91 research outputs found
Bone quality and quantity measurement techniques in dentistry
In dentistry, finding a reliable method for measurement mineral density of bone and bonestrength in jaw bones is not only beneficial for implant planning, but also benefical in earlydiagnosis of diseases which effects the mineral density of bone like osteoporosis. Dual-energyX-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method is considered as a gold standard for measurement of bonemineral density in medicine. DXA yields quantitative information on bone structure. In additionDXA, imaging methods which given detailed qualitative information have been developed.Finding a method, which can be also applied on jaw bones and will not damage to the patientand offering a correct information that might be contrubute in dentistry especially with respectto implant and periodontal operations.The aim of the present article, is to provide basic information to reader from past to presentabout main procedures on assessment of bone structure also including jaw bones and theadvantages and disadvantages of these methods
Belli eğitim disiplinleri sigara alışkanlığı ve muhtemel uyku bruksizminin gelişiminde bir risk faktörü müdür? Üniversite öğrencilerinde bir çalışma
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı eğitim disiplinlerinde
öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinde, eğitimin sigara alışkanlığı ve
muhtemel uyku bruksizmi eğilimine olan etkisini ve varsa sigara ve muhtemel
uyku bruksizminin ilişkisini değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler:Çalışma, Cumhuriyet
Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Anabilim
Dalı’na 2012- 2014 tarihleri arasında başvuran, 17-34 yaş aralığında 262’si kız
(%57) ve 195’i (%43) erkek olmak üzere 457
üniversite öğrencisinin doldurduğu formlar üzerinden retrospektif olarak
yürütüldü. Bu formlarda öğrencilerin, sosyodemografik bilgileri, okudukları
bölüm, sigara alışkanlığı ve muhtemel uyku bruksizm varlığına yönelik sorulara
verdikleri cevaplar kaydedildi. Bulguların istatistiksel değerlendirilmesi SPSS. 20 programında ki-kare
analizi kullanılarak yapıldı. Bulguların
istatistiksel değerlendirilmesi SPSS. 20 programında ki-kare analizi
kullanılarak yapıldı.Bulgular:Sigara alışkanlığı mühendislik bölümü
öğrencilerinde ve erkeklerde anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu (p<0,05).
Sigara kullanan öğrencilerde muhtemel uyku bruksizmi görülme sıklığı yüksek
olsa da bu fark anlamlı değildi (p>0.05). Cinsiyet ve eğitim disiplinlerinin
muhtemel uyku bruksizmiyle arasında anlamlı bir ilişki yoktu (p>0.05). Sonuçlar:Eğitim disiplinlerinin sigara alışkanlığında
etkisi bulunurken, muhtemel uyku bruksizmi üzerinde bu etki görülmemiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler:bruksizm, fakülte, sigara alışkanlığı, üniversite
Objectives: To assess differential effects of different materials combined with allograft on bone-to-implant contact and newly formed bone formation in dental implants with coronal defects histomorphometrically.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 24 male New Zealand white rabbits. Dental implants (3.0 × 10 mm) were placed at the center of defects (9 mm diameter, 4 mm depth) created in the tibial bones of the rabbits. Graft (GF, n=8), graft + rifamycin (GR, n=8), and graft + black cumin oil via orogastric route (GB, n=8) were applied on the coronal aspects of the implants for 28 days. Undecalcified histomorphometric analyses were conducted on slides stained with toluidine blue.
Results: Bone-to-implant contact was 46.57% ± 3.59% in the graft, 67.12% ± 3.64% in the graft+rifamycin, and 55.62% ± 4.37% in the graft+black cumin oil groups. The percentage of new bone formation at the defect area was 34.71% ± 4.11% in the graft, 55.37% ± 4.89% in the graft + rifamycin, and 45.75% ± 3.69% in the graft + black cumin oil groups. In terms of new bone formation and bone-to-implant contact, graft + rifamycin and graft + black cumin oil groups were significantly different from the graft group. The differences between the graft + rifamycin and graft + black cumin oil groups were also statistically significant.
