24 research outputs found

    Kuraklık Stresinde Gümüş (Ag) Nanopartiküllerinin Domateste Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

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    İklim değişikliği gelecekte Dünya ve ülkemiz için ciddi bir problemdir. Artan Dünya nüfusunun gelecekte yeterli beslenebilmesini sağlamanın yollarından biri, kurak koşullara dayanıklı bitki tür ve çeşitlerinin kullanılarak geliştirilmesidir. Açık ve örtü altı yetiştiriciliğinde en çok üretilen ve insanlar tarafından en çok tüketilen sebze türü domatestir. Kuraklığa toleranslı çeşitlerin geliştirilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu yüzden geçmiş yıllardan beri, kurak stresi altında yüksek verim ve kalite oluşturabilen kuraklığa toleranslı domates üretilmesi önemli hedeflerdendir. Burada sunulan 2 farklı domates genotipinde, 3 farklı sulama seviyesinde (%100, %50 ve %25) ve 5 farklı dozda gümüş-Agnanopartiküller (Ag-NPs) (0, 25, 50, 75 ve 100) mg L-1 (ppm) kullanılarak domates bitkisinde büyüme, gelişme, ürün verimliliği ve meyvesinde kalite özelliklerinin incelenmesidir. Domates genotiplerinde Ag-nanopartiküllerin hangi seviyesinin bitki üzerindeki kurak stresi etkilerini azalttığı, fizyolojik ve morfolojik olarak ortaya çıkarılırken, Ag-nanopartiküllerin verim ve meyve kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri de değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın pratikte üreticilerin hemen kullanabilecekleri kısa vadeli bir amacı bulunmaktadır; domates yetiştiriciliğinde özellikle kurak bölgelerde Ag-nanopartiküller ppm bazında kullanılarak bitkinin kuraklığa dayanıklılık sağlaması, verim azalmadan kaliteli domates meyveleri üretebilmektedir

    Yield and Morphological İnvestıgatıon of Different Tigger Melon (Cucumis Melo Dudaim) Genotypes Belongıng to Sirnak/Turkey Region

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    This study was performed in 18 different tigger melon (CUCUMİS MELO DUDAİM) genotypes which were collected from the various villages of İdil/Sirnak. In the study, measurements of brix in fruit, SPAD, dry matter in fruit, total yield, seed weight, seed weight per fruit, seed length, number of seeds per fruit, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, fruit wall thickness, main stem diameter, main stem length, the main number of nodes in the stem, nod in the main stem were carried out. In addition, the experiment was performed with 4 replications including 10 plants per every replicate. The experiment was made according to the random design of the trial blocks. The data obtained at the end of the experiment statistical analyzes were made by evaluating with JMP8 program and the means were compared according to LSD test. In addition, cluster analysis was also performed in terms of similarity between genotypes in the experiment. As a result, when the fruit measurements are examined; total fruit yield was recorded with high amount in the tigger melon genotype, on the other hand, genotype number 13 of the tigger melon was recorded as the low. According to the obtained results, morphological and pomological measurements demonstrated difference from each other in 18 tigger melon melon plants and fruits. Keywords: Tigger melon, Seed, CUCUMİS MELO DUDAİM, SPAD, Brix. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-10-09 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Farklı Dozlardaki Gümüş Nanopartiküllerinin Taze Soğan (Allium Cepa) Üzerine Etkisi

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    Araştırma 2018 yılında, Şırnak Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümün alanında yürütülmüştür. Denemede soğanın narlı çeşidini kullanılmıştır. Soğan denemesinde farklı gümüş nanopartikül (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 ppm) dozunu uygulanmıştır. Kullandığımız gümüş nanopartikül markası ve özellikleri Ag nanopartiküler özeliği AB202468 ve 4-7 APS 4-7 mikron; 99.9% (metals basis) kullanılmıştır. Soğan arpacıkları 10 Ekim 2018 Tarihte ekilmiştir. Deneme gümüş nanopartikül uygulaması yaklaşık soğan ekiminden 4 hafta sonra başlamıştır ayrıca 14 günde bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Denemede sıra arası 25 cm, sıra üzeri 5 cm olarak ekilmiştir. Deneme sonunda elde edilen veriler, JMP paket programına tabi tutularak istatistiksel analizleri yapılmış ve ortalamalar LSD testine göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Denemede iki farklı tarihlerinde 14 Aralık 2018 ve 20 Kasım 2018 tarihlerinde ölçümle yapılmıştır. Ayrıca denemede bitki boyu, gövde çapı, yaprak genişliği, bitki genişliği ve kök kuru madde oranı ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak deneme arasında istatistiksel olarak farklılık görülmüştür. Buna göre Gümüş nanopartikülerin 50 ppm kullandığımız dozunda denememizde en iyi şekilde etkili olmuştur


