dimensionalen Eigenschaften, die Umwandlungsfähigkeiten sowie die geometrische, kinematische und statische Analyse dieses neuen Elements und des vorgeschlagenen Scherengittersystems gründlich untersucht und diskutiert. Dabei kommen als Werkzeuge hauptsächlich numerische Simulations- und Modellierungsverfahren zum Einsatz Die Studie entwickelt die vorgeschlagene Struktur mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen, digitaler Prototypen und verschiedener kinematischer und struktureller Analysen

    Çağdaş Mimarlıkta Strüktürel Elemanların Mimari Mekân Oluşumuna Katkısı

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    Bu tez, çağdaş mimarlıkta strüktürel elemanların mimari mekân oluşumuna katkılarını ve strüktür mekan ilişkisini anlamayayönelik bir araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, strüktürel tasarımın estetik unsurlarla birleşerek mekânsal deneyimi nasılzenginleştirdiği ve mimari formun oluşturulmasında nasıl bir öneme sahip olduğu detaylı bir şekilde, bilinen örnekler üzerindenanaliz edilecektir. Bu araştırma, mimari tasarımın sadece görsel öğelerle değil, aynı zamanda strüktürel unsurların dikkatealınmasıyla nasıl daha kapsamlı ve etkileyici bir nitelik kazanabileceğini vurgulayarak, mimarlık pratiği ve teorisi açısındanönemli bir katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir.</p