Conclusion: Allogreft + rifamycin and orogastric black cumin oil were found to have positive effects on bone healing at sites with coronal defects. Rifamycin showed significantly greater favorable effects on bone-to-implant contact and new bone formation compared to black cumin oil
Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit köprü (vaka raporu)
Since glass fiber reinforced composite (FRC) fixed partial dentures have aesthetic and economic superiorities, are easy to repair and require no preparation on sound teeth, they present an alternative treatment and advantage choice both for patient and the clinician. Today FGK restorations are becoming more popular with developing of the mechanical and esthetics characteristic since its introduction. FGK prosthesis can be fabricated either by a dental technician in the dental laboratuary or by a dentist in chairside. FGK restorations contain a fiber reinforced composite substructure and a special composite material covering it. When compared with metal substructures, their advantages are translucency, good adhesion, easy repair capability and non-corrosiveness. This case report describes treatment of a patient with unaesthetic appearance because of the maxillary missing left lateral and cross occlusion the maxillary left canin teeth using fiber reinforced composite resin-fixed partial denture. This treatment choice eliminated the longtime orthodontic treatment and preparation on sound teeth. ÖZET Günümüzde fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit (FGK) sabit parsiyel protezler estetik ve ekonomik olmaları, kolay tamir edilebilmeleri ve destek dişlerde fazla preperasyon gerektirmemeleri sayesinde hem hasta hem de hekim açısından alternatif ve avantajlı bir tedavi seçeneği sunmaktadır. FGK’ler geliştirilen mekanik ve estetik özellikleri ile daha popüler bir hale gelmiş ve FGK sistemlerin restoratif diş hekimliğinde kullanımları ilk üretildikleri günden bugüne artmıştır. FGK sabit parsiyel protezler, diş teknisyeni tarafından laboratuarda veya diş hekimi tarafından hasta başında hazırlanabilmektedirler. FGK sabit parsiyel protezler, fiberle güçlendirilmiş bir kompozit altyapıyı ve onu kaplayan özel kompozit materyalini içerirler. Metal alaşımlarla kıyaslandıklarında translüsent olmaları, iyi bağlanabilme özelliklerinin olması ve tamir edilebilmelerinin kolay olması yanında koroziv olmamaları gibi dişer avantajları da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, maksillar sol lateral diş eksikliği ve maksillar sol kanin dişin ters kapanışta olan bir hastadaki estetik bozukluğun, uzun ortodontik tedavi yada implant cerrahisine gerek kalmaksızın az bir preperasyonla FGK köprü ile tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler; Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit köprüler, adeziv köprüler
Application of Hypothetical Ecological Risk Analysis to Sustainable Usage of Possible Winter Recreation Areas in Seyhan Basin (Türkiye)
In this study, the long-term suitability of the area proposals for winter recreation activities in the Sey-han Basin (Türkiye), which is located in the Mediterranean and Central Anatolia regions and includes alargepartoftheTaurusMountains,wereexaminedecologically.Forthispurpose,thepredictedglobal warming scenarios in the basin and the anthropogenic impacts arising from the planned rec-reation areas were evaluated for the upper basin (recreation areas) and lower basin (water resources, agricultural lands, and settlements) using a hypothetical risk analysis. For this purpose, multispectral images were obtained by using Landsat 8 Oli Multispectral images of the snow areas in the region in January-February-March 2019, and a hypothetical ecological risk analysis was created considering a total of 5 pressure factors originating from global climate change and anthropogenic effects. These possiblefactorsweredeterminedasflood(S1),drought(S2),sedimentation(S3),aquaticnutrients(S4), and tourist density (S5). The effects of these factors on a total of four features (C1: water quality, C2: fauna-flora, C3: agricultural areas, and C4: settlements) in the region were evaluated by hypothet-ical grading based on the literature. According to the hypothesis results obtained by the formula and statistical calculations, it was determined that the flood factor (S1) that will occur due to possible snow melt due to global climate change in the winter recreation areas in the studied region is the most significant factor limiting the sustainable usage of the Basin. For this reason, it has been emphasized in this study that the possibility of regions being exposed to the effects of climate change in the fu-ture should be taken into account, especially when planning for winter recreation areas. At the end of this study, it was concluded that the ecological balance analysis of basins is important, especially in terms of ensuring the long-term sustainable use of winter recreation areas