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    This study was conducted for determining drought tolerance in melon genotypes. In order to reduce the negative effects of the climatic changes on vegetable production, new melon cultivars that are tolerant to water stress are being developing. For this purpose, 9 melon genotypes that were previously found as drought tolerant have been tested in field conditions. In order to determine field performance of the melon genotypes three irrigation treatments with different water levels have been realized; 100% (control), 50% and 0% irrigations. In 50% and 0% irrigated plants, the above mentioned parameters have been compared versus their control plants. Some Physiological parameters were investigated. The investigated parameters were: Total fruit yield (kg/ha), brix in fruit (%), leaf stoma conductance (mmol/m(2)/s), membrane damage on leaf cells (%), leaf water potential (MPa), leaf osmotic potential (MPa), leaf temperature (degrees C), K and Ca concentrations in leaf (%), water use efficiency (g/Liter) of the genotypes According to the results melon genotypes were sorted from highest to lowest levels for their stress tolerance

    Response of lettuce to silver nanoparticles under drought conditions

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    Nano-fertilization is an emerging technology to improve agricultural productivity under diverse ecosystems. Our study was conducted to investigate the effects of foliar fertilization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the growth, enzyme activities and water use efficiency (WUE) of lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L.) under drought conditions. A pot culture study with 4 AgNPs rates x 2 stress levels in a factorial combination of randomized complete block (RCB) design was conducted. The AgNPs levels were 0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/L) were imposed on lettuce seedlings under ambient and simulated drought (similar to 50% field moisture capacity of soil) conditions. Lettuce plant height, total yields, leaf relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll content, membrane injury (MII), glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), carboxylesterase (CaE), total phenolics and flavonoids and WUE were determined and/or calculated. The results showed that GST activity reduced in treatments of AgNPs + stress compared to stressed plants. In treatment of 100 mg L-1 AgNPs + stress, GR activity increased in treatments of 25, 50 and 75 mg L-1 AgNPs, but showed a significant decrease in 100 mg L-1 AgNPs + stress. CaE activity enhanced in 100 mg L(-1 )AgNPs + stress (about 1.55-fold) compared to stressed plants. Total flavonoid and phenolic contents were the highest in 50 mg L-1 AgNPs + stress. It was not obtained significant effects in the WUE rates. In 100 mg L-1 AgNPs, MII rates were the highest, and RWC rates were the lowest. Leaf width, plant height and total yield decreased at doses of AgNPs

    Silicon-induced Salinity Tolerance Improves Photosynthesis, Leaf Water Status, Membrane Stability, and Growth in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Salt stress is a major problem worldwide because it decreases yields of many important agricultural crops. Silicon is the second-most abundant element in soil and has numerous beneficial effects on plants, particularly in alleviating stress-related impacts. Pepper is an important crop in the Mediterranean region, but pepper varieties differ in their salinity tolerances. The objective of this research was to test the ability of silicon to mitigate effects of salt stress in both salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant cultivars. Salt damage was evaluated by measuring biomass, photosynthetic-related variables, leaf water potential, and membrane damage. We found that the addition of silicon solute to a growth medium was highly effective in improving plant growth by enhancing photosynthesis, stomatal conductance (g(S)), leaf water status, and membrane stability, which in turn led to higher biomass production in salt-stressed pepper plants, especially in a salt-sensitive cultivar. From an agronomic viewpoint, application of Si may provide economically relevant productivity improvements for salt-sensitive pepper genotypes grown under moderate salinity conditions and for salt-tolerant genotype grown under higher-salinity conditions

    Pollen quality, pollen production and yield of some tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genotypes under high temperature stress in Eastern Mediterranean

