473 research outputs found

    Fast mode of rotating atoms in one-dimensional lattice rings

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    We study the rotation of atoms in one-dimensional lattice rings. In particular, the "fast mode", where the ground state atoms rotate faster than the stirring rotating the atoms, is studied both analytically and numerically. The conditions for the transition to the fast mode are found to be very different from that in continuum rings. We argue that these transition frequencies remain unchanged for bosonic condensates described in a mean field. We show that Fermionic interaction and filling factor have a significant effect on the transition to the fast mode, and Pauli principle may suppress it altogether.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Optimal Stochastic Enhancement of Photoionization

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    The effect of noise on the nonlinear photoionization of an atom due to a femtosecond pulse is investigated in the framework of the stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. A modest amount of white noise results in an enhancement of the net ionization yield by several orders of magnitude, giving rise to a form of quantum stochastic resonance. We demonstrate that this effect is preserved if the white noise is replaced by broadband chaotic light.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Femtosecond Photoionization of Atoms under Noise

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    We investigate the effect of incoherent perturbations on atomic photoionization due to a femtosecond mid-infrared laser pulse by solving the time-dependent stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. For a weak laser pulse which causes almost no ionization, an addition of a Gaussian white noise to the pulse leads to a significantly enhanced ionization probability. Tuning the noise level, a stochastic resonance-like curve is observed showing the existence of an optimum noise for a given laser pulse. Besides studying the sensitivity of the obtained enhancement curve on the pulse parameters, such as the pulse duration and peak amplitude, we suggest that experimentally realizable broadband chaotic light can also be used instead of the white noise to observe similar features. The underlying enhancement mechanism is analyzed in the frequency-domain by computing a frequency-resolved atomic gain profile, as well as in the time-domain by controlling the relative delay between the action of the laser pulse and noise.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear optics via double dark resonances

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    Double dark resonances originate from a coherent perturbation of a system displaying electromagnetically induced transparency. We experimentally show and theoretically confirm that this leads to the possibility of extremely sharp resonances prevailing even in the presence of considerable Doppler broadening. A gas of 87Rb atoms is subjected to a strong drive laser and a weak probe laser and a radio frequency field, where the magnetic coupling between the Zeeman levels leads to nonlinear generation of a comb of sidebands.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Zero and Finite Temperature Quantum Simulations Powered by Quantum Magic

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    We present a comprehensive approach to quantum simulations at both zero and finite temperatures, employing a quantum information theoretic perspective and utilizing the Clifford + kkRz transformations. We introduce the "quantum magic ladder", a natural hierarchy formed by systematically augmenting Clifford transformations with the addition of Rz gates. These classically simulable similarity transformations allow us to reduce the quantumness of our system, conserving vital quantum resources. This reduction in quantumness is essential, as it simplifies the Hamiltonian and shortens physical circuit-depth, overcoming constraints imposed by limited error correction. We improve the performance of both digital and analog quantum computers on ground state and finite temperature molecular simulations, not only outperforming the Hartree-Fock solution, but also achieving consistent improvements as we ascend the quantum magic ladder. By facilitating more efficient quantum simulations, our approach enables near-term and early fault-tolerant quantum computers to address novel challenges in quantum chemistry.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Enhancing Detection of Topological Order by Local Error Correction

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    The exploration of topologically-ordered states of matter is a long-standing goal at the interface of several subfields of the physical sciences. Such states feature intriguing physical properties such as long-range entanglement, emergent gauge fields and non-local correlations, and can aid in realization of scalable fault-tolerant quantum computation. However, these same features also make creation, detection, and characterization of topologically-ordered states particularly challenging. Motivated by recent experimental demonstrations, we introduce a new paradigm for quantifying topological states -- locally error-corrected decoration (LED) -- by combining methods of error correction with ideas of renormalization-group flow. Our approach allows for efficient and robust identification of topological order, and is applicable in the presence of incoherent noise sources, making it particularly suitable for realistic experiments. We demonstrate the power of LED using numerical simulations of the toric code under a variety of perturbations. We subsequently apply it to an experimental realization, providing new insights into a quantum spin liquid created on a Rydberg-atom simulator. Finally, we extend LED to generic topological phases, including those with non-abelian order.Comment: Corrected minor typos. Added new results on generalizations to non-abelian topological phases, and connections between LED and topological entanglement negativit

    Entanglement of Atomic Ensembles by Trapping Correlated Photon States

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    We describe a general technique that allows for an ideal transfer of quantum correlations between light fields and metastable states of matter. The technique is based on trapping quantum states of photons in coherently driven atomic media, in which the group velocity is adiabatically reduced to zero. We discuss possible applications such as quantum state memories, generation of squeezed atomic states, preparation of entangled atomic ensembles and quantum information processing