Dental Findings in Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a congenital disease, basically characterized by psychomotor retardation associated with a series of malformations, including mainly skeletal, craniofacial deformities together with gastrointestinal and cardiac malformations. There is no definitive biochemical or chromosomal marker for the prenatal diagnosis of this syndrome. We actually want to present the case of a 10-year-old patient, who was admitted to our clinic for dental pain. The patient had the symptoms of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. During the oral examination of this patient, the patient was found to have the typical symptoms of Cornelia de Lange syndrome, such as micrognathia and delayed eruption in conjunction with the symptoms of the Hutchinson's syndrome, which had never been reported before
Yenilikçi Yapı Kabukları İçin Doğadan Modeller
The general aim of this research is to transform the knowledge of biological systems (natural solutions) into architectural knowledge for the design of innovative building skins. The basic questions for research are formulated as follows: What are the best skin models in nature? How are these models utilized in the best way for building skin? What kind of building skins can be improved to adapt to changing conditions? In this context, the study aims to determine with a literature review, effects of biological paradigm to building skin design, innovative ideas and concepts produced in this process; how biological principles used in design on conceptual/experimental and applied projects by analysis study, what kind of solutions are produced. The analysis study reveals that an approach based on the principles of the models in the nature is a unique resource for presenting innovative ideas to architects and for solving problems experienced today.Bu araştırmanın genel amacı, yenilikçi bina kabukları tasarımı için biyolojik sistemler bilgisini (doğadaki çözümleri) mimarlık bilgisine dönüştürmektir. Araştırmaya temel olan sorular şu şekilde formüle edilmiştir: Doğadaki en iyi kabuk modelleri nelerdir? Bu modeller yapı kabuğu oluşturmak için en iyi şekilde nasıl kullanılır? Değişen koşullara uyum sağlamak için hangi tür yapı kabukları geliştirilebilir? Bu bağlamda, çalışma bir literatür taraması ile biyolojik paradigmanın yapı kabuğu tasarımına, bu süreçte üretilen yenilikçi fikirlere ve kavramlara etkilerini belirlemeyi; kavramsal/deneysel tasarımlar ve uygulanan projeler üzerinden, biyolojik ilkelerin nasıl kullanıldığını, ne tür çözümler üretildiğini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Analiz çalışması, doğadaki modellerin ilkelerini esas alan bir yaklaşımın, mimarlara yenilikçi fikirler sunması ve günümüzde yaşanılan sorunlara çözüm üretmesi bakımından eşsiz bir kaynak olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır
No Waste in Nature: Using Nature as a Model for Construction Industry
The dominant industrial development model of presentday, based on a linear output process. During this period that lots of energy and resources are consumed, the production of waste is so much and the most of these waste can not be recycled. As a result of that, there is a rising of the environmental problems. Unlike the linear (take-make-waste) consumer model, nature trying to create completely non-waste/zero waste systems and it depends on the understanding of holistic system. To minimize the negative effects that produced by the built environment beyond the construction industry in terms of creating positive outcomes experienced the need for a paradigm shift occurs. In this context, the general aim of the study is trying to exhibit the understanding of the processes that occur in nature and how to take advantages from these process in construction industry. As a working method, natural environment and construction industries are analyzed comperatively in terms of use of materials and waste management. With a comparative study it is tried to understand that, how today's construction industry and natural processes have different points, and also what is necessaried by approach based on nature and how it is applied on building and building environment
DergiPark: 369274klujesThegeneral aim of this research is to transform the knowledge of biologicalsystems (natural solutions) into architectural knowledge for the design ofinnovative building skins. The basic questions for research are formulated asfollows: What are the best skin models in nature? How are these models utilizedin the best way for building skin? What kind of building skins can be improvedto adapt to changing conditions? Inthis context, the study aims to determine with a literature review, effects of biological paradigm to building skindesign, innovative ideas and concepts produced in this process; how biological principles used in design onconceptual/experimental and applied projects by analysis study, what kind ofsolutions are produced. Buaraştırmanın genel amacı, yenilikçi bina kabukları tasarımı için biyolojiksistemler bilgisini (doğadaki çözümleri) mimarlık bilgisine dönüştürmektir. Araştırmayatemel olan sorular şu şekilde formüle edilmiştir: Doğadaki en iyi kabukmodelleri nelerdir? Bu modeller yapı kabuğu oluşturmak için en iyi şekildenasıl kullanılır? Değişen koşullara uyum sağlamak için hangi tür yapı kabuklarıgeliştirilebilir? Bu bağlamda, çalışma bir literatür taraması ile biyolojikparadigmanın yapı kabuğu tasarımına, bu süreçte üretilen yenilikçi fikirlere vekavramlara etkilerini belirlemeyi; kavramsal/deneysel tasarımlar ve uygulananprojeler üzerinden, biyolojik ilkelerin nasıl kullanıldığını, ne tür çözümlerüretildiğini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır
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