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    Pollen quality, pollen production and yield of different high temperature tolerant tomato genotypes were evaluated under Adana, Turkey conditions in two different periods. The control treatment (normal sown, where day/night temperatures during the vegetative and generative stage are below 32/20 degrees C) of the first period started on February 20, 2015. The seedlings in the second period were planted on May 15, 2015. The performances of twenty-four tomato genotypes (resistant and sensitive commercial genotypes) were compared to determine high temperature resistant and sensitive tomato genotypes. Significant relationship was obtained between the yield and the number of pollens. The results of the experiment revealed that 'Tom173', 'Tom119' and 'T15656' genotypes were more resistant, while 'Tom108' and 'Tom10' genotypes were more sensitive compared to the other tomato genotypes tested in the experiment

    Impact of Salt-tolerant Rootstock on the Enhancement of Sensitive Tomato Plant Responses to Salinity

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    . In the present study, salt-tolerant (Tom 174) and sensitive (Tom 121) tomato genotypes were grafted onto their own roots (174/174 and 121/121), and a susceptible genotype was also grafted onto tolerant genotype 121/174. The grafted plants were grown under 50 mM NaCl and control conditions in a greenhouse. Plant physiological parameters, fruit yield, and physical measurements of fruit (e.g., weight, height, diameter, volume), and chemical analysis of fruit (e.g., vitamin C, pH, and total dry matter content) were investigated. When the sensitive genotype was grafted onto tolerant genotype 121/174, the tolerant genotype Tom 174 reduced the yield loss of susceptible genotype from 44% to 3%. Also, fruit size, total dry matter content, and vitamin C increased, while pH decreased under saline conditions. The rootstock Tom 174 seemed to be able to control sensitive scions’ stomatal openness and closure for transpiration and CO2 transition on photosynthesis because dry matter content was increased. It was found that the tolerant genotype played a role in ameliorating leaf osmotic adjustment of the sensitive genotype in grafting under salt stress. The combination 121/174 had the lowest Na+ concentration in young leaves. Thus, the tolerant rootstock Tom 174 decreased the transport of accumulation of Na+ ions to young leaves in this grafting combination

    Screening of High Temperature Tolerant Tomato Genotypes for Their Fruit Mineral Content

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    Agriculture is at the forefront of the sectors that will be most affected by climate change. It is inevitable that Turkey is exposed to the negative effects of climate change due to its geographical location. The development of new high temperature tolerant varieties is seen as an important economic measure in the adaptation to climate change. In this study, heat temparature tolerant tomato genotypes were investigated for their fruit mineral content. For this purpose, twenty tolerant tomatoes from the gene pool of the Çukurova University, Department of Horticulture the and two commerical cultivars were grown in the open field conditions during 2016 spring and summer periods in Adana, Turkey. Tomato fruits grown under control and high temperature stresses conditions were analyzed for phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. According to heat stress effects on the tomato fruit mineral content, the macronutrients were ordered P, K, Ca, Mg from the least affected to the most affected. Moreover, the micro-nutrients were ordered Cu, Fe and Zn from the least affected to the most affected. In the present study heat tolerant tomato genotypes showed better performance and their mineral content most cases were higher than mineral content of the control trade cultivars

    Screening of Tomatoes for Their Resistance to Salinity and Drought Stress

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    In the study, 55 tomato genotypes have been investigated for their responses against salinity stresses in 48 day old early plant growth stage. For these purposes, several morphological and physiological measurements and analysis have been done in stressed plants. Shoot and root dry weights, plant height, leaf number, leaf area, relative water content, stomatal conductance, leaf osmotic potential, leaf water potential, shoot K, Ca and Cl concentrations were measured and analyzed. Salt and drought tolerant and sensitive (intolerant) genotypes have been found out according to the responses of the tomato genotypes to the above mentioned morphological and physiological parameters. At the end of the study, the fifty-five tomato genotypes were classified as tolerant, mildly tolerant or susceptible. Shoot dry weight, plant total leaf area, leaf water potential, leaf osmotic potential, stomatal conductance, K, Ca, Na and Cl concentrations in shoot and root, K/Na, Ca/Na, membrane injury index and visual appearance of damages were more relevant parameter for screening studies. Keywords: Stress, saline, water, tolerance, selection, breedin